Thursday, October 28, 2021

Walk a Welcoming Path of Positive Purpose


walk a welcoming path of positive purpose across landscapes of spirit and yours will be a divine destination that guides you home to the heart and soul of who you truly are.

I saw a reflection of my soul smiling in a rainbow one day and something miraculous happened inside that inspired me to open my heart and do good for myself and others.

words of love flow with spirit from my soul and out into the world and beyond where they find their way to those in need of a simple sacred blessing of kindness and compassion.

joyful is the spirit of we who with clarity of vision see the truth and share it in positive ways that manifest miracles.

in deep loving silence I pray from the heart for a world of freedom where mother earth is healthy and we her divinely devoted children are happy.

I tend to flower in a calming atmosphere free of criticism and complaint where common sense and compassion prevail.

blessings unfold when truths are told that show the world your heart of gold.

I am the author of my own destiny and when I write a poem of life I use pure positive words that fill me with wonder and help me shape my path with love.

I am in my sixties now and it seems that the more I feel my age the more I remember my youth. I can see clearly the adventures of childhood. I can see the truth of what I experienced and how I became the man I am today. I can see those things I wish to remember and those things I wish to forget. I can see why and I can appreciate how I found the courage to persevere. I can see clearly. I can see. I can.

sacred is the soul of those whose intention to help others blesses the world in multiple ways.

do simple things that bring you joy and greater well being and yours will be a journey of soul freeing experiences which awaken the sacred within.

we possess pure positive powers that can transform peoples lives including our own when we trust in ourselves and shine our light on humanity.

for me the spiritual pleasures of life are goodness, kindness, creativity, compassion, peace, freedom, well being, wisdom and love. I think today I will do what I please and be pleased with what I do. that is my pleasure principle.

my eleven year old and his friends are always on the computer playing games, watching shows, messaging, talking... I like to tell him not only didnt we have that technology when I was his age but I never really used the phone to talk to anybody. I would instead do this thing where I opened the door, walked outside and with no set direction just moved forward until I saw someone I knew and said hey want to play. if the answer was yes then we played. if the answer was no then I continued forward til I saw someone else. sometimes there ended up being a bunch of us and we just ventured out making it all up as we went along. thats what made my youth so exciting. we just went outside and made it all up as we went along.

yours is a unique and amazing life which when experienced fully is transformative at every level.

what is the truth of who you are? the truth of who I am is that I am a good person on a positive path to a place of ethereal beauty where light and love flow freely. what is the truth of who you are?

a life shaped mindfully and thoughtfully is a life of great kindness that consciously opens gateways to pure sacred love.

I made peace with myself a long time ago and for me that has made all the difference in the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Love, Light, Bliss and Blessings.


today with infinite loving awareness I will look beyond the media, past the ignorance and into those simple sacred things that lift my heart and soul to new heights of love, light, bliss and blessings.

the better we understand the world around us the greater our ability to overcome the obstacles placed in our way and move forward into a brighter better future.

you design your destiny, you create your blessings, you decide which path you take, you manifest miracles and you build your life. these are things you can do for you are in charge and your life goes according to the choices you make. you can do this. i believe in you.

live your spirituality by immersing yourself in the beauty of who you are and the blessings that surround you.

touch the earth with your heart and yours will be a clear and focused life of deeper meaning that is richly blessed by goodness, greatness and happiness.

I consulted the oracle within and was told to follow the light emanating from my soul to those people and places which embrace me and love me for who I truly am.

I will be me, you be you and together we will be beings of light who live a joyful life of positive intentions, actions and choices which fully and freely open us to love.

every morning when I awake I am kissed by the heavens for I am alive, I am happy and I am home where I am free to be me.

kindness is a simple blessing when shared that embraces us with life and love affirming energy.the evolution of consciousness increases exponentially when we free our mind for when the mind is free it is open more fully to kindness, compassion, transformation, happiness, bliss, blessings and love...

the more you take responsibility for your own the life the more likely you are to experience wholeness, happiness and well being.

we grow inwards, outwards and upwards by loving our life and loving who we are.

I realized one morning that I was in charge of my future and charged forward into a brand new day of passion, purpose and possibilities.

I was looking for something greater when I saw my reflection in a window downtown and was reminded of how far I have come and how blessed I am. I went home and was greeted by the greatest gifts in the universe my wife and son. I no longer look for greatness for it is with me every day in my heart and in my home.

with threads of spirit I have woven for myself a blanket of blessings which keep me safe, secure and warm while inspiring my dreams and embracing my days in loving nurturing ways.

the flow of creation within makes me feel happy and connects me to heart based truths that help me to be of better service to myself and others.

every life is extraordinary, every life is a miracle, every life is a blessing and if we listen closely we can hear our heart beating a sacred rhythm and our soul dancing in celebration of who we truly are.

a simple smile that is sincere and shared with kindness and compassion is a spiritually empowering blessing which helps us to live and love with an open heart.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 14, 2021

You are a Divine Creation


you are a divine creation deserving of all the beauty, bliss and blessings in this world and beyond.

their is sacred all around you, there is beauty all around you and there is love all around you. be sure to take the time today to look with eyes of spirit at all the blessings and miracles that surround you.

beautiful is the heart soul and spirit of those those guided by love who walk a healing path in harmony with the heavens that embraces higher levels of happiness.

positive thoughts, intentions, ideas, choices and actions are glorious gifts of sacred beauty that nurture well being and create an atmosphere of love and light.

I was at the park one morning when wellbeing and joy stopped by to say hello and ask if I wanted to do something special. I said yes and they smiled, laughed, sang, danced, gave me a hug and kissed me. I now make it a point to do something special every moment of every day.

the soul is free and once we accept and embrace this truth we are able to shine our light in a more meaningful direction that illuminates our sacred path and purpose.

help others to be happy and others will help you to be happy and together we can all live happily ever after.

you are at your core a generous compassionate soul and by using that generosity to serve others in loving caring ways you move yourself toward happiness.

live fully, mindfully, joyfully, peacefully, happily and lovingly for that is your true destiny.

moment by moment look for simple ways to enhance your life. moment by moment let it be your purpose to make better choices. we have within us the ability to transform and transcend moment by moment.

I awake each day with the hope that this will be the day people stop hurting each other and start working together to truly change this world for the better.

dance with me in fields of flowers where nature sings and beauty blossoms for it is there that we will transform in profoundly positive ways which bring us hope and happiness.

I once said thank you to my inner self who then embraced my outer self who with confidence set out to embrace the world with love.

I try to be alive in the moment and follow my own guidance to fields of faith and higher consciousness where with vision and intention I heal, empower and bring light to my world.

I spent thanksgiving with my family yesterday which included my a.d.d , o.c.d and p.t.s.d to name but a few. we spoke of how thankful we were for all the blessings we had that helped us survive the darkest of times. we talked of what we could do to help each other and what we could do to help ourself in the coming year. we talked of truth and transformation. it was a good day and for that I am thankful.

one night I turned on the light of ascension and saw an angel who helped me to understand my essence and experience my sacred self.

the heart is centered in love and when we use it to serve humanity we make ours a positive path of enriching relationships that lead us to joy, wisdom and wellness.

I have a recipe for miracles that I use each day to bring love and light to my life. It consists of a teaspoon of common sense, a tablespoon of compassion, a cup of kindness, a generous serving of gratitude and a heaping portion of happiness which I mix together in a bowl of blessings to make a breakfast of bliss. this has nourished me over the years by bringing miracles like my wife and son into my life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Today I am able to rise from the depths of darkness


I am blessed to have a wife and son who keep me grounded in those times when I am struggling most. before they came into my life I would have immersed myself in depression and pushed life as far away as possible so I could suffer alone. today I am able to rise from the depths of darkness into their loving arms. I am blessed.

while covid is front and center in most peoples minds the truth is life keeps happening all around us. people get sick from other things. I know far too many who have died of cancer and far too many who have committed suicide. I truly hope nobody dies today just so I can get a break from grieving. to all who are ill, to all who are struggling, to all who are suffering and to all who are grieving I say that my thoughts and prayers are with you. you are loved.

take the essence of who you are and use it to take charge of your life and control of your destiny.

all information good or bad is life changing information. how it changes your life depends on how you react to it.

miracles can be found and miracles can find you if you remove blockages from your path such as fear, anger, stress, anxiety, ignorance, prejudice... and replace them with kindness, compassion, love and light.

the lower the truth that life presents me the higher the reality I choose to put forth for I am stronger than the struggle and brighter than the darkness.

deep spiritual lessons unlock and set free sacred wisdom within when we illuminate the world around us with the beauty of our soul and spirit.

a healthier happier home is a place of loving inspiration in which greater spiritual awareness brings forth divine moments of profound pleasure and powerful healing.

no matter the struggles in life I do my best to make my next step forward a positive one of compassionate purpose that serves the highest greatest good.

the more deeply I connect with myself the more deeply I connect with others and the more deeply I connect with others the more deeply I connect with spirit and the more deeply I connect with spirit the more deeply I connect with myself.

live your true self, love your sacred self and walk a path in harmony with the heavens.

you know that you have lost not only your perspective but also your mind when during a pandemic your greatest concern is that a website went down.

profound enlightenment comes from positive actions and experiences that cultivate inner and outer peace.

alive and free are we who with love giving force positively impact, influence and inspire others.

I found over time that when I stopped wallowing in my own misfortunes I was embraced by healing revelations that lifted me from the darkness into the light.

with compassionate calm and a sacred sense of connectedness set out on this day with the intention of creating a brighter future that stimulates the heart, soul and spirit of yourself and others.

mine is an open life in which with divine guidance I walk a passionate personal path of saced self discovery that embraces my gifts and illuminates my blessings.

bring a smile to the face of a child. bring joy to others. bring inspiration wherever you go. bring light into the darkness. bring blessings to everyone you meet. bring basic goodness to those in need. bring greater love and understanding to every aspect of life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One