Sing Your Soul Alive. Sing a Song of Ascension and Universal Truth. Dance to the Rhythm of your Heartbeat. Dance to the Melody of the Metaphysical. Love Your Soul Alive.
I am Inspired by the Radiant Beauty of Honesty. I am Inspired by the Glorious Glow of Integrity. I am Inspired by the Breathtaking Light of Dignity. I am Inspired by those who are Lovingly Luminous.
To Change Peoples Lives we need only Change our Attitude. A Positive Perspective, A Good Disposition and a Kind Word can have a Profound Effect that Inspires and Transforms.
Live for the Good of All. Blossom as a Being of Light and make every Breath one of Pure Bliss. Paradise isnt a Place its a Choice. Choose to Believe that yours is a Path of Positivity and Infinite Possibilities leading to the Consciousness of Love.
I Walk the Path of Poets and Sages. I am a True Beacon of Light. I come from a place where Soul and Spirit Play Together. I am a Divine Creation. I am Blessed and Loved. I am The Ancient One!
The Journey to a Better Life is a Journey Home once you Realize your are from a Place of Love. Open your Mind, Body and Soul to the Truth of your Existence and come Home to Love.
There is a Depth of Joy and a Pure Light within each of us which Blossom into Higher Levels of Consciousness the Moment we first say the words I Love You.
We are of the Earth. We are Blades of Grass from Lives gone by. We are Flowers in the Garden of a previous Existence. We are of the Earth. We are Beautiful.
There is Goodness. This I Believe. There is Goodness. This I have Seen. There is Goodness. This I have Experienced. There is Goodness. This I have Embraced. There is Goodness.
Those of us who are Spiritually Centered have within our Soul a Reservoir of Kindness waiting to be Shared that all may have the Opportunity to Evolve and Grow.
I am Ecstatically Inspired to have a Blissful Day and to that end I Choose to Touch every Soul I meet with Gentleness and Kindness for Bliss is Born of Goodness.
A Reality Shaped by Love Creates more Joy and makes a Positive Difference in your Life and the Lives of those around You.
The Greatest Love we can have is the Love for Ourself. The more we Love, Honor and Appreciate who we are, the more Love we will have to Share with the World. I Love You for the way you Love Yourself for it Inspires me and makes me Feel Loved.
Life is about the Decisions we make. Decide to Believe. Decide to Awaken your Dream. Decide to bring Hope to the World. Decide to Live a Creative Life. Decide to be Kind. Decide to be Happy. Decide to Love. Life is about the Choices we make. I Choose a Path to Bliss and and Peace within.
Walk with Spirit. Walk with Angels. Walk in Beauty with the Universe as your Guide. Walk with Me and together we will go Beyond the limits of Reality to Places of Kindness where people Live in Joy.
Love me for my Intuitive Knowing. Love me for my Revolutionary Insights. Love me for my Crystal Clear Awareness. Love me for my Metaphysical Explorations. Love me for my Sacred Path. Love me for my Philosophy of Kindness. Love me for my Laughter. Love me for my Light. Love me. I Deserve to be Loved.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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