Thursday, May 29, 2014

When We Truly Feel Love

it is when we truly feel love that we find balance in our lives. it is when we truly feel love that we are able to embrace the heart of humanity. it is when we truly feel love that we awaken and transform. it is when we truly feel love for ourself that we are able to truly feel love for others. i love you. truly i do.

alignment with soul and spirit provides sacred guidance and creates intentions of a higher purpose.

more awareness and understanding creates healing energy which enables us to evolve and grow in ways that manifest as an empowered life of transformative moments.

when we make an effort to explore and discover the true beauty of life we make profound spiritual connections which lead to healing experiences and a divine way of living born of love.

there are portals of transformation and places of gratitude within us which facilitate growth and wholeness when we are brave enough to venture within and courageous enough to believe.

my inner child frolics in the sand. my inner child skips stones in the lake. my inner child likes to explore and discover. my inner child sings and dances. my inner child laughs at the silliest things. my inner child is always saying i love you. i think i will invite my inner child out to play.

the highest light vibration radiates from those who are dedicated to personal growth and making a positive difference. believe in yourself and you empower your life and the world around you.

by making compassionate choices and helping others heal we create a new way of being that serves the greater good of all as it raises our spirit to higher levels of joy and happiness.

positive healthy beliefs awaken possibilities and improve the quality of your life. they allow you to experience healing energy and discover your true essence. believe in yourself and the divine within you will shine bright for all the world to see.

you are a catalyst for healing. you have the ability to empower others. you are a kind and generous being embraced by the light of spirit. you are one who blossoms from within every time you smile. you are intuitive, insightful and inspiring. this is who you are. i love who you are.

bring yourself into alignment with the light of your soul and believe deeply that each moment spent loving yourself and others is a joyous celebration of the true beauty of life.

life if lived fully is a wondrous experience of infinite possibilities. travel the path inward and embrace your true beauty that you may travel outward and share your love with all humanity.

i love to love for when i love it inspires others to love me back which makes my love grow in ways that move me to love myself that i may in turn teach others to love themselves that we may come together in love and love each other and all living things as we immerse ourselves in loving energy for to live is to love and to love is to live. i love you.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

An Evening with Angels

Frantastic Health

The Sunlight of Beauty and Bliss

come with me to a shamanic garden where together we will explore unseen realities as we aspire to realize our highest vision and reach our highest self. walk with me through sacred landscapes where we will cultivate self awareness that we may achieve a deep profound spiritual state where every step is transformative. journey with me to paradise where we will spend our days dancing in the sunlight of beauty and bliss. come with me.

i love you. those words are joyfully liberating. they are the key that unlocks the door to happiness. if we criticized less and loved more the world would be a better place. if we used words as tools for transformation instead of weapons of destruction our lives would be better for it. let today be the day that you make the choice to act in kindness instead of anger and compassion instead of hate. i love you. i love you. i love you...

deep within your soul the light of love radiates freely and it is when you release that light into the world that you facilitate deep transformation and experience more joy.

every time we smile it brings us closer to the divine. every time we share our love we touch the face of god. every time we show ourself the same compassion we show others we are embraced by the heavens. the better we are to ourself and others the more sacred and beautiful our life will be.

life is about exploration and transformation. with loving purpose explore the beauty of your true self that you may transform into the divine butterfly of bliss and happiness that is your destiny.

you are a loving presence. a benevolent spiritual force. a supportive guide devoted to helping others. a being of light on a path of inspiration. this is who you are. feel the positive vibration of spirit and be who you are.

we are explorers of spirit. a deeper more meaningful life is ours when we reach beyond our boundaries into other realms and dimensions. it is through exploration of spirit that we see the light of love, find our true purpose and make our life a beautiful message that enlightens all.

live life better. smile more. sing more. dance more. live life better. laugh more. experiment more. explore more. live life better. celebrate more. believe more. love more. live life better.

discover the strength within and you discover your life plan and soul purpose. once one realizes how much power and positive energy they have inside they elevate their spirit and walk towards a brighter tomorrow.

i took the time to look within and found a treasure trove of blessings. i found spiritual healing gifts, sacred soul wisdom, gentle loving energy and divine self love. i took the time to look within and discovered that i am a higher dimensional being capable of great things. look within. there are miracles there.

by accepting that you are a powerful and radiant soul you assist humanity for it is when we realize how truly special a gift we are that we begin to touch the lives of others in ways profound.

seek to bring joy to every soul you touch and yours will be a path of love and light where seeds of transformation grow into gardens of happiness and fields of divine bliss.

walk with me along positive energy pathways to a place of true and lasting love where flowers of joy and happiness blossom in ways that nurture and uplift. please walk with me.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, May 9, 2014

Firewalk at Angels Landing

Awaken and become Self Aware

you have within you the power to awaken and become self aware. once we are aware of our greatness we embark on a path of spiritual revelation which will bless us in ways that make ours a nurturing and loving life of beauty and bliss.

we are beings of pure light impassioned and motivated by the spirit of joy and by embracing our true self and freeing our divine light we heal ourselves and transform our lives into something sacred and beautiful.

loving yourself is a beautiful way to heal. when we love who we are we experience our higher self. we are alive, awake and aware when we show ourselves kindness. listen to your angels, guides and helpers for they are a reflection of the love that lives within you. by showing yourself the caring and compassion you deserve you create a joy filled environment that uplifts mind, body, spirit and soul. you are loved by others and the time has come for you to love yourself.

inspire change. inspire personal growth. lift your spirit and share your beautiful soul with the universe. you are a blessing and by believing in the beauty of your true self you inspire others as well as yourself.

to be cradled lovingly in the warm embrace of one who sees you for who you truly are is to be at one with the universe. i see your beauty and open my arms. i see your light and open my soul. i see your love and open my heart.

to live simply is to live an extraordinary life. to live without stress is exceptional. to live without anger is phenomenal. to live without prejudice is marvelous. to live without hatred is magnificent. to live without anxiety is glorious. it is when we remove the negatives from our existence that we begin to live the love that is our birthright. to live simply is to live an extraordinary life.

change your thoughts and you change your life. the more positive your thoughts are the broader your horizons will be. think yourself gloriously alive and bask in the beauty of your true self.

express your goodness in ways that make the heart sing and you will awaken the sacred within as you forge a path of wellness and joy.

breathe in peace. make your life a message of caring and compassion. commit to inspiring your journey with positive prayer. shine your inner light that it may illuminate the beauty of the human spirit. your choices change your life and the lives of those around you. choose a divine life purpose that you create yourself from love and kindness.

with positive thoughts we open ourselves to messages from spirit and energy from a higher source. how we think determines whether we contribute profoundly to life and make a meaningful difference. think joy. think peace. think happiness. think beauty. think bliss. think kindness. think love. think love. think love.....

love yourself and you change your world forever. believe in yourself and you open the door to extraordinary accomplishments. be who you are not who others want you to be for you are beautiful and you are a blessing.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )