Thursday, April 11, 2019

You Are A Heavenly Healing Force

you are a heavenly healing force who with the power of kindness can cultivate wellbeing and inspire positive change.

I opened my mind and saw a.d.d. o.c.d and p.t.s.d. dancing with depression in the dark so I opened my heart and introduced them to kindness, compassion and love who were dancing with bliss in the light.

meaningful personal growth and transformation occurs when we say no to those things that would harm us and yes to those things that would help us.

as a practitioner of spirit I have struggled with those whose intentions are impure. I have stood up, stared down and set straight those who are posers and pretenders. if you choose to walk the path of healer, psychic, shaman... then do so with pure intent. if not the be aware that I am here and I am coming.

You make your way to a better life when you navigate the tides of transformation with compassionate awareness and sacred values as your guides.

we are magical beings lovingly crafted with stardust from the heavens who become fully alive when we in silent self reflection learn to love ourselves.

brave and poetic is the battle that we who suffer from mental health problems face every day of our existence. we are warriors of spirit who see the world through soul coloured glasses. we are survivors who seek only to come home to our true self as we live our highest good. courageous and lyrical is the war that we who suffer from madness face every day of our existence.

compassionate, courageous and loving choices are a source of nurturance that enriches our lives and helps us create an atmosphere of happiness and a community of spirit.

we are filled with light and by shining that light we serve the greater good. we are filled with love and by sharing that love we live the highest truth. we are sacred beings of light and love.

with love and gratitude I live my life with an open heart and a free spirit that embraces my sacred truth and shines a light on the glory within.

it wasn't awareness of my mental health problems that changed my life it was acceptance. once I accepted that this was part of who I am I was better able to frame my life in a way that worked for sacred special brain.

live your spirit and you live a happier life for to live your spirit is to love yourself.

one day I had a dream in which I created miracles and when I woke up I was alive and I realized that my dream had come true.

I have during the deepest darkest days of my depression prayed to gods I did not believe in with the hope that somewhere there was a reality that could bring me to the light of a sacred loving truth which would heal my mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.

you enhance happiness when you eliminate anxiety and you eliminate anxiety when you engage in self healing practices.

you are a blessing of gentle loving truth whose essence and presence engage life with a healing energy that gives birth to bliss.

on this day let love guide your way as doing so will manifest joy while opening the heart and soul to the true sacred nature of life.

see yourself as worthy and you will experience an inner peace that makes your spiritual path one of wholeness and fulfillment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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