Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I Enjoy Simply Being Alive

I enjoy simply being alive. I rejoice in the beauty of a smile on the face of a child. I celebrate the magnificence of the women of the world. I honor and appreciate good honest men. I dance in the sunlight of kindness and compassion. I enjoy simply being alive.

when you touch someones heart in a sacred way you awaken them to awareness which shines a light on a path of kindness that leads them home to love.

I made somebody smile last night and there smile lit the sky with a joy that attached itself to a shooting star which scattered its beauty across the universe.

the kinder and gentler we are the more we are of service to humanity for when we share our loving essence with others we create waves of positive energy that reach far beyond our imagination.

it is by accepting advice from spirit that I live more freely as doing so helps me feel fully alive as I walk a path of poetic beauty to my true sacred essence.

live a spiritual life in which you share your deep loving essence in ways that positively impact your life and the lives of others as this will create a path of enlivening experiences that enrich the heart and soul.

discover who you truly are and yours will be a life in which positive energy flows freely into every aspect of your existence as it awakens the sacred within.

joyous is the heart that lights up the world with love for it is an ethereal gift of sacred significance which rains down bliss and happiness on the soul of humanity.

may yours be a gratifying journey in which you treat yourself with love and compassion as you create a destiny which radiates your true sacred beauty.

the intention to shape and nurture our lives with kindness and compassion is a blessing that lights the path of Love and makes every moment a work of heart.

you have gifts and treasures to share and by doing so you enliven, enrich and enlighten your life which emboldens your adventure and makes every day worth living and every moment worth loving.

turn the spiritual light on and you will see clearly just how blessed and beautiful you truly are.

I was playing with my unicorn when somebody questioned the reality of my beliefs which I ignored as I threw my dogma a bone.

I have an intense spirit and an aggressive soul which guide me to live my highest self and share my light with the world as I embrace all that is sacred.

connect to what truly matters and something beautiful will happen which will shower you with blessings of light and inspire you to blossom into a being of great joy and happiness.

today I will go to where miracles grow so that I can see how they are formed and then use that knowledge to create my own and share them with each and every person I meet.

a greater sense of joy comes to us when we allow things to flow naturally and carry us home to our true spiritual self.

radiant is the light within that shines when we lovingly nurture ourselves and others as we embrace every moment of every day with the best of who we are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Radiant is the Light Within

radiant is the light within that shines when we lovingly nurture ourselves and others as we embrace every moment of every day with the best of who we are.

a greater sense of joy comes to us when we allow things to flow naturally and carry us home to our true spiritual self.

we are eternal and divine beings and when we live this truth we begin to see love everywhere and experience the sacred in everything.

express your sacred beliefs by embracing the good in life as you live your blessings and yours will be an unfolding path of joy, happiness, beauty and bliss.

it is by making choices that enhance the quality of life that we evolve our journey into one of profound loving experiences that open gateways to the miraculous.

you bring love and light into your life when you walk a path of spirit in which you accept your greatness and live your true sacred destiny.

you are at your core a being of poetic beauty who is powerful beyond measure and by embracing this truth you begin to build a foundation of joy rooted in love that connects you to your sacred essence and divine destiny.

create the happiness you desire by using the sacred threads of ancient wisdom within to make your life a beautiful tapestry of light and a limitless wellspring of love.

there are angels all around waiting to help you and it is the simple awareness and acceptance of this truth that will inspire them to share their extraordinary spiritual gifts.

I wish for you a purpose filled path of absolute pleasure where you use your divine healing energies to inspire spiritual growth and invoke all that is sacred.

deep in the heart of every being are blessings and miracles of divine abundance waiting for our arrival home to our true sacred self.

we begin to experience greater joy when we engage in loving relationships that purify our energy while beautifying the heart and soul of who we truly are.

I found the light and experienced greater joy and happiness the moment I truly fell in love with life.

I hope you are aware of the extraordinary significance of your life and of the special contribution you make to the world every time you share your love and light.

embrace the infinite in beautiful heartfelt ways and yours will be a brighter future in which you awaken to your higher self as you venture into a world of spirit.

positive happy people bring out the beauty in life and inspire within us miraculous transformations that liberate and enlighten our world.

the essence of love within is a blessing which when shared brings balance and harmony to life.

greater intentions foster greater actions which makes ours a life of impact that inspires positive change and brings light to the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

We are Ancient Beings woven by Spirit

we are ancient beings woven by spirit with a deep capacity for love whose path and purpose are uniquely transformative blessings that impact our world in profoundly positive ways.

engage the deepest parts of yourself and you will discover universal powers which spiritually improve and inspire every aspect of your existence.

you are a powerful life force whose beautiful loving spirit is a blessing that nourishes, nurtures, inspires and enlightens.

love is your true nature and by sharing its beauty with others you radiate light as you lift the atmosphere in ways which embrace the infinite with life changing realizations that inspire joyous well being.

nourish yourself with inspirational experiences that embrace the heart and yours will be a loving journey of greater happiness that opens gateways to higher realms of love and light.

you are a truly miraculous being and when you accept this reality you connect to your light and life becomes a treasure trove of sacred experiences.

in the spirit of love awaken this day with the intention of celebrating life and activating your higher consciousness as you live your dreams and visions.

transcendent is the truth that you are a celestial being of cosmic beauty whose unique essence blesses the universe with light and love.

be more sensitive to your needs by living each moment with pure love as your guide and positive intention as your sacred companion.

embark on a journey of truth where you uncover your hidden gifts and use them to embrace the world with the beautiful lightness of your being.

you have the power to transform and the more aware you are of this reality the more likely it is that you will hear the voice of spirit and walk a sacred path that unfolds into enlightenment.

within the heart of my reality is a place of light where the love powered energy of my sacred essence awakens me to a consciousness of divine truth which inspires me to help others thrive as I help myself create the life I deserve.

you are a precious resource who with every smile serves humanity a dinner of divine inspiration that nourishes the heart and soul.

the healing power of love is a magnificent gift which when shared embraces our path with a spiritual light that makes ours a miraculous journey of joy and bliss.

nourished and enlightened are they who with meaningful purpose see clearly the beauty of life and share that sacred blessing with every soul they meet.

dedicate each day to connecting with spirit minded souls in beautiful ways and you will find joy and serenity as you ascend to a place of pure love and light.

powerfully enlightening is the life force energy that resides within for it is a blessing which when truly embraced helps us to create a life rooted in love.

a pure life blessed with beauty is ours when we make it our intention to walk a path that serves the betterment of all in ways that cultivate spiritual enlightenment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, December 7, 2017

I was Awakened by my Higher Self Today

I was awakened by my higher self today which inspired within me a deep transformation that has motivated me to celebrate being alive by loving myself and others in immeasurable ways that embrace the world with gentleness and generosity.

miracles happen when we make it our intention to serve humanity to the fullest. helping others manifests joy while nurturing the divine.

let love help you heal. let a smile illuminate your path. let a laugh ease your load. the quality of life improves when we allow simple pleasures to raise our spirit and enlighten our soul.

cherish yourself for you are a special gift whose eternal light awakens joy and embraces bliss bliss while giving birth to beautiful new realities.

share your uniquely precious essence with the world as the beauty of who you are will open minds, touch hearts and inspire souls in ways that make each moment alive with spirit.

may yours be a poetic reality in which you live beautifully as your flowering spirit awakens you to the true joy of life.

it was at the moment that I began to truly believe that I deserved better that I started to find inspiration in every breath and my heart opened completely to the true beauty of life.

bliss exists for I have seen it in the face of a child and watched its beauty turn into a smile that embraced life with joy.

create with me a tapestry of spirit that smiles joyously at the soul nourishing adventure that is life and ours will be a more loving relationship with the world.

open doorways of awareness and gateways of awakening as these are actions of light and love that will inspire you to blossom fully into the sacred flower touched by grace that is your destiny.

a life graced with love is a blessing that embraces the truth, beauty and wisdom imprinted on the heart and releases it into the atmosphere of our existence in joyfully compassionate ways.

energy flows freely from the soul when we shine our spiritual healing light on others for by doing so we begin to breathe in the joy and beauty of our glorious existence.

the time has come to give birth to the beauty within the womb of your soul that all the world may see and experience the glory and greatness of your true sacred self.

we begin to awaken to the beauty and truth of our sacred existence when we seek to contribute positively to the world as we venture joyously into the heart of love.

in your heart there are miracles which are released into the world when you show yourself and others love, compassion and kindness.

walk with me where friendship blooms and together we will plant seeds of hope and inspiration from which abundant creative energy will flow that will transform our world.

let love light the way ahead and you will see blessings along your path that awaken the spirit and embrace your life with feelings of bliss.

breathe new life into your journey and open your heart to new experiences of love. the world you want is yours to create.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 30, 2017

I am thankful on this Day for my Unwavering Belief in Love

I am thankful on this day for my unwavering belief in love for it is love that transformed my life and helped me become the sweet sacred soul I was born to be.

enjoy the beauty of your existence for you are at your core a sacred work of art whose heart and soul are breathtaking masterpieces of heavenly light.

I have multiple spiritualities and each one purifies and energizes every aspect of my sweet sacred existence.

you improve the quality of your life when the faith you have in yourself is strong and the love you have for yourself is unconditional.

thank you said the spirit, you're welcome said the soul and bless you both said the heart. these are the words I hear when I listen to the voices within.

immerse yourself in the curative powers of the soul and you will blossom in unique and amazing ways that fill each moment with love and light.

may yours be a miraculous journey of spiritual healing where with higher purpose and vision you connect with others in ways that enrich and enhance your experience of being alive.

we are shamans and mystics with the ability to uplift humanity and transform our world. to do so we must first believe that we are shamans and mystics with the ability to uplift humanity and transform our world.

we heal, grow, awaken and evolve into mystical beings of conscious intention when with love and gratitude we honor and embrace the true miracle of the self.

sail with me on seas of spirit where sacred winds guide us beyond our reality to worlds of greater joy and happiness where we truly experience the miracle of our existence.

the pure positive energy of the heart when shared gives us a more meaningful experience of life which leads us beyond our reality to sacred realms and divine dimensions.

in service to the light I share the sacredness within for I am a being of infinite love that is here to do good.

weave with me a unique and illuminating tapestry of sacred beauty that honours mother earth and embraces the powers of the universe.

I have awakened on this day with the intention of being love and the awareness that I am a force of light who has the ability to touch the heart and soul of humanity.

within you are sacred gifts and when you open those gifts you discover true peace and happiness.

miraculous things occur when we devote our life to serving others for kindness and compassion are seeds of spirit from which miracles grow.

listen to your angels for they will help you find the love within which will awaken your purpose and change your life in meaningful ways that guide you toward the light.

the journey of life is about becoming whole and the more you love yourself the sooner you blossom into wholeness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Ride the Waves of your Innate Goodness

ride the waves of your innate goodness home to that place in the heart where kindness and compassion await your arrival home to your true self.

by being wide open and receptive to life we awaken the heart and connect to the divine which moves us forward positively toward the heavens of our dreams.

you are at any time capable of guiding your own journey in any direction you desire.

engage with others in meaningful ways that light the sky with joyful beauty and you will ascend to a place of spiritual purity where true love is sown into the fabric of your existence.

greater happiness is a choice we make that connects us to our higher self and guides us on a journey of light that raises our vibration while bringing love and joy to everyone.

let yourself blossom as doing so will enhance your spirit and bring peace to your heart.

it was when I decided to live my radiance that the light within illuminated for me a path of mystical experiences and miraculous truths that made mine an extraordinary story of ecstatic awareness and esoteric awakening.

deepening our spirituality opens us to the souls healing powers which creates for us a sacred environment of ethereal beauty and infinite blessings.

there are wellsprings of love within us which unfold into our lives when we open our heart and soul to others in uplifting ways that bring greater joy and happiness to all.

the miracle of self is that at any given moment we can choose to heal, evolve and change our state of being.

explore your sacred spiritual gifts by looking beyond what you can see for it is in other realms and dimensions that you will discover your higher purpose.

mystical experiences filled with miracles come our way when we holistically and spiritually connect with ourselves, others, the world and the universe.

treat yourself with love and respect for you are a divine messenger of light whose destiny is to know and experience bliss.

compassionate actions are heavenly hugs that illuminate our blessings and make us feel better about ourselves.

you connect to the source by loving yourself and others in ways that create an atmosphere of happiness and an environment of healing.

breathtakingly beautiful are the hearts of those gentle souls whose purpose and passion is helping others.

every moment in time is the time to change for change is a gift of spirit flowing throughout our existence waiting to be embraced and shared.

dance with your true sacred self to the symphony of the spirit and you will be blessed with a loving destiny.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 16, 2017

You Create your Soul Path and Life Purpose

you create your soul path and life purpose. not only do you create it but at any time you can change it. the realization and acceptance that we are masters of our own destiny opens us to the earthly and celestial miracles of life.

help people awaken and become more powerful by blessing them with love and compassion.

positive lifestyle choices bless us with loving energy while opening us to a world of sacred possibilities and divine opportunities.

engage in contemplative practices that draw wisdom from within and your life will change in deeply enriching ways that guide you on a journey towards joy and happiness.

I am having a love affair with spirit and it is a blessing that fills my path with life affirming experiences which inspire me to evolve into a higher being of truth and beauty.

we blossom into awakening when we live and love in unity with all that is sacred.

we have the ability to create miracles in our life. they are called children and they carry within the soul of their being all the hope and happiness needed to make the world a better place.

a vibrant harmonious and enriching life unfolds before us when we commit to having a loving rewarding relationship with our true sacred self.

I stand before you in full beauty as a sacred being with the intention of helping you lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

empower your life with joy. enrich your life with happiness. enlighten your life with love. you and you alone are the master of your fate and you have within you the tools necessary to shape your existence into something sacred and beautiful.

to each and every woman I say my intentions are pure. as a man I honour and celebrate your divine beauty and sacredness. I respect and admire the miracle of your existence. to every man I say let us as sentient beings do our utmost to see that we stand together in unity for those who have been mistreated. the time has come for every soul on earth to say no more. may we all do our utmost to stop the abuse. to each and every woman I say that you are loved. bless you all.

unfolding on your journey at every moment are blessings and miracles. to see them you must open your heart fully and allow your spirit to awaken.

we merge with the sacred when we love, respect and believe in the beauty and miracle of who we truly are.

be sure as you face the challenges life that you see within them the blessings in disguise for it is through spirit that we are able to recognize the miracles that surround us.

explore who you are and you will discover riches and treasures beyond your imagination which will guide you along a path of mystical experiences to a world of spiritual enlightenment.

you are a powerful presence whose spiritual energy makes a positive difference in peoples lives. awaken to your divine purpose by shining your light and sharing your love with all beings on sacred Mother Earth.

a heart entered life helps us see the miracles and blessings around us thereby making it possible to weave a tapestry of beauty, bliss and radiant goodwill.

enhance your life and awaken your soul by loving yourself and walking a blossoming path of spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Your Soul Is Alive With Energy

your soul is alive with energy and by connecting to its radiant brilliance you create a spiritual awareness that shines a caring light on your true sacred beauty.

celebrate your spirit, celebrate your soul, celebrate your heart, celebrate your body and celebrate your mind for you are a sacred blessing to be loved, cherished and celebrated.

a positive healing lifestyle inspires within us the confidence to create the destiny of our choice.

you improve the quality of your life when you cultivate self acceptance as this is an act of kindness and compassion that fills the day with divine loving energy.

live and love more authentically and you will experience feelings of bliss that transform your life holistically and spiritually.

it is when we truly love who we are that we invite miracles into our lives which help us evolve in profoundly positive ways.

within you are delightful blessings of light which purify and heal the heart and soul when you share your passion, purpose and love with others.

we evolve and grow into sacred beings of light when we gather together to learn what makes us different and special.

embrace every experience with love and yours will be a sacred and spiritual journey of beauty and truth that opens gateways to joyous living.

with love and compassion we can create a life of wholeness and happiness overflowing with bliss.

alive with positive energy are we whose passion and purpose are to connect the heart and soul of all humanity.

speak to your heart and let its message of love open up your soul as it guides you to wellness.

with generosity of being i share with you my light and love in the hopes that you will act in kind and bless the world with your sacred essence.

when you live a life of loving tenderness in which you open your heart to others you honor who you are.

the beauty of the soul is pure and perfect. embrace that beauty with loving attentiveness and it will fill your days with life altering experiences that foster well being and manifest happiness.

with care, compassion and a clear vision of your true path, move into the light that all may see and experience the miracle of who you are.

act in greatness, live in glory and love who you are, for you are a sacred being powerful beyond measure who has the ability to inspire and change lives.

life is a pure soul experience of great joy and happiness when we believe in ourselves wholeheartedly as we thoughtfully craft our dreams into realities.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Magickal Gifts within the Core of your Being

amazingly beneficial are the magickal gifts within the core of our being when they are used to create a gentle, peaceful and enchanting environment that opens the heart and soul to the experience of love.

seek truly loving experiences that embrace the essence of who you are in metaphysically nourishing ways that lead you toward wholeness and happiness.

open your sacred toolbox and you will discover tools for spiritual growth with which you can build a foundation of love.

you have at every moment in life the opportunity to serve. you have with every choice the ability to change lives. you have in every instance the chance to shape your destiny. you are the master of your life. you are the answer you have been looking for. you are enough.

listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat and you will hear a pure and powerful song of sacred beauty that will facilitate positive change while embracing you with feelings of joy.

let your spirit soar as this is a truly transformational act of self compassion that will bring more love into your life.

the true path to happiness is one that takes us to a peaceful calming place of metaphysical spirituality and sacred healing where we live in love as we achieve wholeness for all.

empowered, enlightened and energetically cleansed are we sacred souls who live in love and serve the greatest good.

an inspired life of spirit is ours when we look at the world in a positive light as we live consciously with authentic hope and open our heart to love.

look closely at the world within your reach and you will see angels dancing all around in celebration for you are a celestial being of divine light whose every breath is a blessing.

listen to your higher self for its messages will provide you with greater hope for the future while guiding you beyond awakening to the eternal light of self awareness and empowerment.

share the gift of kindness and the powerfully transformational healing energies within and yours will be a life of miracles.

unconditional self love is a beautifully divine blessing of celestial healing which with compassionate clarity we can bless ourselves with at any time we choose.

helping and inspiring others is a beautiful and powerful gift we bestow upon the world that creates an enlightening environment in which love is the deepest truth.

commit to contributing positively to the fabric of life by weaving a world of experiential spirituality where miracles are commonplace and every breath is a blessing of love and light.

an open hearted approach to life is a source of inspiration that helps create something magickal as we embrace an enlightened state of being.

make yours a contemplative journey of spirit in harmony with all life and fill it with deep healing experiences that enlighten your being and bless your soul.

walk a pure and clear path in which you venture deeply into love as you share with the world the true beautiful nature of your being.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Marvel at the Beauty of your Divine Essence

marvel at the beauty of your divine essence and it will reward you greater happiness and well being.

tap into the vibrant vital energies deep within your spirit and yours will be a experiential journey of radical kindness and sacred love that serves and enlightens the heart and soul.

we are blessed with divine energies and ethereal intelligence. by using these gifts to serve the greatest good we move forward with purpose as we bring light to the world.

you embrace your higher consciousness when you use your sacred healing tools to strengthen the life force and create more joy in your life.

it is through belief in who we are that we awaken our intuition and extraordinary abilities while connecting to the universe and becoming a doer of miracles.

take a pilgrimage within and open yourself fully to the power of light and love that awaits you.

tap into the esoteric wisdom at the core of your being as this will guide you to magickal places and visionary realms where healing happens and miracles are commonplace.

follow your passions and they will lead you to lessons of light which will allow you to live more authentically as you embark on a beautiful journey of soul and spirit.

yours is a path of ascension and if you look closely at the road you are on you will discover sacred treasures and empowering messages that will transform every aspect of your existence.

you are gifted in many ways and by using the universal energies of light and love within your soul you create a path of power, purpose and profoundly extraordinary experiences that enrich and enlighten.

from the threads of wisdom weave a compassionate and caring path to higher realms where waves of goodwill cleanse the soul and spirit.

a heart that is free is a true blessing that elevates the spirit to a garden in the heavens where happiness blooms.

something sacred and beautiful occurs when through the spirit of generosity we share our unique gifts, luminous energy and divine treasures with the world.

positive self reflection helps us to see more clearly our extraordinary abilities which nourishes the spirit while creating a passion for life that guides us to healing and wholeness.

simple choices that embrace kindness activate the powerful healing energies within your soul making yours a journey of ecstatic experiences that take you to greater heights of spirit.

engage in spiritually intuitive and healing practices that emanate from a place of self understanding as this will take you to a higher level of holistic well being where you may walk a path of pure bliss.

life is a precious gift. you are a precious gift. open your gifts and create something beautiful that embraces the heart and soul of who you are.

free yourself by honoring the whole you and approaching every aspect of your life from a place of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Divine Flow of the Universe

life altering events that shape our destiny in positive and profound ways occur when we open ourselves fully to the divine flow of the universe.

beauty, truth and insights that inspire evolving joy live within the heart of who we are waiting for us to find our way home.

deep inner exploration creates greater awareness of self which makes life a positively transformational adventure of visionary experiences that celebrate the sacred.

each of us is a beacon of light with gifts and abilities that can make life richer and happier for ourselves and others. trust your inner guidance and it will help you make this a planet of love.

there is healing music within the soul which when listened to creates in us a peaceful manner of being that embraces our life with divine blessings.

awaken more fully to the sacred truth that you are a remarkable being of light and a new reality will unfold in which the energy of the higher self leads you on a harmonious journey of love.

lovingly illuminate and nurture within yourself the presence of divinity and yours will be a higher truth in which you create a compassionate environment of greater happiness.

a life of loving blessings delivered with kindness is a sacred dance where miracles flow as the heavens smile.

by immersing ourselves in uplifting and nurturing relationships we create new realities in which our consciousness flowers in quite extraordinary ways.

you are a powerful being on a unique life path who when you seek to serve humanity leaves a positive energetic imprint that is beneficial to yourself and the world.

embrace self acceptance with a message of love and from the depths of your being you will feel your spirit awaken.

the soul grows and expands when we walk our path lovingly.

with the assistance of angels embrace an energetic state of being in which you venture into spirit as you manifest a wonderful life of clarity, joy and wholeness.

let yours be a powerful message of sacred awareness that promotes the highest good and inspires a natural state of bliss.

there is a radiant rainbow of beauty and truth that illuminates the divine within us which when shared opens doorways to transformation.

miraculous moments and impactful events of light and harmony occur when we immerse ourselves in positive planetary energies that are soulful and uplifting.

new paths emerge when we explore deep levels of self awareness, for the better we understand who we truly are the greater our sense of soul purpose and the more likely we are to live our bliss.

awaken to your sacredness and begin a spiritual journey of heart centered experiences in which you cultivate a joyful existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Spiritually Rich and Powerfully Divine

be aware that you are spiritually rich and powerfully divine for it is the belief and knowledge of our sacredness that makes our life a shining beacon of love.

express deep devotion for your blessings by speaking the language of light and making every moment a celebration of life.

begin your day with a prayer of compassion as this will create for you a sanctuary of sacredness where love pours forth.

awaken into awareness with the knowledge that by using the universal spiritual energy at the core of your being you can reach a higher vibrational state that will fill your life with deeply loving experiences.

joyfully harvest the waves of light within by honoring your inner self and living your truth as you embrace the essence of being alive.

it is by opening our hearts fully to the experience of love that we heal our true selves and become better human beings.

pay attention to your abilities and use their all encompassing light and positive healing forces to embrace your world with heartfelt messages of of love.

within the heart of humanity is a flowering consciousness that opens powerful portals to higher dimensional realities when we express love and gratitude or the miracle of our existence.

allow the divine spark of your sacred self to lovingly move you toward positive passionate people of higher soul presence whose goodness and light inspire within you a blossoming of spirit.

by walking in a positive direction you purify your path making yours a more beautiful spiritual life.

the dawn of a new day is upon us and we who choose to live our greatest good will walk with the divine to a world where light and love prevail.

the more we open our heart and soul to compassion the more we feel like we are living in a miracle.

be kind to yourself in nurturing and compassionate ways that are spiritually resonant.

with compassionate wisdom seek to be a source of pleasure from which flows divine thoughts and sacred actions.

beautiful journeys of spiritual exploration create sweet and joyous environments that open portals and gateways to wondrously exciting new worlds.

deep personal growth and loving transformation come our way when our intention is to benefit others.

bring to light the beauty of the divine reality that you are a celestial being touched by the sweetness of the universal nature of love.

blanket your pathway with positive actions that inspire and yours will be a sacred adventure filled with delightful sensations of spirit where you achieve miracles.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Seek to Serve the Highest Good

a beautifully intimate and illuminating spirituality where love emerges is gifted to us by the universe when we seek to serve the greatest good.

natural miracles occur when we speak directly to spirit as we embrace the eternal divine.

we are each in our own way gods and goddesses with the ability to transcend dimensions and completely transform.

within the sacred consciousness of every being are ancestral memories and by listening to their whispers you will hear messages that will guide you to greater levels of love.

use your magickal tools and elemental energies to open gateways to the mystical where you may immerse yourself in a spirituality of light.

you are an extraordinary creation and by expressing your true self paths will open before you that lead to etheric realms which awaken the love and light within.

you are a super hero with special powers. yours is a magickal life of adventure. you are a being of celestial beauty from the heavens whose soulful essence shines a light of love on sacred mother earth. you are a being of strength and courage who embodies all that is good. you are a super hero.

inspired practices create spiritual realizations and powerful experiences that awaken the love within.

a unique atmosphere of loving intent is created when we use the light within to illuminate those aspects of our sacred self that inspire, motivate, enlighten and empower ourselves and others.

listen to the rhythmic beauty of your sacred heartbeat as it serenades your soul with a song of love.

may yours be a sacred journey to the spirit of love that is filled with mystical moments of beauty and grandeur which purify the heart and soul.

forces of light touched by the divine emerge from within when we use the essence of love for the good of others.

the more deeply you love yourself the more likely you are to come home to your soul where you may live in the flawless purity of true freedom.

our innate metaphysical abilities when used to educate and empower make life a more rewarding experience whose profound benefits create uplifting environments of healing grace where we may joyfully live our sacredness.

beauty is a tool of empowerment which when shared elevates us to celestial levels of spiritual wholeness where miracles unfold with every step we take.

may ours be a beautiful uplifting message of hope and heart filled passion that inspires people to explore deeper spiritual experiences beyond the physical realm.

we make ourselves and others feel safe and grounded when we use the healing energies of true compassion to create a pure positive atmosphere of love and light.

enhance your life by creating new experiences that awaken your natural abilities.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Walk a Path of Light through Fields of Energy

our innate intuitive intelligence naturally unfolds into our life when we walk a path of light through fields of energy to sacred vortexes where happiness and bliss await our arrival home.

breathe the magick of the gentle beauty which resonates within your sacred self and yours will be a life of greater well being immersed in the spirit of love.

a profound appreciation for life and its countless blessings will guide us to beautiful experiences, empowering relationships and soul enriching events that bring peace and joy into our world.

a greater sense of well being comes to us when we embrace our divine essence with inspired goodness.

you are a radiant source of light with natural healing powers and countless blessings who when you keep your heart open has the ability to change lives for the better.

today let us create a new reality of ethereal moments and sacred relationships where we live our truth and feel our joy.

enlightened by the divine are those who see each and every encounter along the way as something beautiful and miraculous.

we grow spiritually through purposeful living that is loving and supportive.

we honor our evolution and cosmic destiny when we use our infinite power to enlighten consciousness and manifest happiness.

the heavens exist and if you open your pure heart to their celestial messages you will transform your whole life.

ours is an extraordinary story of spiritual discovery where grace, beauty, lightness and joy are waves of creation that shape our divine destiny.

embrace each experience with the power of positive intent and you enhance your sacred journey in ways that profoundly touch the soul.

higher intentions elevate our spirit to a happy harmonious place of divine joy and bliss where the empowering energy of an all encompassing love transforms our journey into something sacred and beautiful.

we are forces of light whose powerful energies and goodness of spirit open the mind and heart to infinite possibilities that elevate the soul of humanity.

the realization of the importance of kindness purifies the spirit with a healing light of infinite love.

look with remarkable clarity at your true soul self and you will see a divine light shining on your inner greatness.

pure, natural and clear intentions inspire the higher source within to lead us beyond expectation to where truths are unveiled that move us to create a soul centered life of wholeheartedness.

compassionate actions awaken the soul making ours a life affirming journey guided and directed by spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 14, 2017

See Clearly the Glorious and Beautiful aspects of your Existence

wonderful enlightening experiences which are infinitely inspiring happen every day. our task is to remove all the obstacles in our way that we may see clearly the glorious and beautiful aspects of our existence.

you are a gift to humankind whose generous radiant soul and intuitive spirit have a divinely beneficial impact on the world around you.

build your home with a spiritual foundation and fill every room with light and love.

within you are reservoirs of profound gentleness and wellsprings of holistic beauty which when set free into the universe create a manifest a path of ascension and positive meaningful change.

embrace your truth, awaken your potential and let the vibrations of love alive within your soul unfurl for you a profound path of personal transformation.

open your pure peaceful heart to the reality that you are a beautiful light being of sacred design.

i pray at my inner temple and i am immersed in the heart of grace where angelic messages of love guide me to cherish and celebrate the greatness, glory and beauty of my divine existence.

positive satisfying relationships come to us when we walk visionary pathways to mystical realms where the vibrations of the universe carry us home to who we really are.

within the core of our authentic self are curative forces which when unleashed ground us spiritually while helping us grow and prosper into beautiful beings of light.

beautiful beings may you bless this world by embracing the spirit of giving for it is when we give fully of our sacred gifts that we make magickal discoveries which create for us a peaceful atmosphere that enhances the heart and soul of who we are.

open minded awareness of the beauty around us creates enlightening encounters that deeply connect us with a world of wonders which open gateways to a more miraculous and meaningful life.

start living your truth for the truth is that you are a pure and wonderful being of light whose very essence is a powerfully inspiring blessing that nourishes the soul of humanity.

authentic truthful inspirational guidance comes from within and unfolds into our lives when we focus on the divine beauty of our existence and make it our path and purpose to bless the world with its sacred glory.

i listen with an open heart because i come to you from a place of love where inner peace and joy dance in the brightly shining light of all that is sacred.

today i will be courageous enough to love the person i am.

i feel more empowered when i listen to my spirit guides and angels for they remind me that i am a most precious gift which when shared opens the gates to love.

change the course of your life by uncovering your deep inner truths and using their mystical powers and loving energy to create a nurturing environment that shines a light on the true sacred beauty of who you are.

who are you spiritually? this is a question when answered that will inspire and empower every aspect of your life for you are more spiritual that you are aware of. you are a sacred being of love born to bless the world with light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Holistic Heart Centered Living

joy and well being are the absolutely magickal rewards that come to us when we make a conscious effort to make our journey one of holistic heart centered living.

life is a sacred education and by opening ourselves fully to the joy of learning our world is changed in spiritually energetic ways that lead us on a journey to complete wellness.

in majestic meadows i frolic in the warm sunshine of the souls love while ancient and modern wisdom dance within the core of my sacred being.

create a place of sacredness where you may experience a deeper connection with your sacred self and yours will be a path of poetic alchemy in which you live through your heart as you are embraced with personal peace and wellness.

beautiful things come to those who use their natural powers and universal life force energy to make mindful choices that benefit all and contribute to the greater good.

embrace who you truly are and you will grow with courage as you cultivate a sacred life that opens the heart and spirit.

wise and powerful are those who realize that theirs is an extraordinary story and life is a celebration of love.

true understanding of your authentic spiritual self fosters positive growth and sacred living.

you have within you intuitive gifts which when used purify and uplift your journey with powerful waves of profound spiritual transformation.

ours is a celestial adventure and by loving and accepting ourselves we attract an abundance of joy that expands our awareness and rejuvenates the heart and soul.

a sincere smile is a stunningly beautiful pure expression of love that fills the world with spiritual vibrations which enlighten and sacred blessings that nourish.

choose to be kind as kindness empowers our life with simple pleasures that make us feel good about who we are.

yours is a totally unique journey embraced by the energy of the universe in which the eyes of the soul sparkle whenever you share the gift of who you are to inspire personal growth and a true love for people.

we experience miraculous and magickal things when we cultivate true love and kindness.

in the desert i grow, in the darkness i shine and in the wilderness of my existence i survive. i am a precious soul and i am meant to be here.

focus on your blessings and you will be grateful to be alive for you are a sacred vibrational being of light whose blessings are many.

look deeply into the heart of who you are and you will discover your inner life force whose radiant power will inspire you to embrace and accept the joy that is your birthright.

speak your truth with an open heart as you love yourself completely and your path will be cleared and purified with blessings from the universe.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Gift yourself with the same Love you bestow upon Others

yours is a healing spirit that heals and transforms your life when you gift yourself with the same love you bestow upon others.

a truly awakened life is one of endless possibilities and mystical realities in which you embrace each and every day with those sacred aspects of your cosmic self that are beautiful, bountiful and blessed.

deep within our soul there are deeply transformative tools waiting for us to arrive home and build a new reality free of worry where light flows through every window and love greets us at every door.

courage and kindness help make our journey one of conscious love in which we create an atmosphere of sacred beauty that manifests ecstatic bliss.

you have sacred gifts to contribute to the world and if you begin by bestowing them upon your most magnificent self you free from within rich life force energies of authentic spiritual love.

awareness of spirit creates new possibilities that reveal our cosmic purpose and makes ours a divinely powerful life of love.

when you climb the tree of your life and look closely you see meaning and purpose in every leaf.

awaken to the truth of who you are and share your radiant powers and unique gifts for it is through belief and awareness of self that love emerges naturally from within and our sacred destiny is revealed.

a smile if accepted and shared creates within us a spiritual epiphany that bathes our heart and soul in enlightened awareness and infinite love.

in dreams i travel through cosmic dimensions whose radiant powers fill me with deeper levels of awareness so that when i awake i am immersed in profound universal forces of self liberation and sacred realization that guide me into the light.

the reality of spirit is that it has empowering benefits which are set free into our world when with clarity of intention we devote ourselves to living a deeply compassionate life of love.

we are all miraculous beings of profound inspiration who make the world better when we share our passions and purpose.

open your sacred heart to your deepest heartfelt desires and yours will be a remarkable adventure of evolutionary idealism and positive personal truths that fill your life with kindness, compassion and love.

a soul centered life of compassionate healing that generates beauty is is ours when we inwardly and outwardly give and receive love.

with gentle kindness act on your good intentions and yours will be a far more miraculous path of vibrational harmony and sacred beauty.

mindful exploration of the simple pleasures in life is an act of deep spiritual significance that inspires within us powerful personal change.

it is the choice to live a heart centered life that creates for us a glorious journey whose positive energy stream helps make the world a better place.

we breathe new life into our world and bring forth the beauty within when we cultivate self love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cultivate a Life of Spiritual Freedom

elevate, empower, enrich, enhance, enlighten and enjoy your life. then have breakfast and start your day.

empowerment, liberation and sublime transformation come your way when you love yourself.

our innate loving nature is a powerfully poetic blessing bestowed up on us at birth which flows into our world when we cultivate a life of spiritual freedom and loving kindness.

a positive relationship with the present moment is act of powerful spiritual intention that awakens well being while making us enlightened participants on a journey to the sacred.

be a force of goodness whose compassion flows freely and you will connect to the infinite as you enhance the divinity within.

recognize the significance of the spirit within you and yours will be a more authentic life of divine glory and sacred freedom.

i will spend my time on this sacred earth living and loving for that is my destiny.

live your divinity and yours will be a path of greater fullness and enlightened consciousness where joy and happiness are your constant companions.

the force of evolution is a transcendent reality which when embraced creates within us a deeper sense of unity with the heavens that is good, true and beautiful.

seek within yourself those truths that are passionately beautiful and yours will be a deeply empowering life in which you create remarkable changes that allow you to come into your bliss.

choose to make your intentions spiritual and you become a force of transformation whose life is one of discovery, delight and experiences that enrich.

we are given the gift of life and if we open that gift and look inside we will discover larger aspects of the self that liberate our consciousness and lead us to the light.

enlightening, energizing and extraordinary is the realization that we are an inspired work of art and life is our masterpiece.

the soul is liberated when we venture through loving landscapes of light to a positive personal environment where we live our true divine nature.

love is the elixir of life and we reach the height of spirituality when we drink truthfully, happily and joyously from its cup.

this sacred voyage of love that we are on is a blessing of spiritual enlightenment that powerfully embraces the heart and soul when we set out to walk a healing and purifying path to freedom.

within us are wellsprings of wakefulness which when tapped into inspire us to use our innate healing powers to make this life a dance of creation which celebrates our divinity in ways that transform the world.

open the heart to a sacred life and you facilitate change as you journey toward awakening.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Bathe the Heart and Soul in Healing Waters of Light and Love

speak the language of happiness and you will stir within you positive emotions that bathe the heart and soul in healing waters of light and love.

greater awareness in the moment creates within us a soulful reality that inspires us to set out on a journey of spiritual explorations and divine experiences.

you are blessed by spirit and when you shift your mind to this reality you feel a deep sense of joy that is empowering and nourishing.

moments of ecstasy, compassion and joy come to us when we live our life in a way that is sacred.

higher levels of happiness are reached when we help others find harmony.

walk in the light of spiritual intention and yours will be a connected compassionate path of love where you are grateful to be alive.

may we breathe in humanity as we join our hearts in friendship and bless our world with love.

choices that kindle the fires of pure deep love make ours a meaningful adventure of unyielding moments happiness that enrich and enhance our life.

the heart has within it treasures of loving kindness and compassionate guidance which weave their way into our lives when we make choices that honor the divine beauty of our soul and spirit.

we at any time we so choose can make this a beautiful time of celebration where we rejoice in the sacred waters of inspiration as we manifest a blessed state of bliss.

fully appreciate the wisdom of your guides and angels by reaching beyond your limits to that place of soul transcendence where the reality of spirit connects you to the sacred source of life.

t he power of creation becomes visible to us when we allow ourselves the freedom to shine our true essence on the world.

passionate nurturing relationships teach us that transformation is divine and that we are sacred beings worthy of love.

illuminate the way with a true sense of purpose that embodies love and yours will be an unfolding truth of spiritual blossoming and sacred camaraderie.

mindful self compassion and unwavering devotion to a life of love are blessings that make ours an empowered fulfilling path of glory and goodness.

we are living beings of light with spiritual healing powers who were born to walk this earth in authentic meaningful ways that serve the highest good.

the soul is an empathic and nurturing part of our authentic self whose flow of inspiration creates experiences of inner peace when we show ourselves the love we deserve.

you are truly a gift. an ethereal treasure designed by love whose essence blesses the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Live Your True Spiritual Potential

live wisely. live your true spiritual potential. live lovingly. live your total self. live joyously. live in service to humanity. it is your life to live so live it in a manner that brings you the greatest happiness.

there is soul based energy within you which when discovered becomes a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation.

nurture and nourish your heart for a healthier heart attracts rewarding relationships that open us to a world of spirit where we experience tremendous love.

use the power within to fuel your life with optimism and positivity as this will create an atmosphere of miraculous blessings.

look at life from a spiritual perspective as this will restore balance to your being.

shape your life in unique ways that foster positive growth and yours will be a world of soul soothing experiences and sacred encounters that light a path to meaning and contentment.

ride the waves of the intuitive energies flowing freely within and you will be guided to a place of purification where you may live in the light of true sacred beauty.

spiritual inclinations and intentions bring us balance, harmony, greater good fortune and ultimate personal growth.

your vibrational essence has great healing powers and by making compassionate choices those blessings make their way into every aspect of your existence which creates a higher quality of life.

give more love to yourself and your sacred beauty will blossom in ways that make you feel more open and alive.

metaphysical wellness and greater wellbeing come our way when we communicate with spirit the true glory of our existence.

embrace the oceans of energy within and your journey will be one of self healing and empowerment.

emotional and spiritual wellbeing comes to us when we use our innate healing powers to gently and compassionately create practices that enrich and empower our life and the lives of others.

spiritual encounters are sacred blessings that create within us a higher vibration of love.

we evolve at a soul level when we care four ourselves lovingly and spiritually.

live your true purpose by allowing the love, joy and purity of energy within your heart to touch and transform the world around you.

listen to the whispers of your spirit and the voice of your soul and they will embrace your life with profound messages of love that guide you along a blissful path of discovery to a sacred environment of joy and happiness.

we accelerate our spiritual growth and discover deeper meaning in life when we look at ourselves holistically as doing so awakens the profound beauty and sacred healing energy alive within us.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Live Each Moment In A Place Of Love

mine became a more rewarding existence when i made the choice to live each moment in a place of love.

a higher state of radical awareness that serves as a source of inspiration is ours when we make karmic choices that ignite the sacred within.

allow love to flow through you and yours becomes an inspired life woven into the universe with heavenly light.

listen to your ethereal guides and they will take you on a heart opening journey along angelic pathways to your true immortal self.

use your intuitive gifts and holistic energies to walk through the light into a brand new world of powerful insights and greater awareness.

a uniquely authentic life of beauty is yours when you connect lovingly with your spiritual self.

it is by removing obstacles such as worry and stress that we are able to ignite the sacred and recognize that ours is a life of tremendous growth filled with angelic encounters and miraculous moments.

open yourself to the sacred truth that you are a powerful celestial being with empathic abilities on a deeply meaningful voyage of light to divine realms of love.

gentle loving thoughts and actions create beautiful realities that inspire us to live joyfully in each moment.

transform your ideas into choices that help you achieve greater happiness and your journey will be an empowering one where you live the life you truly desire.

may yours be a path to well being filled with compassionate connections where you gather in unity to celebrate the love that is your sacred destiny.

life is always in transition. it is an ever changing journey of blessings and miracles where we share and shine our light. embrace the beauty of each moment with radiant joy for it is a gift to be treasured.

messengers of love and light there are miracles around you. look closely with eyes of spirit and you will see oceans of sunlight that illuminate your true beauty and revitalize your heart and soul with boundless sacred energy.

eternal love flows through us and by sharing it with others we walk a path of positive results to worlds where angels dwell.

may yours be a meditative prayer of spiritual guidance that purifies your energy in a way that embraces your divinity while inspiring you to live happily and harmoniously.

express and explore the infinite well of love within as doing so will infuse your life with powerful spiritual energy.

look within yourself and you will see the heart of love which will open you to the reality that you are a heavenly being whose true nature is to embrace all humanity with angelic inspiration.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Friday, July 14, 2017

Ours Is A Magickal World

ours is a magickal world where if we nourish your souls with self love and acceptance ours becomes an uplifting story of awakened divinity.

something truly wonderful happens when we allow ourselves to be who we truly are. we are blessed with an energy that infuses our life with inner and outer happiness.

within the inner cosmos of your sacred self are mystical abilities which will unfold into your life the moment you truly love and accept that you are a sacred being worthy of bliss.

you are a beautiful work of art. a divine being soaring toward the heavens into the light of a new reality where you may share the masterpiece that is your existence with the entire universe.

we are guides and guardians and it is by seeking to be a better person and by helping others do the same that our spirit evolves and we begin to live joyfully and happily.

open the doorway to your souls light that it may illuminate your mind, body and spirit in a way that transports you to higher dimensions where you may be your true sacred self.

open yourself fully to healing, abundance and love as doing so will give birth to true freedom and bliss.

it is at that moment when you realize that the door to enlightenment has no lock that you open your world to a deeper spirituality that improves and inspires every aspect of your divine existence.

align your purpose with the natural energies within you and yours will be a good life in which you explore and experience ethereal dimensions and enchanted realms of love.

we are blessed beings and by listening to the divine guidance emanating from our soul we elevate our true authentic self to a place of great love and ecstatic happiness.

awaken the healer within by shining a mystical light of joy on the wisdom of your heart that you may see its sacred truths unfold beautifully along your path.

prepare yourself spiritually for a world more open to love by believing there is happiness within you which if shared will attract and invite great blessings into your life.

a happy heart and a generous spirit help us to become the fully evolved beings that we are meant to be.

loving relationships shine a sacred healing light on the true beauty of who we are which creates greater joy and happiness in our lives.

an optimistic outlook and positive attitude are empowering spiritual tools that lead us on a path of true self realization that promotes healing and facilitates joy.

we find deeper meaning in our lives when we follow the guiding light of spirit to mystical dimensions and angelic realms where true well being and divine love await our arrival.

you are a powerful force and when you illuminate the spiritual you liberate your life and the joy within unfolds into every step along your path.

we are sacred beings of worth and by embracing this truth and living our light we create journeys of joy that make ours an amazing spiritual life of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Pure Healing Light Of A Love Most Sacred

a deep exploration of the self reveals a highly evolved spirit which when awakened and set free blankets our life with the pure healing light of a love most sacred.

from a spiritual perspective embrace new paradigms and you will gain wisdom and insight that pampers the heart and uplifts the soul.

healing happens when we have a greater sense of self worth.

you are an extraordinary being in a mystical magickal universe and by engaging in positive practices that embrace the energies of creation you open your life to wonderful opportunities and higher vibrational frequencies that illuminate your beautiful existence.

divine acts of self empowerment fill your whole being with light and your entire journey with miracles.

being kind and gentle opens us to gardens of positive energy and paths of spiritual freedom.

you are born with intuitive powers and divine abilities which through positive self reflection reveal themselves.

a positive response to the healing voice of the sacred creates within us the highest vibrations which blanket our soul with evolutionary insights that inspire us to spread our wings and share our love like butterflies of spirit.

sacred self acceptance illuminates and purifies our path as it releases the generosity within our core that all the world may see and experience the depths of our soul.

absorb the positive energies of the world around you and radiate inwards as this will have profound healing effects that light the lamp of awareness while purifying your sacred celestial heart.

an energized and beautiful life free from limitations that opens the heart and nourishes the soul is a gift you bestow upon yourself when you live your true authentic sacred destiny.

yours is a compassionate heart and when you share it with the world you awaken the beautiful life changing forces within.

your true spiritual home is one of light, love, wholeness and fulfillment where every day is a blessing of divine alchemy and sacred beauty. the time has come to make your way home.

life loves you and it is this spiritual realization that will guide you to enlightened landscapes of divine contentment.

love yourself completely and the universe will reward you with inspiring gifts and esoteric experiences that raise the soul to a higher level.

in fields of energy may we gather as one to create a sanctuary of peace that touches enlightenment and inspires spiritual ecstasy.

the authentic creation of a sacred dwelling place opens the heart and soul in a way that allows our true compassion and basic goodness to flow freely into the world.

we have within us something extraordinary. a pure loving power and healing force which when explored and truly experienced opens us fully to the beauty of being and changes our life in miraculous ways.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Spirit of Love Awakens our Gifts

the spirit of love awakens our gifts which helps us create divine connections that inspire, empower and enrich every moment of our lives.

an extraordinarily beautiful mystical life of blissful tranquility awaits your arrival home.

know this to be a profound truth: you are a beautiful soul who enriches lives with your positive spiritual light and love.

the cleansing waters of compassion and nourishing wellsprings of spirit fill our lives with precious moments that flow with positive energy when we open ourselves fully to their divine glory.

our true nature and identity are blessings of divine radiance which guide us to oneness with all life when we immerse ourselves in the rich sacred insights of our heart and soul.

embrace the beauty of your true authentic self and let your highest aspiration be to uniquely express your love in joyful ways that open gateways to enlightenment.

may today be a glorious new beginning of gentle caring where you discover the spiritual powers of your true self and use those blessings to enrich your path, enchant your world and enlighten your life.

celebrate your uniqueness by sharing with the world the beauty that flows through you and the love that is the essence of who you are.

make your path a beautifully inspiring prayer of universal love and its deep healing powers will wrap your soul in heavenly light that you may know, feel and experience the glory and greatness of the god and goddess within.

passion, joy, truth and beauty are the rare treasures we discover when we embrace the vital energies of the universe and use them to make our life a sacred sanctuary of love and light.

use the rich resources of the soul to expand awareness and promote well being as doing so harnesses your sacred energies and positively transforms your life.

at the core of who we are there is a reservoir of powerful healing vibrations and pure awareness which enliven the spirit when we live our lives boldly with love as our ultimate goal.

pure consciousness uplifts the soul and fills your life with magickal treasures that light the flame of desire and infuse your path with the knowledge that you are a source of goodness meant to embrace the extraordinary.

love and freedom dwell within the sacred energy of your existence and by sharing those blessings with the world yours becomes a beautifully rich life of higher purpose.

ours is a cyclical existence. we have been here before and we shall be here again. let us embrace our cosmic roots and live each lifetime with the intent of touching enlightenment and embracing a sacred sense of reverence.

through greater self knowledge the heart and soul grow which wraps our life in the sunshine of sacredness and leads us to absolute joy.

we live our highest celestial self when we embrace our gifts and express our beauty in a way that profoundly impacts the world around us.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Purposeful Path

a purposeful path where you share the good with all people as you bless them with love is a choice that one can make which invites the cosmic energies of the universe to shine a light on the true beauty of our existence.

with vibrant enthusiasm embrace the vital life force and use its sacred energies to create a safe nurturing environment where you can discover your true abilities and make a positive difference.

the more you enjoy being alive the better your life will be. make a conscious choice to do your best to make each moment something beautiful. see every step along the way as an opportunity to bring light into your world. let this be the day that you truly enjoy being alive.

know that you are a truly amazing angelic being of light for it is the knowledge of our divine glory that makes life a rewarding journey in which we walk with spirit on our way home to the soul.

from the spiritual fabric of life let us weave a wardrobe of love and light that warms the heart of humanity.

live more fully in the moment by sharing your generous spirit with the world as this will create meaningful experiences that embrace your path with waves of love.

when your intention is love the results are positively promising blessings that manifest experiences which inspire. for within love are sacred energies that make our unique life journey one of wellness and wholeness.

be a facilitator of love whose divine blueprint is one of energy and intuition that connects with the spirits while embracing the fullness of life with healing vibrational energy.

you cannot break me for i am already broken. you cannot hurt me for i have taken the shattered pieces of my battered existence and with them created a mosaic of strength , courage, happiness and joy. you cannot break me for in my brokenness i have become a butterfly of sacred beauty whose wings wrap my world in love.

life is spiritually empowered with ancient knowledge which embraces our journey with love when with profound respect and sacred passion we set our intentions to serving the greatest good.

i am grateful for the experience of being alive for life has given me the opportunity to love deeply from the heart while inspiring within me a willingness to share the joy and beauty of who i am.

start healing yourself. you have within you powerful tools with which to transform your life. look closely and you will discover a multitude of loving sacred gifts within the heart and soul of who you are. start loving yourself.

i am tired of being tired of tiring people whose ignorance and prejudice darken our world. so i have chosen on this day to enter an energetic state of deeper awareness that opens my heart and soul to harmony and healing which i will share in the hope that it will awaken those who darken our doors to the light of a better more loving world.

deep meaningful and more harmonious our lives become when we make the effort to help heal ourselves for it is by being brave enough to truly and freely give ourselves the love we deserve that we transform and transcend.

a smile is a vibrant expression of love which when shared honestly and sincerely can create unique, unforgettable and magnificent experiences that are blessed beyond measure.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Go Far Beyond This Reality To A Place of Evolutionary Spirit

go far beyond this reality to a place of evolutionary spirit in the heavens for it is there that your sacred intelligence will open your eyes to the power and beauty of your divine self.

open yourself completely to the cosmic consciousness and inner guidance of your true sacred self and the powers of the universe will guide you to a place of divine transformation where with every step you take you makes a greater impact.

connect to your essence for you are a powerful force and by loving and believing in the miracle of your existence you master your life in a way that makes yours a meaningful and significant story of transformation.

celebrate your path by cultivating good intentions and using your natural healing abilities to lead a life woven by spirit that makes the world a better place.

a soul centered life in which you freely express the love within is one of diverse wisdom and eternal beauty where every choice you make creates a positive path and vision that leads to sacred emergence.

explore higher states and you will discover dimensions of love which inspire an authentic spiritual awakening whose benefits greatly improve the quality of your life.

live a life worthy of respect and you open the heart of mankind to miraculous events of spiritual freedom and enlightened awareness where every choice is a great blessing that makes a lasting contribution of love.

deep loving relationships are a source of enrichment that fills our lives with a purifying light which embraces every moment with sacred beauty.

infinite realities of profound significance that lead us to higher dimensions where remarkable changes help us grow spiritually are the blessings we receive when we live our life with purity and goodness as our guide.

you elevate your experiences by fully embracing your path for you are a divine being and when you immerse yourself completely in your cosmic journey you create a flow of healing energy that engages the heart and deepens your capacity to love.

healthy inner beliefs create a profound state of powerful personal change that deepens the connection to spirit while elevating our ethereal existence in uniquely transformative ways.

we evolve to a higher level when we live our lives in divine ways that engage the heart and spirit of who we truly are.

live fully and deeply your cosmic evolution for life is an extraordinary exploration of powerful awakening in which our greatest discovery is that we are the light of the divine.

we have karmic energies within us that serve as a source of healing when we devote our days to shaping life with great compassion and a desire to achieve oneness with all creation.

love is a beacon of hope and by following its light and taking actions that celebrate its glorious beauty we achieve something remarkable.

from lifetime to lifetime we must relearn to free ourselves from the burdens of life through spiritual practices that lead us to landscapes of healing light. let us not procrastinate too long this time for the lesson rests within waiting for us to show up for class.

today is a good day for a fresh new start in which with deep gratitude you forge a path to tomorrow where you embrace your true nature with kindness and love.

pure unconditional love kindles a sense of hope which creates a state of peace that inspires us to discover the miracle of who we truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Miraculous Light of Cleansing Purification

a miraculous light of cleansing purification that heals and nurtures comes to those whose lives are filled with powerful beliefs that are warm and loving.

open yourself to guidance from the higher self and you will be rewarded with remarkable gifts of peace and contentment.

appreciate every day and the purifying light of your divine essence will guide you to a place of joyful living and all embracing love.

as a being of love you have healing abilities which when shared create a beautiful environment and a blessed life.

the spiritual realization that we are limitless beings of light creates for us a reality in which we experience loving harmony and bliss.

good things come when we focus our energies on opening doorways to higher connections, beautiful experiences and wonderful opportunities.

use your unique gifts and ultimate positivity to create strong spiritual connections that illuminate your natural wisdom in a way that allows the world to see the miracle and magnificence of who you are.

insight and intuition are spiritually alchemical blessings within the soul of who we are whose divine illumination and radiant glow when embraced will lead us to happiness, well being and loving harmony.

joyously celebrate the realization that you are love.

self love and compassion liberates our life force while generating a goodness that opens our path to wonderful new possibilities.

miraculous changes occur when we embrace the moment with compassionate actions that are meaningful and profound.

communicate your essence for you are sacred and you have something beautiful and blissful to offer the world.

the spirit in you is a blessing of glorious beauty that endows the heart and soul with a greatness which when embraced opens doors to sacred contentment.

we are high spirited beings who through mutual respect create a flow of healing energy that helps us be happy.

you discover the wisdom and beauty of your true self when you sustain a positive attitude for in the soul of the positive is a liberating happiness that will guide you to a sacred healing path that takes you home to who you are meant to be.

there is a place forged in the heart where sacred flowers bloom that nourish and nurture us when we seek to walk a good path and live a more loving life.

purify your life by creating a serene sacred atmosphere in which you can access the positive powerful energy within and use that energy to plant seeds of kindness and compassion.

when we touch each other on a soul level we develop spiritually as move towards the light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Balance, Serenity and Alchemical Change

balance, serenity and alchemical change come to us when we use our vital life force energy to make the world a better place.

the greatest gift you have is love and when you use it honestly and faithfully you have a positive impact that changes lives and makes dreams come true.

walk your path with the help of angels and yours will be a journey of greater insight where every moment is refreshed and inspired by the beauty and grace of your glorious sacred self.

harness the power within and use it to make good choices that stimulate feelings of love which lead you toward a compassionate future where you live more completely.

your life is a gift which is designed to inspire and by sharing this gift your path unfolds in magickal ways that bestow blessings upon the world.

sweetly sings the heart whose good intentions light the way to a truly marvelous and miraculous future.

a positive sense of self releases the sacred fluids that flow within which help us evolve and change into beings of benevolent harmony and divine purpose.

we all have spiritual powers of light and love that bless our existence in sacred and meaningful ways. our mission is to discover those powers and use them to serve the highest and greatest good.

in peace and joy set your intentions to beautifully design inner and outer landscapes of love and light that honor and celebrate the earth and the cosmos.

look closely at the rich complexities of life and the soul of every story for they are filled with treasures of light that can make our path one of healing and wholeness where we live our purpose passionately and poetically.

diverse and beautiful is the oasis of transformation within the heart and soul of who we are. it is a sacred blessing filled with spiritual powers which unfold into our world when we truly embrace the bliss of our existence.