Blessed are we who Listen to the Voice within and Act upon its Wisdom with Kindness and Compassion.
It is when we Search for Beauty that we find our True Self for We are Angels of Beauty born of Heaven and placed on Earth to Love.
Love Yourself. Love your Good Intentions. Love the hidden Beauty within. Love the Path to Spirit. Love your Fascinating Journey. Love the depth of your Soul. Love the Opportunity for Rebirth. Love the Universe into Being. Love Mother Earths Sacred Embrace. Love the Search for Knowledge. Love your True and Unique Self. The more we Love, The more we Live and the Better a Life it will Be.
Stars and Spirits draw you to Heaven with their Guiding Light. Stars and Spirits have a Sacred Friendship the Kind born of Love. We are on this Earth for but a Moment and when we pass we become Stars and Spirits.
There is great Beauty in the Joy that Children exude when at Play. Awaken All to the Bliss that is Youth and Dance in its Ecstasy.
i love you. i love life. i love every breath. i love every beat of my heart. i love what is happening right now. i love what will happen next. i love the inherent goodness of people. i love the unfolding miracle of existence. i love you. i love. thats what i do.
Lift your Soul to the Light and Enchant the Universe with the Beauty of your Sacredness. A Garden of Happiness is waiting for those who Bless the Stars and Kiss the Sky. You are the Embodiment of Love and it is that Realization which will give your Spirit Angel Wings.
Dance in the Beauty of your Natural Self for You are a Child of the Earth and every Tree, Flower, Bird and Butterfly is your Family.
A New Paradigm, A New Consciousness, A New World is but a Choice away. We are United in Spirit. We are One and if we Collectively Choose Peace, Freedom, Light and Love as a Way of Life the Earth will Transform into the Butterfly of Existence that is its Destiny.
Life Breathes. Life is a Gift meant to Uplift. Believe you were Born to Inspire. Believe you are the Light of Kindness. Believe you a Beaming Bright Miracle. Breathe in the Beauty of your Life and Share the Gift of your Magickal and Infinite Essence.
Celebrate those Moments in your Life that are Extraordinary. The Birth of a Child. Meeting your Soulmate. Discovering the Divine. Celebrate the Simple things in Life. A Smile, A Laugh and A Hug. We are here for but a Brief Moment so make the Best of it. Celebrate.
Motivated by Spirit I Greet the Day with a Smile on my Face and Love in my Heart.
Love Yourself Into Heaven. You have a Heart Centered Existence of Infinite Blessings and Cherished Memories. Live your Sacred Self and you will Walk a Path of Sublime Happiness. Love Yourself Into Heaven.
Across the Heavens you will find Visions and Dreams of the Sacred and Divine which Radiate Loving Energy. Release your Visions and Dreams. Share them with the Universe. The next time you Wish upon a Star know that your Wish is somebody's Vision and your Prayer is somebody's Dream. We are One. We are One.
In the Heart of Beauty I am Touched by the Miracle that is the Feminine Spirit and my Soul Transcends to an Angelic Realm and a Dreamlike Existence of Profound Sacred Wisdom.
A Kind Word when Centered in Love can Create Deeper Meaning and Higher Spiritual Understanding in the Life of a Lost Soul.
To Improve the Planet we must first Improve Ourselves. Be Positive and Embrace your Destiny. Be Kind and Live the Dance of Life. Be Compassionate and Ignite your Brilliance. Be Loving and Reach out to the World. A Better Planet is Simply the result of Better People.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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