Monday, October 31, 2011

Angels in Waiting

( Thoughts from Spirit by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )

Walk with me along a Path of Elders where soft Winds freshen the Soul. Dance with me around the Flame of Beauty as we Unite with Illuminated Spirits. Hold my Heart in an Earth Healing Embrace in a place where the Earth meets the Sky. We are Brothers and Sisters of Light and Love. We are Angels in waiting. We are all that is and all that will ever be. Walk with me along a Path of Wisdom where every moment is a Miracle. I Love You!

Life is a Garden Chapel nurtured by Mother Earth. Enjoy the Breeze of Spirit as it Caresses your face and Embrace the World with Love. Give Birth to Hope and Happiness. Create a Life of Peace and Awareness where the Flow of Positive Energy nourishes the Soul. Honour your Chapel by making your Prayer one of Beauty cradled in Loves Light. Amen.

The Main Street of your Soul is a place of Intuitive Inspiration where people speak the Language of Love. Reach within and Release your inner Teacher, Healer and Visionary. Create a Gathering Place that Connects us all to a Life of Meaning. Our Beloved Earth works in Miraculous ways for those who Believe in their Dreams. You are Beautifully Designed and yours is a Journey to a Joyous Community where Awareness and Enlightenment open Sacred Dimensional Doors into Heaven. Your Soul is calling you Home - Answer!

Welcome to an all inclusive Universe of Love. Welcome to a Place of Peace where people have Evolved Spiritually and are Joyful to be Alive. We are Angelic Beings walking the Earth and Communicating with the Spirit World. The Divine Life Force opens Doors of Possibility when we Aspire to make a Difference in the World. Welcome to a Higher Realm of Consciousness. Welcome to a Place of Light where Beauty grows. Welcome to my Soul!

Awake! Begin this day with Love. Your Soul is Smiling for today is the day we create Heaven on Earth. Life is a Luminous Tapestry of Light and Harmony. Let us Gather together in the Spirit of Kindness, Let us Dance in the Suns Freedom, Let us see our own Beauty and the Beauty of all Living things. Awake! Begin this day with Hope. Your Spirit is Smiling for today is the day we Live our Dreams.

Truth is Beautiful. The Truth is the World is filled with Blessings and Light. The Truth is We are Beings of Love radiating Positive Energy. The Truth is Life is a Domain of Dreams where anything is Possible. Create your own Truth, Create your own Reality, Create your own Destiny for you are an Angel on Earth with the Ability to Paint the Sky with Stars. Truth is Happiness, Truth is Joy, Truth is Beautiful and You are Truth.

Rejoice in your Gifts. Cross the Spiritual Ocean to a place of Human Caring that Illuminates the Heart and Soul. It is when we are helping Humanity that we become One with Love. Give Heartfelt Thanks for the Goodness in the World and Manifest your Best Life. Collective Enlightenment begins with a Smile. Blessed be those who Aspire to Change peoples Lives.

Bless all people on Earth. Light the Love in your Heart and make your Home a gathering place for Dreams and Prayers. Smile in your Soul and seek to Enrich the Quality of everyday Life. Let Love be the Reality you Create. Bless the Breath of Life. Be a Source of Grace and Weave together a Quilt of Human Kindness. Open your Spirit that it may Journey to a place of Spirit and Freedom. Bless You!

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