Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Belief in a Positive Future Inspires Me


the belief in a positive future inspires me to make the best of today which creates for me a better tomorrow which leads me to a positive future.

it is during those moments when the beauty of life opens the door to miracles that I am truly able to live joyfully, happily and spiritually.

today I plan to improve my well being by starting a new book, taking a walk along snow lined streets, breathing in the cold winter air, sitting by the fireplace, watching out the window for my son to come home from school and enjoying a british mystery on tv before going to bed and dreaming of doing it all again tomorrow.

recognize your greatness, embrace your goodness and revel in the glory of your true sacred self.

streams of positive energy wash over me whenever I look at life from a spiritual perspective for it is then that I truly see the beauty and blessings which surround me.

I have days when I remember life before birth and I am liberated, motivated, elevated and empowered by the message and miracle.

the blizzard while reinforcing isolation also gave me the opportunity to watch the children playing in the snow which reminded me of how beautiful and precious life can truly be.

I was digging for treasures in the snow when the light of the sun reflected into my eyes a vision of mystical joy and metaphysical purpose that liberated and motivated me with a clarity most sacred.

with maximum clarity take charge of your destiny by nurturing inner peace, reaching out to others with loving kindness and divinely crafting your days with activities that positively impact the heart and soul.

have a heartfelt conversation with yourself about believing in and loving who you truly are.

compassionate thoughts and loving beliefs connect me to the soul of humanity while embracing my whole being with deeply sacred blessings.

shape your path and purpose with soul satisfy thoughts, intentions, ideas and actions that enrich all areas of your life.

I was sitting on a rainbow talking to an angel when a unicorn approached and said can you help me create miracles and we said yes because we are each in our own special way a miraculous creation whose every breath is a miracle.

be your truest self for your truest self is a sacred being of light who connects to the heavens and earth with clarity of vision and deep authentic love.

I answer my prayers with heartfelt endeavors that instill compassion, kindness and infinite hope into everything I do.

the closer I feel to myself the closer I feel to the divine which for me is a blessing that waters the garden of my life with wisdom, wellness and wonder.

we all have a purpose for being here and we decide what that purpose is.

I carry with me positive healing energy which I share freely for mine is a path of wholeness and happiness that serves a unique purpose which is to help others in soothing, comforting and healing ways.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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