Thursday, April 2, 2020

Create an Environment of Respect and Responsibility

nourish yourself and others by creating an environment of respect and responsibility in which you lead by example.

by seeking to empower each other we elevate our lives to a place of healing and transformation where we can hold our heads high as we share our hearts freely.

this is a time of personal reflection. it is a time to strengthen the spirit. it is a time to shape who you are with common sense and compassion as your guides. this is a time to incorporate the sacred into everything that you do. this a time to transform and transcend. the beautiful thing about this is that you have the time. use it well.

every day I see countless people who are just ignoring the truth and living like theres no problem. people gathering in groups and exposing each other to the virus. in the past I would have called them out but there are so many its not worth it. so I lead by example. I take the precautions necessary to keep myself and my family safe. this simple act of self preservation is spiritually rejuvenating. I am able to experience the joy of being alive because I am with my wife and son and we are doing well. please please please be safe, be happy, be smart, be healthy and be responsible always.

with mindful self compassion I use my healing gifts to help myself as by doing so I am better able to help others.

may yours be a journey of and to the heart where you see clearly the beauty all around as you live beyond fear and limitations with love as your companion.

this time of struggle has shown us how inconsiderate, ignorant, reckless and selfish people can be. I watched a news story about young people on spring break that was brutal. people just ignoring the truth or thinking they are somehow above it bothers me greatly. so I thought I would share a simple story about somebody getting it right. we are isolated. we are out once a week for groceries. yesterday we got to the grocery store and we had to line up outside. they had a guard outside who flagged us in one by one whenever somebody came out. we were lined up six feet apart. when we got in their were minimal people there. we could shop without being close to anybody. they sprayed the carts after people used them. when we got to cash we were again stopped and waited. one person at a time at the checkout line. the cashier behind plexiglass. when a customer left the conveyer belt ... was sprayed.. while there were a smattering of people it was like you were on your own. I left the house that day feeling unsure and left the grocery store feeling safe because somebody took the time to think things through and do it right. be smart, be careful, be kind and be happy. bless you all.

we are on a spiritual adventure in which with compassionate loving we can rise above our strife to a place of divine clarity where we can see the beauty and blessings that surround us.

allow yourself to receive healing energies from the universe, open yourself to wisdom and guidance from the heavens, engage in mind body experiences and embrace the souls highest purpose. these are but a few of the ways to make it through the darkness into the light.

we have the greatest impact and create miraculous change when we live beyond our boundaries, embrace life with an open heart and share our sacred story with the world.

in this time of need I like to create a healing atmosphere by doing simple things which are heart nourishing and soul inspiring.

with heightened awareness I am spiritually exploring a higher consciousness by living and loving in life affirming ways that enhance wellness.

I choose to believe that cosmic forces are leading me from the darkness into a marvelous and miraculous future.

I think today I will create beautiful. I will make a beautiful breakfast. I will read a beautiful book. I will talk in beautiful ways. I will write beautiful words. I will engage in beautiful activities. I will dedicate my time to saying, doing, expressing, experiencing and creating something beautiful. what will you do today.

you are loved. I love you. I wish you health and happiness. it is my hope that you weather this storm and emerge into a joy filled life. it is my sincere desire that you and yours step into the light of a better more beautiful tomorrow. I know you are strong and I know you can see your way through this. I believe in you. you are loved.

the deeper and more centered I am the more alive I feel and the better able I am to experience powerful healing.

take the time during this crisis to engage in restorative practices that awaken the heart and embrace the flow of life and yours will be an example that makes a positive contribution which inspires.

I am on a journey to happiness in which I am making spirit guided choices that heal, transform and connect me to my true sacred self.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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