You are Truly Loved. You are Extraordinary and Gifted. You are Destined to Live a Life of Beauty and Guide people towards Enlightenment. Life is a Labyrinth of undiscovered Opportunities. The coming Changes will bring Richer Experiences and a more Open Spirituality. Ours is a Multidimensional Sphere of Unity imbued with Magick and filled with Wonder. Make your inner Landscape one of Kindness and Cooperation that Flows Freely and Touches all Life. You are Beautiful. Share your Beauty, Live your Truth and Rejoice in the High Vibration of Love.
Listen to the Earth. Attune yourself to Mother Earth and hear her Message. Her Message is to Live in Joy. To honour the Land, Seas, Air and Resources. To dedicate yourself to Changing the World. Listen to the Heavens. Attune yourself to the Divine and hear her Message. Her Message is to Birth into Being all that is Beautiful. To Awaken the Dreamer within. To honour the Stars, Planets and Universe. Listen to the Magickal Child. Attune yourself to your Inner Child and hear her Message. Her Message is to Be your True Self. To Live your Passion and Purpose. To Radiate and Resonate the Love within. LISTEN!
A New Generation of Loving is here. With Joy and Gratitude let us give Thanks to the Beauty of Existence and the Heartbeat of Mother Earth. Ours is an Esoteric Quest where Lessons of Light Inspire us to Flower into Bliss. Experience the Sacred in every Breath, Live a Life of Joy and Gift everyone you meet with Kindness. Be a Generous Teacher, a Voracious Student and Aspire to Manifest the World you Truly desire. The Future isnt something you Envision, its something you Create. Create a Smile, Create a Hug, Create a Kiss and Create a Community of Love.
You are Worthy. Worthy of Kindness. Worthy of a Life of Compassionate Peace. Worthy of Joy. You are an Inspirational Manifestation of Light and a Living Testament to the Beauty of Love. Live for the Moment and See the Miracles as they occur. Stand in your Greatness and Be an Ambassador of Hope. Be one who is Guided by Spirit and Heart. Be a Dream that Flows Gracefully into Reality. You are Unique, You are a Limitless Soul and You are Worthy.
Be the cause of a Smile. Be the Answer to all your questions. Be Love and Love Only. Compassion is contagious. Share the Sacred that Lives in the Beat of your Heart. Share Life's Soulful Goodness. Share Thoughts of Gratitude. We are One in Truth and Trust. We are Seeds of Hope. We are Greatness and Generosity. The New Earth is here. When the Sun rises in the Morn look to the Heavens and Rejoice for you are the Reason the Gods are Smiling.
Beautify your Inner Self and Journey to a profound State of Bliss. Harvest your Dreams and Shout to the Heavens that the time is now for Celebration. The Moment has arrived to Feast on the Beauty of our Existence. We are Family. A Family of Light and Love, A Family of Hope and Healing, A Family of Joyous Creation, Friendliness and Goodwill. It is when we find Contentment within that the Gifts of the Earth and Treasures of the Universe caress our Soul. Look inside, Breathe in Awareness and Walk out into a New World of Love.
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