Bring forth a new Vision by Touching the Sacred and Illuminating the Joys of Human Existence. We as beings of Light are an Artistic Masterpiece painted by God and within us is the Ability to Create a Compassionate Culture where Love and Kindness are in every Smile.
Immerse yourself in Spirit. Live from your Heart and Soul. The Door to Happiness lies within and is opened with the words I Love You.
We are all Spiritual Beings on a Mission of Love. We are Messengers of Light here to Serve Humanity and Create a Global Community of Kindness and Compassion. The Skies will open and Mother Earth will Smile when we Live our Mission and Share our Love.
You are the Light. There is a Spark of Joy within your Heart which Inspires the Soul to Sing a Sacred Song of Love. You are Beloved and Divine. There is a Beauty within your Spirit which moves the Angels to Spread their Wings in an Ethereal Dance of Blissful Destiny. You are a Wellspring of Love. There is a Truth and Beauty in your every Breath that Touches the Heart of God and Opens the Gates of Heaven. You are Immortal, You are Eternal and You are Loved.
Our World is a Rainbow of Experiences and Beautiful Possibilities. Give Thanks for everyday Blessings and the Miracle of Life.
There is a Universal Doorway to Truth which opens into a Higher Consciousness. Fill your Mind with Happy Thoughts and Glorious Gaia will Whisper directions to your Spirit. A Better Life and a Better World begin with Better Thoughts. I Think I Love You.
I Pray at the Altar of Womankind. Thank you for your Beauty. A Beauty that makes me come Alive. Thank you for your Kindness. A Kindness that Touches my Soul. Thank you for your Love. A Love that Inspires me to Become a Better Man. Thank You.
The Next Breath you take is a Wonderful Opportunity to bring Peace into your Life. The Next Step you take is a Chance to Walk a Path of Freedom and Joy. The Next Words you Speak are a Way to show the World your Love. Every Moment of Every Day we have the Chance, Choice and Opportunity to Change our Lives and thereby Change the World.
Everything we do in Life leaves a Karmic Imprint. Let us make ours an Imprint of Love. An Imprint of Light and Joy that Inspires future Generations. An Imprint of Spiritual Guidance and the Rapture of Being Alive. An Imprint of Heart Centered Prayer that Cultivates Lasting Transformation. An Imprint of Higher Self Perception that Creates the Greatest Good and an Imprint of Divine Energy which brings Deeper Meaning to Life. Begin this day with a Smile and let your next Imprint be the words I Love You.
The Morning is my Lover she wakes me with Warmth and Sunshine. She Inspires the Birds to Sing and the Flowers to Bloom. She caresses my Soul with a Gentle Breeze from Heaven and Embraces my Spirit with the Beauty of Nature. The Morning is my Lover. How Wonderful it is to be Loved.
This is a Time of New Beginnings. A Time of Global Change. A Time of Spiritual Revolution where all Gather in Peace to Celebrate the Glory of the Universe. This is a Time of Transformation. A Time of Dreams which Rise from the Soul like Sleeping Flowers and Blossom into Beings of Light. A Time of Gratitude that opens Gateways to Other Worlds. This is a Time of Great Love.
The Time of Great Change is here. The Heart of Life is beckoning us to Live in Harmony and Create the Greatest Good. The Miracle before us is Love and to make the World a Better place we need only Accept, Embrace and Share that Love.
Rise in Love. Listen to the Divine Guidance and Mystical Teachings of your Spirit. The Stars in the Heavens shine Brighter when we Live each Moment in a Sacred Way. Have the Courage to take Action and allow the Energy of the Universe to Flow Freely within you. This Cosmic Dance is one of Light and Peace. Dance along Spiritual Pathways sharing your Love along the way. Rise, Rejoice and Celebrate the Planetary Evolution for the Revolution has begun and We are its Champions.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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