Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Walk a Path of Light through Fields of Energy

our innate intuitive intelligence naturally unfolds into our life when we walk a path of light through fields of energy to sacred vortexes where happiness and bliss await our arrival home.

breathe the magick of the gentle beauty which resonates within your sacred self and yours will be a life of greater well being immersed in the spirit of love.

a profound appreciation for life and its countless blessings will guide us to beautiful experiences, empowering relationships and soul enriching events that bring peace and joy into our world.

a greater sense of well being comes to us when we embrace our divine essence with inspired goodness.

you are a radiant source of light with natural healing powers and countless blessings who when you keep your heart open has the ability to change lives for the better.

today let us create a new reality of ethereal moments and sacred relationships where we live our truth and feel our joy.

enlightened by the divine are those who see each and every encounter along the way as something beautiful and miraculous.

we grow spiritually through purposeful living that is loving and supportive.

we honor our evolution and cosmic destiny when we use our infinite power to enlighten consciousness and manifest happiness.

the heavens exist and if you open your pure heart to their celestial messages you will transform your whole life.

ours is an extraordinary story of spiritual discovery where grace, beauty, lightness and joy are waves of creation that shape our divine destiny.

embrace each experience with the power of positive intent and you enhance your sacred journey in ways that profoundly touch the soul.

higher intentions elevate our spirit to a happy harmonious place of divine joy and bliss where the empowering energy of an all encompassing love transforms our journey into something sacred and beautiful.

we are forces of light whose powerful energies and goodness of spirit open the mind and heart to infinite possibilities that elevate the soul of humanity.

the realization of the importance of kindness purifies the spirit with a healing light of infinite love.

look with remarkable clarity at your true soul self and you will see a divine light shining on your inner greatness.

pure, natural and clear intentions inspire the higher source within to lead us beyond expectation to where truths are unveiled that move us to create a soul centered life of wholeheartedness.

compassionate actions awaken the soul making ours a life affirming journey guided and directed by spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 14, 2017

See Clearly the Glorious and Beautiful aspects of your Existence

wonderful enlightening experiences which are infinitely inspiring happen every day. our task is to remove all the obstacles in our way that we may see clearly the glorious and beautiful aspects of our existence.

you are a gift to humankind whose generous radiant soul and intuitive spirit have a divinely beneficial impact on the world around you.

build your home with a spiritual foundation and fill every room with light and love.

within you are reservoirs of profound gentleness and wellsprings of holistic beauty which when set free into the universe create a manifest a path of ascension and positive meaningful change.

embrace your truth, awaken your potential and let the vibrations of love alive within your soul unfurl for you a profound path of personal transformation.

open your pure peaceful heart to the reality that you are a beautiful light being of sacred design.

i pray at my inner temple and i am immersed in the heart of grace where angelic messages of love guide me to cherish and celebrate the greatness, glory and beauty of my divine existence.

positive satisfying relationships come to us when we walk visionary pathways to mystical realms where the vibrations of the universe carry us home to who we really are.

within the core of our authentic self are curative forces which when unleashed ground us spiritually while helping us grow and prosper into beautiful beings of light.

beautiful beings may you bless this world by embracing the spirit of giving for it is when we give fully of our sacred gifts that we make magickal discoveries which create for us a peaceful atmosphere that enhances the heart and soul of who we are.

open minded awareness of the beauty around us creates enlightening encounters that deeply connect us with a world of wonders which open gateways to a more miraculous and meaningful life.

start living your truth for the truth is that you are a pure and wonderful being of light whose very essence is a powerfully inspiring blessing that nourishes the soul of humanity.

authentic truthful inspirational guidance comes from within and unfolds into our lives when we focus on the divine beauty of our existence and make it our path and purpose to bless the world with its sacred glory.

i listen with an open heart because i come to you from a place of love where inner peace and joy dance in the brightly shining light of all that is sacred.

today i will be courageous enough to love the person i am.

i feel more empowered when i listen to my spirit guides and angels for they remind me that i am a most precious gift which when shared opens the gates to love.

change the course of your life by uncovering your deep inner truths and using their mystical powers and loving energy to create a nurturing environment that shines a light on the true sacred beauty of who you are.

who are you spiritually? this is a question when answered that will inspire and empower every aspect of your life for you are more spiritual that you are aware of. you are a sacred being of love born to bless the world with light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Holistic Heart Centered Living

joy and well being are the absolutely magickal rewards that come to us when we make a conscious effort to make our journey one of holistic heart centered living.

life is a sacred education and by opening ourselves fully to the joy of learning our world is changed in spiritually energetic ways that lead us on a journey to complete wellness.

in majestic meadows i frolic in the warm sunshine of the souls love while ancient and modern wisdom dance within the core of my sacred being.

create a place of sacredness where you may experience a deeper connection with your sacred self and yours will be a path of poetic alchemy in which you live through your heart as you are embraced with personal peace and wellness.

beautiful things come to those who use their natural powers and universal life force energy to make mindful choices that benefit all and contribute to the greater good.

embrace who you truly are and you will grow with courage as you cultivate a sacred life that opens the heart and spirit.

wise and powerful are those who realize that theirs is an extraordinary story and life is a celebration of love.

true understanding of your authentic spiritual self fosters positive growth and sacred living.

you have within you intuitive gifts which when used purify and uplift your journey with powerful waves of profound spiritual transformation.

ours is a celestial adventure and by loving and accepting ourselves we attract an abundance of joy that expands our awareness and rejuvenates the heart and soul.

a sincere smile is a stunningly beautiful pure expression of love that fills the world with spiritual vibrations which enlighten and sacred blessings that nourish.

choose to be kind as kindness empowers our life with simple pleasures that make us feel good about who we are.

yours is a totally unique journey embraced by the energy of the universe in which the eyes of the soul sparkle whenever you share the gift of who you are to inspire personal growth and a true love for people.

we experience miraculous and magickal things when we cultivate true love and kindness.

in the desert i grow, in the darkness i shine and in the wilderness of my existence i survive. i am a precious soul and i am meant to be here.

focus on your blessings and you will be grateful to be alive for you are a sacred vibrational being of light whose blessings are many.

look deeply into the heart of who you are and you will discover your inner life force whose radiant power will inspire you to embrace and accept the joy that is your birthright.

speak your truth with an open heart as you love yourself completely and your path will be cleared and purified with blessings from the universe.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One