Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today live your true nature by letting things flow naturally


today live your true nature by letting things flow naturally.

soothe me, calm me, inspire me, transform me, teach me, show me, support me, respect me, comfort me, appreciate me, hold me, love me. do this for me and I will do this for you.

we have the freedom to choose and I have always chosen the higher road and the greater good.

a mere glimpse of goodness gives me the courage to create a positive path to a profound life of peace, freedom, hope and happiness.

I have since as far back as I can remember had shortness of breath. I have had as far back as I can remember anxiety attacks. with that being the case I have throughout covid worn a mask without complaint because I felt and still feel its the right thing to do for me and my family. we each have a voice and we each have a choice. this is who I am and I am happy and healthy. I look forward to a mask free future. until then I will find places where I can walk mask free and breathe fresh air.

I hear a song of hope when I see kindness and I am filled with good positive energy that inspires me to act in kind.

when we act from the heart we create something unique that expresses an energy of enlightenment which makes ours a soul that smiles and a spirit that sings.

we are diverse spiritual beings and those of us who embrace that diversity with acceptance, compassion and understanding walk a path of connectedness in which we live in harmony with the world around us.

with deep happiness I walk a soulful path of free self expression in which I feel at peace with what I am, where I am and who I am.

quiet your mind and fill it with thoughts and visions of loving welcoming people and places that decorate the heart and soul wiyh the sacred fire of divine freedom and heavenly peace.

the more natural your state of being the happier your life will be and the easier it will be to paint your path with rainbows of inspiration.

I am loved by love minded people who remind me every day that I am worthy of love.

I enjoy being me. it wasnt always that way and sometimes I still struggle to do so but in those moments when I do enjoy being me I also feel fully the rapture of being alive.

I like to play in metaphysical fields where plants of peace and flowers of faith grow in the sunlight of the sacred.

A Conversation with my Wife:
me - thats not a word.
her - its a word.
me - thats not a word.
her - its a word
me - thats not a word
her - its a word
me - nobody uses that word in a sentence
her - I just used that word in a sentence
thats why we are having this conversation
me - oww my head hurts

angelic forces are all around us and when live our truth with honor, integrity, compassion, empathy and love they help us to bring forth light and manifest the greatest good.

the spiritual components of life bring me comfort and healing by opening windows of wisdom and doorways to the divine when I need them the most.

beyond the dream there are realities of truth, beauty, bliss and blessings waiting to be discovered, embraced and shared.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Belief in a Positive Future Inspires Me


the belief in a positive future inspires me to make the best of today which creates for me a better tomorrow which leads me to a positive future.

it is during those moments when the beauty of life opens the door to miracles that I am truly able to live joyfully, happily and spiritually.

today I plan to improve my well being by starting a new book, taking a walk along snow lined streets, breathing in the cold winter air, sitting by the fireplace, watching out the window for my son to come home from school and enjoying a british mystery on tv before going to bed and dreaming of doing it all again tomorrow.

recognize your greatness, embrace your goodness and revel in the glory of your true sacred self.

streams of positive energy wash over me whenever I look at life from a spiritual perspective for it is then that I truly see the beauty and blessings which surround me.

I have days when I remember life before birth and I am liberated, motivated, elevated and empowered by the message and miracle.

the blizzard while reinforcing isolation also gave me the opportunity to watch the children playing in the snow which reminded me of how beautiful and precious life can truly be.

I was digging for treasures in the snow when the light of the sun reflected into my eyes a vision of mystical joy and metaphysical purpose that liberated and motivated me with a clarity most sacred.

with maximum clarity take charge of your destiny by nurturing inner peace, reaching out to others with loving kindness and divinely crafting your days with activities that positively impact the heart and soul.

have a heartfelt conversation with yourself about believing in and loving who you truly are.

compassionate thoughts and loving beliefs connect me to the soul of humanity while embracing my whole being with deeply sacred blessings.

shape your path and purpose with soul satisfy thoughts, intentions, ideas and actions that enrich all areas of your life.

I was sitting on a rainbow talking to an angel when a unicorn approached and said can you help me create miracles and we said yes because we are each in our own special way a miraculous creation whose every breath is a miracle.

be your truest self for your truest self is a sacred being of light who connects to the heavens and earth with clarity of vision and deep authentic love.

I answer my prayers with heartfelt endeavors that instill compassion, kindness and infinite hope into everything I do.

the closer I feel to myself the closer I feel to the divine which for me is a blessing that waters the garden of my life with wisdom, wellness and wonder.

we all have a purpose for being here and we decide what that purpose is.

I carry with me positive healing energy which I share freely for mine is a path of wholeness and happiness that serves a unique purpose which is to help others in soothing, comforting and healing ways.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 13, 2022

True Beauty and Blessings


it sometimes seems that the past two years have been lost but for me it has also been two years in which isolation has been my inspiration for it has shown me the true beauty and blessings in my life.

look through eyes of spirit and see your true beauty for you are a blessed being whose choices impact others in meaningful ways that uplift and inspire.

the highest good inspired me to serve the greatest good which showed me that I am a good good man.

communicate with spirit and and the richness of life will be revealed to you. communicate with soul and you will be blessed with mystical experiences. communicate with the sacred and you will know the truth of who you are which is a sacred being of soul and spirit.

a higher source revealed to me my true life purpose and the winds of spirit gave me the courage to believe fully in myself which has empowered me to make choices and decisions that are focused on love.

awareness of angels helps me to navigate my life course and further my spiritual growth.

peace and wellness came over the other day to remind me to breathe and be mindful of how precious life is.

weave with me a world of wonder with which we can collect our positive thoughts, actions and intentions as reminders of how big our heart is and just how truly special we are.

I like to align my life force energies with my daily intentions as doing so inspires, empowers, motivates and nurtures me.

a soul infused life is one of sacred truth, healing prayer, karmic understanding and positive life purpose where hearts open and spirits connect in celebration of life and love.

I rest my head on the pillow each night and dream a dream of hope and happiness. I awake each morning and set out with the intention of making my dreams come true.

close your eyes, take a deep breath of life, connect with spirit and listen as your heart opens and the love within flows freely into your world.

positive intentions, affirmative choices, compassionate actions and enlightening endeavours help me to create meaningful changes that cultivate greater love.

messages from a higher level, a higher truth and a higher power guide me on a path of love and joy to a greater spiritual realm that I call home.

I am passionate in my beliefs and I believe in things like love, light, peace, freedom, hope, happiness, me, you and every other glorious spiritual being on sacred mother earth.

come with me to a place where healing energies flow and the light of the sacred helps to make the world a better more beautiful place of bliss and blessings.

I gain more wisdom from pure spirituality than from poor choices which is why I do my best each day to make decisions that create positive energy, profound changes and peace in my heart.

the joy you deserve is waiting for you to focus your intentions on enhancing your life, channeling your light, celebrating your sacredness and loving yourself.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Original, Authentic and Unique


we each see the world differently for we each have our own reality and our own truth which is what makes us original, authentic and unique.

I am mindful of my mental health for my mental health reminds me every day to be sure I dont lose my mind.

with positive purifying intentions and thoughtful actions I greet this and every day knowing that life is an amazing adventure and if I believe in myself I can manifest a destiny of peace, freedom, bliss and blessings.

I have since emerging from the darkness into the light made the effort each day to improve the quality of my life which I have succeeded in doing and for that I am grateful, thankful and blessed.

raise your spirits and enhance your life by manifesting a reality which opens windows to the soul and doors to the sacred.

it matters not the struggle for I throughout hardship have believed and will continue to believe that it is great to be alive.

spirit called me at home one day and asked if I would like to see the world differently and when I said yes I could immediately see with greater clarity the beautiful landscapes of sacred mother earth and the divine truth of my ethereal existence.

devote yourself to spirit and the healing waters of hope will open your heart and soul to pathways of light and gardens of love.

people who love people are people I love and people I love are people who love me back.

passionate is the life of those who walk a path of kindness for theirs is a spirit of beauty and wonder that opens and liberates the heart and soul.

may this year be one touched by grace and filled with positive healing thoughts that connect with the sacred and guide us to moments of inspiration and transformation which embrace us all with love.

the more authentically I live the more spiritually minded I am and the greater my capacity for love.

I was dancing under an inner rainbow when I hear a sound outside and opened the door to see my outer self sitting isolated and alone so I invited him in and we danced together as we became one.

the purity of a sincere smile, the joy of laughter and the radiant beauty of a warm embrace are soul inspired blessings that make us stronger and happier.

live with an open mind, an open heart and an open soul for doing so will open you to countless blessings and miracles.

step out of stress and step into a higher plane of existence that honors, appreciates and celebrates your true sacred self.

we are all unique, authentic, original and alive on this planet. by opening the doorway to our sacred heart and inviting each other in we create a spiritual practice that awakens us all to love and blessings.

we share the same breath, the same sun and the same moon. given that truth it should be easy to share our kindness, compassion, love and light. may this year be one of sharing and blessing.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One