Thursday, April 9, 2020

Approach your Days in Soul Satisfying ways that Enrich, Empower and Enlighten

joyful awakening occurs when with clarified knowledge and common sense wisdom we approach our days in soul satisfying ways that enrich, empower and enlighten.

may your own magnificence embody your whole being that the world may see and experience the truth, beauty and wisdom within you.

rewire your brain with thoughts and beliefs that foster greatness and facilitate well being.

first people didn't believe it. then they thought it was someone else's problem. then they thought they were somehow immune or above it. then they didn't do enough. then they did too much. then they panicked. then they listened to stupid people. then they got misinformation online. then some started to give up and now the conspiracy theorists have come out. its the government, it was made in a lab, its the illuminati, its corporations... shut up, grow up and get your heads out of your collective asses. heres an idea. stay home, stay safe and take care of yourself. stop feeding the madness, stop embracing the sadness and start nourishing and nurturing yourself with love. me and mine are safe, healthy and happy. we are realistic not fatalistic. I am sending you all love, light and positive healing energy. be well my friends.

sacred self expression and mindful loving kindness are transformational practices that benevolently and beautifully
serve humanity.

awaken your true nature and nourish yourself with its pure positive energy as doing so will shape your purpose, empower your future and enrich every aspect of your existence.

with courageous compassion I approach each day with the intention of being one who by example creates a culture of common sense and well being.

mine is a world of experiential spirituality and divinely motivated actions in which angels, ancients and ancestors guide me along a rich and varied path of light to the love that is my destiny.

in the night sky I saw a constellation of miracles that embraced the essence of the universe and painted a rich tapestry of love which increased the size of my heart and the strength of my spirit.

I was speaking to my heart about my soul when my spirit reminded me that we are one and together we can see our way through this darkness into the light.

with open hearted awareness I walk beautiful landscapes where the earth and sky connect that I may accelerate spiritual growth and facilitate joyful transcendence.

we are all endowed with kindness and by showing ourselves and others that kindness we create a ripple effect that spreads out into the world thereby illuminating our path and changing our life forever.

inspired wishes bring me higher levels of satisfaction by illuminating my life in uniquely fascinating ways that enrich my mind, heart, body, spirit and soul.

isolation has not and will not deter me from making mine an ensouled world bursting with beauty in which the spirit soars and the soul triumphs.

courageous acts of compassion in times of need beautifully compose a symphony of spirit that helps us see the world differently while opening gateways of goodness to greater realities.

convey pure joy and you will be supported and rewarded with waves of wonder which let love flow toward your needs.

true deep love gives voice to your soul and shows the world how artistically alive and beautifully spiritual life can be when we live and love who we are.

with an open mind and heart I approach each day by walking my path with spiritual sensibility while sharing freely the love contained within my heart and soul.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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