Thursday, April 16, 2020

Enhance Wellness, Encourage Wholeness and Evoke Happiness

a positive thinking mind that focuses on fulfillment has healing effects that enhance wellness, encourage wholeness and evoke happiness.

experience the joy of who you truly are by engaging in rich sacred experiences that elevate and liberate your heart, soul and spirit.

with clarity of intent and heightened awareness I have made it my purpose not to merely see my way through this crisis but to sing and dance my way through it with a smile on my soul.

I have chosen to live a powerful spiritual life of divine aspirations and participatory practices in which the door to my heart is always left open.

with blissful devotion awaken the sacred within as this will purify the heart and guide you down a profound spiritual path through sacred groves of positive energy and love.

beautifully inspiring and deeply transformative has been my time in isolation for it has reminded me of all the blessings in my life.

through sacred self care I have filled my life with light, my spirit with hope and my heart with love.

I am enjoying the sacred beauty of the place I call home. I am celebrating the glory of the rich loving relationships that make my life a blessing. I am immersing myself in the healing nature of spirit and soul. I am alive, aware, appreciative, happy and healthy.

deeply satisfying has been the time spent with my wife and son during our isolation. in fact it has been more inspiration than isolation and for that I am grateful.

right from the beginning of this current crisis I made the conscious choice to positively change my perspective by turning intentions into actions and thoughts into realties that open the heart and inspire the mind.

with mindful awareness I set out each day on a path of compassionate actions, cleansing transformation and profound healing for I have chosen to be the master of my own fate.

I see this current situation as an opportunity to remember who I truly am, foster greater happiness, uplift the spirit and replenish the soul.

I have a child which means that every day I am embraced by beautiful natural energy, immersed in a sea of sunshine, empowered by spirit, inspired by sacred creativity and touched by loving kindness.

use the energy and essence of your true natural self to divinely craft a path of higher spiritual consciousness that positively impacts the mind, body, heart and soul.

say something nice. just say something nice. nothing negative, nothing offensive, nothing inflammatory, and nothing hurtful. say something nice. just say something nice. nothing stupid, nothing ignorant, nothing ridiculous and nothing hateful. say something nice. just say something nice. nothing political, nothing conspiracy related, nothing fanatical and nothing apocalyptic. say something nice. just say something nice.

my goal for today is to improve well being, create greater joy and revitalize the soul. then have breakfast. after that my intent is to open gateways to harmony, nurture inner peace and experience love in action. then have lunch. after that my purpose is to...

when I engage in deep healing practices I am embraced by the divine light of pure love and taken beyond the mind into a world of empathic experiences and sweet sacred spirit.

I begin each day with spiritual purpose and beautiful natural energy for I know that my home is a place of love and inspiration in which I am in charge of my destiny.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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