Thursday, January 31, 2019

Lifted To A Life Of Blessed Happiness

it was when I was able to see clearly the beauty of my existence that miracles began to occur and I was lifted to a life of blessed happiness.

sing a song of praise for the greater good that resides within the soul of your true sacred self.

I once discovered in the periphery of the darkness that haunts me pockets of self healing wisdom waiting for the day when I would see their light, set them free and begin my journey down a path of recovery.

yearn not for something better. wish not for miracles. dream not for ethereal rewards. let us not yearn, wish or dream. let us instead create, build and manifest those things that we desire most.

create for yourself a reality in which you manifest positive change and you will blissfully become an empowering healing being of light.

we are each in our own way a special gift who through inspiration empower others to embrace and share their true divine beauty.

I have stood on the ledge more than once with the intention of ending it all yet I am still here. I have survived because deep down inside I knew that I deserved better. I still struggle. I still suffer. my saving grace has always been my desire to feel and experience the kind of love that was denied me. I can say that I now experience that love every day. I can say that now when I am standing on the ledge it is to look at the beauty and blessings of the world I live in.

I feel great joy when I embrace the truth that in this moment I am alive and that with pure positive intention I can manifest miracles.

when love smiles the heart is filled with beauty and the soul dances with spirit to a sacred song of celestial bliss.

my journey is made more joyful by those who through gentle loving expressions of self touch the heart of humanity in rich profound positive ways.

make yourself happy by connecting with people in moments of kindness that nourish the soul.

I begin this day sitting sacred in stillness with love in my heart and beautiful thoughts cascading through my mind.

I as someone who suffers from a variety of mental health issues don't expect you to understand what I am going through. what I expect is that you accept that this is a reality and treat me with the same care and compassion you would somebody with a visible illness.

in your heart is a reservoir of free flowing energy that is released into the universe when you venture out into the world with the intention of helping others.

when I engage in those things that bring me joy I am better able to love myself and others.

every day I am touched by ancestors and ancients who together guide me along a path of immense possibilities to places of positive light where heart and soul live in harmony.

listen to what the spirit is telling you and yours will be a life of divine intentions in which you grow beautifully into the being of light you were born to be.

share your sparkle for doing so is a vibrational offering of positive energy that enhances and enriches peoples lives.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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