Monday, January 30, 2012
7:00pm until 10:00pm
Upstairs at the Legion in Ridgeway (228 Southmill St)
For anyone interested, our next Spirit Drum Circle will be on Jan 30th (@ 7:00 pm upstairs at the Legion in Ridgeway, 228 Southmill St) with the very special intention of "Honoring the Spirits of Grandfather Sky". When I think of Grandfather Sky I think of the breath of life, the Sun which warms us and gives us energy to live, The Moon which helps regulate all the cycles of life and the beautiful Stars which show us just how endless and vast we really are. What a wonderful opertunity to celebrate and acknowledge the many gifts of Granfather Sky..
Also, Susan has generously offered to continue to teach us Belly Dancing that night. So, for anyone interested, we will be starting Belly Dancing at approximately 6:00 pm and finishing at approximately 6:45 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon. If you have any questions please call or email at afolklor@yahoo.com me or call Carolina at Haven Global Ph# (289) 296-3781.
In Sisterhood and Love,
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