Every encounter is Profound for every Soul you cross Paths with Teaches and Inspires. We Learn and Grow every time we meet someone new. Visionaries are those whose Vision allows them to see those things that others miss. Open your Soul that you may See. Open your Heart that you may Learn. Open your Mind that you may Grow and Open your Spirit that you may Fly.
I See God in my Reflection and I am Humbled and Blessed. I See Goddess in my Reflection and I am Hopeful and Inspired. I See Beauty in every Smile and I am Happy and Enlightened. I See You and I am Whole. I Love You.
Earth you are my Wisdom. Earth you are my Awareness. Earth you are my Inspiration. Earth you are my Blessing. Earth you are my Mother. I Love You.
Celebrate your Existence. Feed your Soul with Joy and Ecstasy. Bask in the Glory of the Suns Sacred Light and Manifest a Life of Love. Today is the Beginning of Forever. Lets make Forever Beautiful.
Flowing through your Life is Ethereal Energy which Inspires Growth. You are a Soul ready to Blossom and Expand your Consciousness. See with new Eyes. See the Beauty of Who You Are for You are Something Extraordinary and Worthy of Respect. Your True Nature is to Love Deeply and Live Passionately. Guide me to your Path that I may Benefit from your Wisdom. The Winds of Heaven have Blessed you and by Believing in yourself you Share those Blessings with the whole Universe.
Ignite your Fire, Lift the Spirits of all you come in contact with and Seek a Community of Like Minded People as you embark on a Journey to the Center of your Soul. Looking within leads to Landscapes of Love and Temples of Transformation.
We need to Create Positive Social Change thereby Inspiring a more Compassionate World where people Live in Peace and Harmony. We need a Global Transformation where Planets, Stars and Spirits align in a Sacred Dance of Universal Love and Understanding. Let us Gather together as Kindred Souls and Manifest these Miracles.
The Earth gave me a Hug this morning for she is my Mother. The Sun warmed my Heart and Caressed my Soul for it is my Father. The Universe held my Hand and brought to a place of Miracles and Metaphysical Blessings for it is my Inspiration. I give to you all the Love within me for Life is a Gift meant to be Shared. Good Morning, I Love You.
Heavenly Blessings to one and all. Bless the Light of Wisdom. Bless the Living Earth and all its Beauty. Bless Positive Change. Bless the Healing Rays of the Sun. Bless the Earthbound Spirits. Bless Higher Consciousness and Heightened Awareness. Bless those who are Kind and Compassionate. Bless Humanity's Highest Good. Bless your Inner Voice. Bless Freedom and Creativity. Bless the Breath of God and Bless the Miracle of You. Life is filled with Blessings. Open your Soul and Truly see the Abundance of Beauty within your Reach. Bless You.
I Believe in Mermaids, Faeries, Magick and Miracles. I Believe in Possibilities and I Believe in You.
I hear the resonant Voice of Spirit and its Message of Peace. It speaks to me of Joy and Ecstasy. It inspires within me Passionate Vision and Positive Change. It is my Light and my Lover. I am Blessed.
Share with me the Joy within your Soul and we will Create Heaven on Earth. Share with me the Light of your Being and we will Inspire the World with our Love. Share with me the Sunshine of your Spirit and we will Dance in a Circle of Bliss. Share with Me. I Love You.
I see Forever in your Face and I am Transformed. Hold me in your Eyes that I may see Love in its most Pure and Natural state. I see myself in your Soul and I am Home.
Life is a Mystical Landscape. Explore and Learn from it. Walk each Path with Joy as your Companion. Respect and Honor its Beauty and it will fill your Soul with Love.
A Soul based Life Inspires Joy. When we Live from the Soul we Create Greater Peace and Happiness. Evoke the Depths of Wisdom and Behold the Light that Illuminates your Awakening. Plant your Roots in Spirit and yours will be a Journey of Bliss and Delight. A journey of Respect and Dignity which leads to the Kind of Life you can Love. A warm Thought and Good Intentions for all will Create Sacred Friendships that Unite the Planet. Let your own personal Truth be a Place where the Heart dwells in Divine Light. Live every Moment from your Soul and every Moment will be one of profound Love.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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