Dance with Me under Freedoms Sky and We will Bless all Humankind with the Beauty of our True Selves.
Every Encounter we have with another Human Being is a Sacred Encounter for every person is a Being of Light placed on Earth to Share the Love that is their Essence.
Angels Guide Me, Spirits Guide Me, Nature Guides Me, Souls Guide Me, Gods Guide Me, Animals Guide Me, Goddesses Guide Me, Children Guide Me and You Guide Me, all because I am not afraid to Learn. Life is but a Lesson. Be sure not to Sleep through Class.
Joyful is the Music of the Heavens for it Inspires the Heart to Sing and the Soul to Dance.
Awake with the Knowledge that You are a Soul Inspired Creation of Light and Love meant to Open Hearts and Change Spirits.
Belief in Yourself and Faith in Humanity creates a Nurturing Healing Light which leads to Portals of Transformation. A Pure and Infinite World of Serenity and Tranquility is within your Reach if you simply Believe.
Once we Realize that we are Worthy of Love we Bloom like Flowers and the Universe flows through Us.
i love you deeply. i love you mindfully. i love you unconditionally. i love you spiritually. i love you soulfully. i love you honestly. i love you realistically. i love you inspirationally. i love you sacredly. i love you beautifully. i love you miraculously. i love you.
In the Depth of your Heart is a Loving Compassion strong enough to Change Lives. It is to your Benefit and that Benefit of Others that you give yourself Permission to Share that Love.
When we look for the Best in Others we produce a Divine Loving Energy which Connects us to the Cosmos and brings Joy into our Existence.
Radiant and Glorious are those who Touch the Universe with the Gift of Love for they have Embraced the Profound Realization that they are Beautiful and Divine.
The Soul of all Women is that of a Goddess. Believe in yourself and Beam your Love to the Cosmos for you are the Greatest Gift in the Universe.
This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. This Moment is an Opportunity to Transform. This Moment is a Chance to Enrich the Lives of Others. This Moment is a Reason to Love. Every Moment in our Lives we have the Choice to make that Moment something Special. Let this Moment be One of Joy and Happiness.
We Experience True Awareness when we Realize that our time on this Planet is Sacred and that we are all Connected by the Brilliant Light of Bliss that is Love.
Dissolve yourself in the Divine and Meditate your way to Dimensions of Existence which bring new Joy to your Life.
the insanity of humanity is at times devastating. we will rise from the rubble of our existence to help our fellow man during times of great crisis yet we will walk over people suffering from their day to day struggles. we will criticize those with invisible illnesses that we dont understand. we will blame the broken. the planet is at crisis every day. let us come together to feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless and give dignity to the downtrodden. i have seen disaster in the eyes of the abused. i have seen devastation on the face of a child. let us not wait for the storm to share our love. let us awake on this day and every day with a pure intent and a sincere desire to help, to heal and to love.
I am Inspired by the Greatness of the Sacredness of all things. Once you see the Divine Nature of Reality you look at life from a more Positive Perspective. Open your eyes to the Light for it is only then that you will Appreciate the Beauty of the Darkness.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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