The Waters of Heaven wash over me Cleansing my Spirit and Baptizing my Soul that I may Minister the Message of Love to all Humanity.
Ours is a Shared Journey. We are Travelers of Light on the Road to Discovery and Divinity. If we Live our Passion and Connect with our Ancestors we can Contribute Positively to the Betterment of all Humankind. Let us Raise our Vibration and Find our Higher Purpose. Deep in our Hearts is a Stream of Love waiting to be Released that it may Bathe the World in Joy and Happiness.
We are all Woven Together by God and Goddess to Create the Greatest Good. Let us Gather as a Chorus of Voices and Sing a Lullaby of Transforming Love.
Manifest that which you most Desire. Create your own Reality and make it one of Glory, Grace and Gratitude. Dream of Gardens of Goodness and Landscapes of Love then Live your Dreams. Today is yours to Create.
Let Light and Love Flow through you. Weave a Life of Vision which ignites the Sacred Flame of Eternity. Life is Sweetness Overflowing when we Embrace the Beauty of our Spirit and Live the Joy within our Soul. Purify your Inner Self by Living the Life you were meant to Live. Elevate your Heart to Heaven where it belongs for you are an Angel. This is the Time to Awaken to a New World and a New You. Walk with me in Fields of Love and We will Change the World.
I am the Morning Sun and I am Radiant. I am the Evening Moon and I am Glorious. I am the Light of Life and I am Miraculous. I am You and You are Beautiful.
We are Beings of Love. It is when we Live that Truth that the World is Transformed. Live your Love and Share it Freely. Give who you are into the World in a way that touches Souls and Inspires Spirits. I Love You.
Close your Eyes and Breathe in Love. Feel the Miracle of your Heartbeat and let it Soothe your Soul. See the Magick in every Moment and let it Inspire you. Listen to the Voice of your Angel and let it Guide you to Be a Messenger of Bliss and Joy. Open your Eyes and Celebrate.
Explore ways to Enrich your Life. A little Generosity and pure Intention will Heal the World. The most Glorious Light is within each Soul and it is made of Positive Energy. Share that Light and you Create a Cosmic Weave that overflows with Bliss. We are Weavers of Spirit and Life is ours to mold into something Sacred and Beautiful.
Cherish each new day and Nurture the Living Spirit. We are meant to be a Sacred Community of Bliss and we can Accomplish this by Living our Life with an Open Heart. Be in Harmony with all Life and Soar Free as you Manifest your deepest Dreams and Desires. Treasure every Breath and Embrace the Beauty of your Essence. You are a Blessing and a Miracle. Live that Truth.
My Soul Loves Me. My Soul Loves the Child inside. My Soul Loves the Divinity of others. My Soul Loves when i Share my Beauty with the World. My Soul Loves Me.
Ascend as a Spiritual Being. Rise as an Eternal Immortal Soul. Awake as a Beloved Cosmic Child. Give to Humanity, Give to the Heavens and Give to yourself. It is by Sharing our Life and Love that we Inspire others to Live more Joyously. Dreams come True for those who Connect with the Sacred. Live this day, Celebrate this Moment and Embrace the Gift of Love for all that it is.
I have Climbed the Mountain of Spirit and Touched the Face of God. I am at One with Nature and I am Loved. I am Beautiful and I am Free.
For Humanity to Evolve Spiritually we need to have a Loving relationship with the Planet. We need to Love the Air, Love the Earth, Love the Water and Love ourselves. We are the Caretakers of the Earth and this is our Home.
It is Time we Lived from the Heart and Lived from Inspiration. We are at a Turning Point in our History and We can make the Futures as Bright and Beautiful as we want. We need only dispose of our anger, hatred, prejudice, greed and gluttony. Remove those things from the picture and replace them with Joy, Kindness, Compassion, Hope, Happiness and Love. Its easier than you Think. Think with your Heart, Think with your Spirit and Think with your Soul. See the World through Loving Eyes and Change will come in Waves of Beauty, Bliss and Positive Energy.
Be a Light that Shines Brightly and yours will be a Life of Passion and Joy. It is when we Share our Radiance and Beauty that the World becomes a Better place. Live the Love that is your Birthright and Love becomes your Light.
You are an Incarnation of God and Goddess. You are Insight and Inspiration. You are Cherished and Treasured for You are an Angel on Earth. To be fully Alive is to be Free and to be Free is to be Loving, Caring, Kind and Compassionate. You are Love.
Gather with me in a Circle of Love and we will Dance under the Radiance of the Sun in a Garden of Joy, for every Soul is a Flower and every Flower a Blessing.
Paint with me a Dream of Treasured Purpose that Radiates Love and Light. Craft with me a Vision of Freedom, Awareness and Limitless Bliss. Live with me a Life that Ignites the Flame of the Soul and Inspires the Blossoming of the Spirit. Together we can Create a Masterpiece.
Let us all join together in a Ritual Dance of Blissful Awareness. Sing with me a Song of Spirit that Flows Pure and Clean through the Soul. Breathe Sacredness and Live your Divinity. We are a Global Family of Evolution and Enlightenment. We are a Universal Family of Holistic Harmony and We are a Celestial Family of Wisdom and Wonder. Cherish your Journey and Love the ways of Light and Truth. May we all Gather in Peace and Prayer for We are all One.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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