The True Path of Happiness is forged by Living a Positive Life. Walk to the Edge of Human Existence and with Infinite Gratitude give Thanks for the Heavenly World that awaits. It is the people who Learn to Love themselves that Accomplish Extraordinary things. Your Thoughts and Deeds are a Compass for Life pointing in the Direction of Light and Love. Lift your Spirit to a place where Angels dwell and let the Love within guide you to Eternal Harmony and Ethereal Bliss.
The vast Ocean of Existence is Embracing an Evolving - Culture of Spirit - set your Sails for Ancient Pathways for the Journey forward begins by looking back.
A Joyful approach to Life attracts Like Minded and Like Hearted people. Your Best Day ever is but a Smile away.
When we Nourish ourselves with Love the whole Flower Blossoms and our Garden of Life becomes Heaven on Earth.
Let us come Together in Community and bring Enjoyment to all Life. Let us Create a Healthier, Happier environment of Expressive Freedom and Richness of Spirit. Let us Listen to our Higher Self and Manifest Transformative Experiences. Let us Live, Love and Teach as we sit in Sacred Circles of Truth, Beauty and Bliss. Let us Love and Be Loved.
Let the Love which abides within be a Catalyst for Great Change and yours will be a Unique and Amazing Life of Experiential Exploration.
Life is a Holy endeavor where Heart and Soul connect. Immerse yourself in Joy and the Pool of Existence within becomes an Ocean of Light and Love.
Lead an Inspired Life and you Open the Door to Infinite Possibilities and a Greater state of Aliveness.
Join the Evolution. The Spirit, Soul, Earth and Universe are all Evolving in ways that Transcend. Plant your Roots firmly in a Heartfelt Community of Love. Join the Revolution. The Earth Mother, Moon Father, Sun Goddess and all of Humanity are Gathering as One to Celebrate the coming Transformation. Navigate your way to Happiness with Clarity and Calmness as you Live and Love fully and Completely. The Evolution/Revolution is Here. Who is Brave enough to join Me?
A Loving Heart has Great Power in the Spirit Realm. A Power that Creates a constant Flow of Light which Illuminates a Path of Sacred Sharing and Divine Living.
The Songs of my Youth are a Scrapbook of my Life. Each one Paints a Memory that hangs in the Gallery of my Soul.
Explore your Purpose and Path with Original Thinking and yours will be an Extraordinary Journey of Love which Flows into the Souls of all Humanity.
Invest in your Soul and the Dividends will be a Loving Heart that Generates an Income of Inspiration, Intuition and Enlightenment.
The strength of Positive Thoughts dancing inside us generates Spiritual Energy and Guides us to the Highest Truth.
You are an unfolding Miracle walking a Labyrinth of Love which Connects to the Souls of Ancients and Ancestors.
This is a Sacred Invitation. You are Cordially Invited to Share the Tenderness of your Heart. To give back to the Community and Be a Prayer of Joyous Living. You are Invited to Replenish your Spirit and Listen to what your Soul is telling you. To Create a space for Grace and Gratitude and to discover Profound Peace. You are Cordially Invited to Live, Laugh, Sing, Dance, Smile and Love.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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