I Planted Seeds of Kindness and from it grew a Garden of Light and Love that Nourishes my Soul. Each Flower is a Kindred Spirit. Each Tree is a Lifelong Friend. I am at One with Mother Earth and Father Universe. I am Blessed.
I Know my Life's Purpose it is to Love. I Know my Hearts Desire it is to Love. I Know my Souls Destiny it is to Love. We are here to Love. May we all Embrace this Truth and make every Moment, every Breath and every day an Opportunity to Love.
Life happens in Thought and Prayer. Illuminate the World with Practical Wisdom and Mindful Awareness. The Heart of Humankind beats to the Rhythm of Love. Know that each of us is Profoundly Gifted and has the Ability to Nourish Souls and Nurture Spirits. With Compassionate Guidance we can lead each other to the Cleansing Waters of Nature that we may Bathe in Bliss and Beauty. Live your Destiny and the Breath of Life will be an Everlasting Experience of Inspiration and Joy.
Child of Nature, Child of Light, Child of Day, Child of Night, You are a Blessing, You are my Inspiration, You are a Gift, You are my Transformation, Child of Heaven, Child of Earth, You are my Bliss and You are my Birth.
More Love and Happiness is the cure for any ill, the answer to any question and the Truth which will Free our Spirit. Smile more, Laugh more, Hug more, Kiss more, Sing more, Dance more, Celebrate more, Rejoice more, Believe more, Create more, Hope more, Heal more, Pray more, Plant more, Live more and Love more.
Celebrate the Sacred. Life is a Miracle of Metaphysical Poetry. It is Prose written in the Heavens which Shines upon the Earth whenever the Sun rises and the Moon glows. We are Born with a Divine Promise of Cosmic Love. A Promise that the Universe will Embrace us always with Joy and Happiness. Smile for a New Era of Life Affirming Choices and Spiritual Pathways is upon us. Let us Celebrate by Singing, Dancing, Praying, Living and Loving.
Live with Positive Intent and yours will be a Light overflowing which leads to a new Humanity. The Quality of Life is based on the Quality of Love. Share your Love with every Living thing. Share your Love with Heaven and Earth. The Greatest Love is that which Flows naturally from one Soul to another. Love with Positive Intent.
With the Assistance of Angels we can make the World better. With Love in our Hearts we can Transform our Lives in a way that Honours the Sacred Essence of all Humankind. There are Gifts in every Moment. There are Miracles in every Breath. Live the Truth and Beauty of your Existence for you are Inspiring and Life is Holy.
We are all Spiritual Seekers Sharing the Beauty of Sacred Mother Earth. Let us Lift our Voices to the Heavens and Serenade the Angels Home. Let us Build a Culture of Love. Let us Pray at the Temple of Nature for a Better Tomorrow. Life is a Grand Adventure and it is in the Exploring that we will find True Freedom.
Serve your Spiritual needs. Create lasting Change by entering the Gateway to Higher Realities. Nurture not only the Children of this World but the Child within. The more we Love ourselves the more Life will Love us. You are a Divine Being. You are a Teacher, Healer and Guide. You are the Embodiment of God and Goddess. We Serve our Spiritual needs best when we Accept the Sacredness of our Existence and Commit to Living a Life that is Meaningful and Significant. Give yourself a Hug. You Deserve it!
There is a Circle of Light around each of us that is invisible to the Naked eye. It is a Gift from Heaven meant to Guide us along our Way. It is only when we Look with Spiritual eyes that we can see it. Open your Spiritual Eyes and See the Light.
The Tree of Life looked at me today and with a Smile of Knowing touched my Soul in a way that moves me to a Place of Greatness and Glory.
A Humanitarian Awakening is upon us. The Universe is Changing in new and Miraculous ways. Fuel your Journey with Love and you will make a Difference of Spiritual Significance. Wake up to a new Reality. A Reality of Selfless Service and True Fulfillment. Embrace the Divine Mother and Rejuvenate your Heart. Abundant Blessings Abound for those with Purity of Thought and Gentleness of Spirit. Life is Exploration and Evolution. Explore the Spirit, Evolve the Soul and Awake to the Beauty of Who You Are.
The Essence of Existence is the Sacredness within. We Exist because We are Sacred. Live your Divinity and Love your Life for You are a Child of God.
Let your Light Shine and you will Live a Happy Life. Move Intuitively with Elegance and Beauty as you Channel the Energy of Angels. Life is a Portrait we must Paint. Create a Life without Limitations and make yours a Portrait of Grace and Glory. It is when we are True to our Essence that we Shine the most Brilliant. Be Who You are meant to Be for you are a Miracle of Heaven and Earth.
Awake to the Freedom to Live a Joyous Life. Awake to the Glory of the Blessings that surround you. Awake to the Angel on your Shoulder and Heaven in your Heart. Awake for today is a New Day and You are Alive and You are Beautiful. Awake.
Fly with Me from Mountain Top to Heavens Gate and together we will usher in the Dawn of a New Day. A Day of Profound Love across the Universe and in every Soul and every Living thing.
Open your Heart to Love, Laughter and Light as you Illuminate your Spirit and Inspire your Soul. Doors open for those with the Courage to Live their Dreams in a way where Fantasy becomes Reality. Your Heart will Sing if you Believe in Magick and Miracles. A Symphony within your Soul will Reach to the Heavens and become your Guide and Friend for Life. The Heartbeat of the Sacred Shaman is part of each and every one of us. Listen to the Rhythm of Love and Embrace your Divine Destiny.
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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