Thursday, April 25, 2019

Life Fills Our Path With Profound Lessons

life fills our path with profound lessons and we who recognize those lessons and learn from them are the ones who embrace our sacred evolution in loving ways that make the world a better place.

if you are struggling know that I am sending you light. if you are suffering know that I am sending you love. if you are hurting know that I am sending you positive healing energy. if you are dying know that I am sending you angels to be by your side. I do this for I have struggled, I have suffered, I have been hurt and I have stood on the ledge of life looking death in the eye. I am living proof that one can not only survive but thrive. if you are reading this know that you are not alone and that I am sending you my heart and soul.

alive and awake are we who with great knowingness seek to serve this world and beyond in a multitude of ways that connect us all to the sacred.

my wife fills my heart with moments of peace and beauty that awaken me to the pleasures of life while walking me down a sacred path of liberation and transformation.

I have throughout my life done my best to be an honest man and while that can sometimes get you in trouble I have continued down that path for I would rather have my dignity and integrity than to live a lie.

cultivating a positive lifestyle connects us to the sacred while bathing us in love and kindness.

my goal in life has never been to live the dream but to live a reality of my own creation in which the heart and soul are opened completely to a world of love and light.

it is not good enough to simply know you are worthy of love. you must fully believe you are worthy of love and do your utmost to embrace it and invite it into your heart.

when I began to figure out the true nature of my mind I was better able to explore the seas of sanity and create a healthier happier life.

miracles occur when we have a pure positive mindset and we use its blessings to shape our journey into something sacred and beautiful.

be a tree within the forest of pure joy and celebrate as you blossom fully into your sacred destiny.

awaken dear souls and set out this day with the intention of acting passionately and positively as you light a clear path to a higher form of spirituality.

a simple smile at the right time can have a life changing impact.

help me help you help the world to ask for the help it so desperately needs.

I create beauty and joy when I share my unique gifts with the intention of igniting hearts and inspiring souls.

a positive fulfilling life of joy is our reward for assisting others on their path in ways thats serve the light and inspire the highest greatest good.

a gifted soul with the purest intent awakens the heart of the world to their sacred responsibility.

there is a beautiful place in the heart where powerful spiritual energy is stored and every time we love openly and honestly that energy unfolds into our lives and lights the way to ethereal blessings.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ours Is An Evolving Story Rich In Spirit

ours is an evolving story rich in spirit where we are the heroes and a happy ending is waiting for us to write it in the heavens.

spirit revealed itself to me the day that I accepted my blessings and shared them with the world.

I with pure love offer you my heart for I am a sacred angel of light committed to helping others become the beautiful evolved beings of spirit that they were born to be.

you make a difference. with every smile you inspire. with every kind word you uplift. with every compassionate action you empower. you make a difference.

take full advantage of those opportunities based in spirit and you will be embraced by life affirming truths that awaken your heart to your natural goodness and the wonders of everyday life.

tether not your spirit. let it fly freely that it may watch over you. tether not your soul. let it walk this earth unencumbered as your guide and companion. tether not your heart. open it fully that the entire universe may see and experience its love. tether not yourself.

I have because of my upbringing many triggers that set me off. even good moments bring back memories that are hurtful. however over time I have learned to use those triggers as tools to build a better life.

you are a being of divine origin whose spiritual path is filled with limitless possibilities and infinite opportunities. make the choice to follow that path and breathe in the beauty of its blessings.

I feel empowered when I nurture myself because doing so inspires me to nurture others which moves them to act in kind. I feel enriched when I love myself...

with focused intent let your soul expand and you will have a happier healthier life where positive thoughts blossom into actions that inspire greatness.

approach this and every day with love and compassion as your guides and yours will be a world of mystical experiences in which you change everything you touch for the better.

walk the path of spirit and you bring miracles to your life for through spirit, purpose and intent we light the flame of pure divine happiness.

there are things from my childhood that I saw, heard and experienced which have left scars that make my soul weep. these things do not define me and even though the scars remind me of their existence they let me know that I have seen better, I have heard happier and I have experienced greater. they also remind me that I have survived. I am stronger than my struggles.

every day we are given the opportunity to love and by taking advantage of that opportunity we enrich the heart and enliven the spirit of humanity.

I have known far too many people who have committed suicide and I also have walked that path. the difference with me is that every time I was on the brink of death life would pull me back and let me know that I deserved better and that I was a being of worth.

know this - your anger ignites my spirit, your hatred opens my heart, your brutality elevates my soul and your evil gives meaning to my sacredness.

I was dwelling where darkness makes its home when my spiritual purpose revealed itself to me and at that moment the light of my destiny illuminated for me a path of love.

my true authentic self is a gentle compassionate being of meaning and purpose whose intentions are pure and whose actions are positive.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, April 11, 2019

You Are A Heavenly Healing Force

you are a heavenly healing force who with the power of kindness can cultivate wellbeing and inspire positive change.

I opened my mind and saw a.d.d. o.c.d and p.t.s.d. dancing with depression in the dark so I opened my heart and introduced them to kindness, compassion and love who were dancing with bliss in the light.

meaningful personal growth and transformation occurs when we say no to those things that would harm us and yes to those things that would help us.

as a practitioner of spirit I have struggled with those whose intentions are impure. I have stood up, stared down and set straight those who are posers and pretenders. if you choose to walk the path of healer, psychic, shaman... then do so with pure intent. if not the be aware that I am here and I am coming.

You make your way to a better life when you navigate the tides of transformation with compassionate awareness and sacred values as your guides.

we are magical beings lovingly crafted with stardust from the heavens who become fully alive when we in silent self reflection learn to love ourselves.

brave and poetic is the battle that we who suffer from mental health problems face every day of our existence. we are warriors of spirit who see the world through soul coloured glasses. we are survivors who seek only to come home to our true self as we live our highest good. courageous and lyrical is the war that we who suffer from madness face every day of our existence.

compassionate, courageous and loving choices are a source of nurturance that enriches our lives and helps us create an atmosphere of happiness and a community of spirit.

we are filled with light and by shining that light we serve the greater good. we are filled with love and by sharing that love we live the highest truth. we are sacred beings of light and love.

with love and gratitude I live my life with an open heart and a free spirit that embraces my sacred truth and shines a light on the glory within.

it wasn't awareness of my mental health problems that changed my life it was acceptance. once I accepted that this was part of who I am I was better able to frame my life in a way that worked for sacred special brain.

live your spirit and you live a happier life for to live your spirit is to love yourself.

one day I had a dream in which I created miracles and when I woke up I was alive and I realized that my dream had come true.

I have during the deepest darkest days of my depression prayed to gods I did not believe in with the hope that somewhere there was a reality that could bring me to the light of a sacred loving truth which would heal my mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.

you enhance happiness when you eliminate anxiety and you eliminate anxiety when you engage in self healing practices.

you are a blessing of gentle loving truth whose essence and presence engage life with a healing energy that gives birth to bliss.

on this day let love guide your way as doing so will manifest joy while opening the heart and soul to the true sacred nature of life.

see yourself as worthy and you will experience an inner peace that makes your spiritual path one of wholeness and fulfillment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, April 4, 2019

A Blessing Of Light Born Of Love

no matter how beaten, battered or broken you are, you are nonetheless a blessing of light born of love who is destined to blossom into someone sacred and beautiful.

I decided one day to stop living a hurtful life and start living a healing life. since then mine have been days of compassionate service where I share the joy within while opening my heart and soul to receive the love that I deserve.

love exists all around you and while there are days that its hard to see and sometimes even harder to believe that it is real it is in fact there. if your struggle to see and experience love is becoming overwhelming then make the choice to show your love to others that they may know, see and feel its truth and beauty. be the love.

I was sharing my thoughts with my thoughts when I thought that I was thinking too much so I began to live my life free of thoughts or so I thought.

if you are dealing with mental health issues then you know that our brains process information differently. if you are someone who doesn't recognize invisible illnesses and doesn't understand them then know this: they are in fact there and you don't have to understand them you only have to accept that they are a reality. walk not a mile in my shoes but instead live a moment in my brain. if you are not dealing with mental health issues now you know that our brains process information differently.

live your true beauty and let your light shine for when we are our authentic selves we are able to see the miracles in the world as we create a sacred community of spiritual harmony.

ours is a poetical universe and if you listen closely you will be awakened by the blessings of each word and life will flow beautifully into ethereal plains of truth and beauty.

if we as adults could communicate love the way are children do this world would be a better place.

I was creating happiness and sharing sacred wisdom when hope and joy spoke to me in words that inspired me to open my doors and welcome in the coming of the light.

my life is a provocative and profound prayer of divine purpose that touches the heart of humanity in pure powerful ways that open gateways to peace and pleasure.

it is hard to let our dreams blossom when other peoples nightmares keeping weaving their way into our lives. its difficult but not impossible for we are angels on earth and by believing in who we truly are we can rise from the ashes of lifes cruelty and ascend to a heaven of our own creation.

throughout my life when the people who are supposed to be protecting us have instead hurt us I have been able to move forward with my integrity intact by using the light and love within my heart and soul to remind me of how sacred life truly is.

planetary transformation will take place when the people of earth become the sacred sentient beings that they were born to be.

on this and every day from this point on I will walk joyously into a future of my own creation with the intention of making the world a better place.

humanity rises when good people listen to the call of the earth and answer with love.

profoundly positive and lyrical are the choices I make in the name of love for they are blessings that invite happiness into my life.

by expressing your true self in ways that celebrate your spirit life becomes a light of truth that reaches into the heavens and touches the heart and soul of all that is sacred.

I opened the window of my soul the other day and my home was filled with a brilliant rainbow of life affirming light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One