Turn your Light Inward and you will Feel more Empowered for you will See the Beauty of each Breath. You will see the Glory of your Inner Thoughts and Dreams. You will See a most Sacred Place of Personal and Spiritual Transformation. Turn your Love Inward.
Spiritual Liberation comes to those who Delight in Everything and Elevate their Consciousness to a Natural Way of Being.
Listen closely and you will hear within the Wind the Voice of Kindness singing an Eternal Song of Love.
inspired by the blossom of your being i live my higher self. i am empathic in mind, body and spirit. i live within the smile of those of pure awareness. i am at home in the embrace of those of unwavering faith. there are miracles in every moment of my existence and it is my desire to feel them all. i am an open, raw, pure and sensitive spiritual nerve that is profoundly moved by every word spoken. i feel your pain, i feel your passion and i feel your love. i feel. i feel. i feel. the reality of my existence is that i am light sensitive and i am love sensitive. my emotions are multiplied and i am at times overwhelmed. yet the garden of souls that blesses my life has given me the opportunity to walk in harmony with the angels and harvest joy with the spirits. i am the ancient one.
Strive to make the Imprint of your Intent one of Healing, Enlightenment and Transformative Change.
Nourish and Support your True Spirit for it is there that your True Self may Walk in Freedom and Live in Peace.
A Grateful Attitude that Flows from Deep within the Heart will Create a Path of Bliss that Enchants the Soul.
Plant Seeds of Love and you will Harvest Happiness. In my Garden there grows Smiles, Hugs and Kisses.
By Choosing to be Happy you Benefit All Humanity. By Choosing to be Kind you set in Motion a Chain of events that Breathes Blessings into peoples Lives. By Choosing to Love you Blossom in a way that Inspires Souls and Cultivates Smiles. Life is about Choice. Choose Wisely.
To Help Others Heal is to Heal Yourself for it is through Kindness that we Open our Heart and Soul to the Reality that We are Healers of Faith and Spirit on a Mission to Transform the World.
Joyful is the Life of those who not only Believe in Miracles but who Seek to Empower others to Awaken to their Greatness and Manifest their own Miracles.
It is those with a Quiet Beauty that have the most Profound Impact. A Smile that Soothes, a Comforting Glance, a Subtle Touch that travels directly to your Soul and a Breath of Life that Embraces the Spirit. True Beauty comes from Kindness and Compassion. Take a good look at yourself for You are Beautiful.
Challenge your Truth, Challenge your Reality, Challenge your Beliefs and Stand before the Close Minded with a Smile on your Face and a Passion to Explore.
Live your own Truth but Open yourself to the Truth of Others. Every Soul we meet is Gift and a Blessing for no matter who they are they have something to Teach us. To Learn is to Live and to Live is to Love. May your Truth always be one of Love.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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