Thursday, January 25, 2018

You Are A Beautiful Reality

you are a beautiful reality and those blessed to experience your sweet sacred self are enriched and inspired.

you can make your life better by living from the heart for the heart is a spiritual force and a miraculous blessing that lights the way with pure positive energy.

you have marvellous abilities which when used compassionately create magical possibilities that attract mystical opportunities which open gateways to greater joy and happiness.

at night sacred ancestors whisper from within sweet somethings that inspire those who believe to step forward into a greater more loving future.

the universe has a spirit which elevates the soul whenever we touch others in subtle ways that are comforting and reassuring.

look not for love but instead be love for by doing so you awaken your sacredness and discover that what you have always wanted you already were.

make choices that empower and yours will be a pure positive adventure in which you dream into reality your divine purpose as you embark on a journey of enlightening experiences.

there is a world beyond this one where every breath we take is a celebration of spirit and every moment is a miracle to be treasured. we awaken to that world when we hear the whispers of the soul and answer our calling.

a true desire to help others stimulates the spirit and makes life a beautifully harmonic voyage on metaphysical waters to lands of love and light.

spiritually minded people who turn their thoughts into positive actions are angels on earth whose lives create a positive ripple effect which nurtures love.

a beautiful powerful field of energy resides within the core of your being which brings light to the world when you smile for a pure sincere smile is a blessing that touches people in profound ways.

you have sacred healing gifts and when you use them to help others love flows into your life and raises you to a higher state of joy and happiness.

a heart at peace is a blessing that opens within us a powerfully precious source of light that cultivates a life filled with passion, pleasure and purpose.

set your intentions to living a better life as this will help you become more alive which will enhance your existence with positive well being that feels good for your soul.

give yourself the gift of love for it is by truly loving ourselves that we are able to love others.

you experience your own bliss when in grace and gratitude you enter your heart and grow into the loving being that is your destiny.

when we express our true self we are embraced by a sacred light that uplifts and empowers us to walk pathways of greater happiness to places of divine beauty beyond this life.

look for the light within and you will find that yours is a life wrapped in grace and beauty, for the answers we seek are waiting at the core of our being for us to make our way home.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Life is a Song of Creation

life is a song of creation which when truly heard moves us to dance in the light of nature and spirit as we embrace the earth with love.

it was while creating miracles in my dreams that I awoke and began to see with clarity all the miracles in my everyday life.

breathe love into your life and with every breath you will discover a greater sense of purpose which will illuminate your path with beauty and bliss.

we heal ourselves by helping others heal themselves which propels us all forward into the light of a better and more beautiful tomorrow.

you fill the world with greater happiness when you use your capacity for love to move life forward into the light of your true divine self as you seek to serve the highest good.

connecting to each other in positive ways empowers us to grow into beings of light whose mission is to love.

our path is always unfolding in front of us and our task is to see the fertile ground and plant seeds of love that will reap great benefits throughout our life.

the moment has come for you to experience your true beauty and immerse yourself in the glory of your sacred loving existence for you are a higher being who was born to shine.

congratulations you are alive.

open up spiritually and you will be embraced by the light which will expand your reality and reveal a higher purpose in which you transform the lives of others and yourself as you generate positive loving energy.

with kindness and compassion approach each day knowing that you are a spiritual being with sacred abilities who has the power to help others in miraculous ways.

make it your goal to be a source of happiness for the intention alone will uplift your spirit and enrich your life.

will you play with me? on this day let us jump for joy, dance in the sunlight, sing sacred songs of beauty and blow kisses at the moon. will you play with me?

you feel cleansed and blessed by self awareness when you see your true sacred beauty and shine its light on others that they too may know just how glorious they are.

great generosity awakens the beauty within which makes our life a dance of love that gifts us with happiness, healing and blessings beyond our imagination.

in each moment of existence we experience our divinity and when we realize this beautiful gift and embrace its truth we bring joy into our life and love into our heart.

a path beautifully intentioned in which we aspire to be kind is a blessing we bestow upon the world that elevates the human spirit.

the heart has a consciousness which speaks to the soul and if you listen closely you will hear them speak of your sacred beauty, divine purpose and illuminating essence for you are a poetic being born to live a life of miracles.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Save Humanity in Loving Ways

blissful life enriching experiences occur when we commit to serving humanity in loving ways that benefit all.

by setting your intentions to building a better world you feel more empowered and life becomes a liberating path of greatness where miracles happen.

a collective healing will occur when we gather as one with the intention of creating a world of loving acceptance that transcends the darkness and moves us joyously toward the light.

when people suffer Mother Earth prays. listen to her prayers and answer them with kindness, compassion, courage and love.

life is an endeavour of love and by embracing this truth we embark on a remarkable journey home to our true sacred self.

the light of knowledge is within us and when we discover its magnificence our life becomes more meaningful and extraordinary for with knowledge comes profound change.

encourage positivity in others and extraordinary things will happen that will make your heart sing with joy.

we are all connected by consciousness and by making our thoughts positive that consciousness brightens each day with mystical insights that infuse our lives with bliss.

every day our journey begins anew and we have the opportunity to make positive choices that enhance wellbeing and guide us along a path of love to a place of light.

live your beliefs and you will be a chalice of light whose beautiful soul illuminates, enlightens and embraces the sacred goodness of the heavens.

make it your intention to fill every day with love and yours will be a higher life path which embraces the spirit with empowering insights that manifest miracles.

there is a beacon of love that shines outward from within and fills our life with great meaning when we share our sacred gifts.

love when true, honest and unconditional is a blessing that liberates, motivates, inspires and empowers.

life changed for the better the moment I realized that to be truly free I needed to be truly me.

I begin this day and every day with a prayer of gratitude for my blessings for there was a time when I felt cursed only to be rescued by the heart and soul of those whose gift was kindness.

I believe in miracles because I have seen the light where there was only darkness, I believe in love because I have felt its warm embrace when I had all but given up and I believe in me because I have risen from the bowels of hell into a life most sacred and beautiful when I was all but dead to the world. I believe. I believe. I believe....

be grateful for you are a blossoming angel with many gifts who shines a light on the beauty of life when you share your love with others.

we live a joyful life when we open our heart and release its inner radiance into the world for that is an act of spirit, kindness and compassion which bathes us in the glory of our greatness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Aspire to Change you Path, Purpose and Destiny

the key to living a beautiful life is seeing the beauty that surrounds you and embracing it with every fiber of your being as you aspire to change your path, purpose and destiny.

open yourself to the natural flow of energy within and it will cleanse your heart and soul by bathing you in healing springs of divine beauty and sacred truth.

me, my true self and I were discussing our purpose, destiny and how alive we feel by reaching out to others when we were inspired to venture forward down the road of spirit to a higher level of awareness and happiness.

someone smiled at me today and when I smiled back I realized the beauty and significance of simple acts of kindness.

express gratitude for the miracle of life and the universe will energize your path with deep understanding and powerful positive change.

the soul dances when we discover the treasures within and use them to love and teach others as we guide them along a pathway of sacred truth.

inhale greater happiness, exhale negative energy and cleanse your heart and soul in the sacred waters that flow within the core of your being.

love and embrace each moment for they are precious gifts and we are miraculous blessings of a universe most sacred.

touch the sky with pure thoughts and the clouds will part, the sun will smile and you will become one with the earth and heavens.

open your beautiful heart space and light the world with its positive energy as this will connect you with the heavens and make yours a happier life.

it was while exploring the highest good that I began to change and grow into a man of spirit who lives each moment with love as his path, purpose and sacred intention.

we are blessed to experience life for it is a pure and divine gift wrapped in dreams that inspires and empowers the heart of who we are.

I woke up the other day with the intention of being good to life and was rewarded with a positive outlook that guided me along a path of happiness to a sacred garden where i planted seeds of kindness and watched my spirit grow.

it is by embracing fully the heart and soul of life that we ignite our passion and awaken the goodness of our true self.

live each day in ways that stimulate the spirit and inspire the soul for doing so will release the sacred beauty within you into the world creating a radiant reality that transforms.

make a home in your heart, fill it with joy and invite every one in for a soul cooked meal of divine light that nourishes their existence and inspires them to live their best life.

cherish yourself for you are a blossoming soul whose unique and precious essence blesses the world with light and love.

with each act of kindness we create a flow of spirit that reaches far and wide as it embraces the earth with a sacred purpose that beautifies, purifies and awakens the best in every soul it touches.

MicHEAL Teal
the Ancient One