Monday, June 6, 2011


We are guardians of the earth. It is for us to teach
the children of this world to speak to their souls so
that they may connect better with themselves and
sacred Mother Earth.

Greetings from The Ancient One. In the past i have
related my shamanic journey. As my journey is
ongoing and neverending i would like to share
more with you on this very important subject. For
me to be a shaman is to have a personal and
profound connection with the enviroment and all
living things. To respect and to realize that there is
divine in all life.

To begin we must have forgiveness. My friend ,
colleague and mentor - Buffalo Bear Walks With
Wolves ( ) states that
the key to healing our planet is forgiveness. Not
only the forgiving of those whose transgressions
have caused us pain but truly forgiving ourselves.
True forgiveness brings one closer to the higher
self. The universal life force thrives on positive
energy. To forgive is to heal.

The role of a shaman is to change the world around
you by teaching people how to listen. If we stop to
listen then every plant , animal and living thing on
great mother earth will teach us something. A
shaman is one who speaks the truth. We can
stimulate thoughts and cultivate imagination.
Shamans are spiritual gardeners planting seeds of
wisdom from which trees of knowledge will grow.

Shaman is not only part of Native American culture ,
it is a part of all cultures. Medicinemen , storytellers
and elders are all shamans in their way. Its that
ability to pass on wisdom while continuing to learn
and grow that makes a great shaman. We must
purify our bodies so that the healer within may be
released to help create a new state of existence. It
is my goal to help people access hidden realities ,
expand their minds and bring them closer to
spiritual enlightenment. If you seek , meditate ,
change and grow then you are on the path of a true

The more people that connect with their inner
shaman the better a world this will be. Rediscover
your souls and we can have a world where all races
can live in peace and harmony. Mankinds
evolutionary journey has brought us to the brink of
destruction. The time is now to take back our
planet. Become an awakened being and celebrate
the spirit. Accept your past , embrace your future
and seek that which is beyond the physical. If we let
go of the current reality and let a natural stream of
thoughts and feelings guide us on our spiritual
journey , then we begin a shamanic process that
can and will heal our broken planet.

Buffalo Bear states - people are their own creators.
People can self create in their own minds what they
wish to experience. People have the ability to
contact the higher self. We have far more powers
than we realize. We were not put on this earth to
suffer. It is not for us to judge or comment in a
negative way. We are responsible for our own
happiness and sadness. It is important that we
connect with the divine in all things , radiate love
from the depths of our hearts. What one gives out
does indeed come back to them , if in this life then
in another incarnation. So people must forgive and
love unconditionally. We must be aware of our
thoughts and words as they carry much weight.
Spiritual satisfaction is within our reach if we want

Buffalo Bear Walks With Wolves has given me
theknowledge and incentive to raise peoples
awareness. To let people know they have freedom
of choice. They have the ability to become higher
beings if they listen to the teachings of sacred
mother earth. If you close your eyes and listen you
can hear the sky crying. Our land is raped every day
, our water is tainted and the skies are filled with
smog - this is unacceptable. It is the role of the
shaman in the 21st century to teach people respect
for every living thing. If we stop our negative ways ,
if we plant seeds of change and nurture them we
can and will have a bountiful harvest that we can all
be proud of.

My journey to becoming the Earth Shaman that
Buffalo Bear Walks With Wolves envisions is bathed
by grace. Spirituality like a river flowing eternally
washes over me creating an embarassment of
riches that i accept with honor and respect. My
thoughts forge a reality that leaves me with a
profound sense of hope. My shamanic journey is
one of transformation. A wind that nurtures has
blown over me making it possible for my soul to fly.
I now listen to the voice of the land and respect the
web of creation.

I thank you for reading my words and wish you well
on your own spiritual journey. May the beauty of
the green earth embrace your spirit while the seas
of serenity sing you a sweet lullaby that enlightens
and enriches.

Here are some resources I hope you enjoy.

Internet: , , , , , , , .


Bone Medicine - Wolf Moondance

Mother Earth Spirituality - Ed McGaa

Dream Catchers: A Journey into Native American
Spirituality - John James Stewart

Between Earth and Sky - Joseph Bruchac

Native American Magic and Medicine -
Mary Dean Atwood

My Road to Sundance - Manny Twofeathers

Native American Wisdom - Edward S. Curtis

Enjoy your journey. I am The Ancient One With
Heart Of Buffalo Journeys With Spirit Of White Wolf.

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