Friday, June 21, 2013

The World Can Be A Better Place

There is always Light for those who Believe in their Heart that they are Worthy and the World can be a Better Place.

Life is a Divinely Orchestrated Song of Beauty that Embraces the Highest Good for those Courageous enough to Traverse Angelic Realms and find that place within where Embodied Awareness shines a Light on a Helping Heart and a Liberating Soul that they may Seek Deeper Meaning and Live their Highest Self.

Believe in Yourself for You are an Inspiration. Love and Respect yourself for You are a Blessing. Honor Yourself for You are a Shining Light connected to the Sacred Source. How we Treat ourselves dictates the kind of Life we will have. Celebrate Yourself for You are Exceptional.

When looking at the Moon be sure to look Deeply enough to see the Beauty of your Reflection and the Glory of its Light.

Be a Kind and Generous Soul with an All Encompassing Vision of a World Lighted by Love where every Moment is a Blessing and all People are United in Divine Truth and Beauty.

Shine your Inner Light and you will Connect to other Dimensions and find that Magickal Place and Nurturing Environment where your True Self can Thrive and your Spirit can Soar.

Embrace and Love yourself for You are Beautiful and You are Worthy. Embrace your Perfection and Live your Highest Spiritual Purpose for you are a Messenger of Light. It is when we Love and Respect ourselves that the Universe Blesses us with Joy and Happiness.

Hug Yourself Happy. Hug everyone you Know that they may Experience the Beauty of your Loving Touch. Hug a Child that they may feel Safe. Hug a Stranger that they may Feel the Light of a Better Tomorrow. Hug Yourself Happy.

Bring Light into your Life by traveling Beyond Knowing to that Sacred Place within where Spiritual Awakening waits Patiently for you to Discover your True Self. We are each of us Emissaries of Love with the Opportunity to Walk a Mystical Path if we so Choose. Make the Right Choices, Fill your Heart with Joy and Compassion, Seek Divine Perfection and Fall in Love with your Life. You are the Answer for You are the Light.

countless lifetimes have led me to embrace the good in life and live in celebration of love, light and the divine for i have realized that even eternity is fleeting.

Every Life Path is Unique, Every Soul is Special and Every Heart is filled with Love. Greet this day with a Smile and Embrace your Awesome Self for You are Amazing and Beautiful.

If we Focus on the Good and Channel Positive Energy our Life becomes a Journey of Profound Healing Experiences and Angelic Guidance leading to Peace, Joy and Love.

The Highest Rewards come our way when we strive to be the Best we can Be. A Good Attitude and Positive Intention are the keys to Living the Best Life Possible.

Aware in this Moment I extend my Hand and Heart as an Offering of Friendship to You that we may Unite in Love and Kindness with the Sacred and Divine as our Guide.

inspire yourself. explore possibilities and make your home a sacred place to grow. live by imagination and give voice to your inner self. create more light in your life. explore your spirit. give birth to liberation and transformation. live your goodness and love your life.

There is a Divine place on Earth where people Evolve to Greater Awareness. There is Home for your Soul where Higher Truth and Spiritual Enlightenment Unite to bring Earth closer to Heaven. To get to these Destinations one must truly Believe they are there and then have the Courage to build them where they Are. This way nobody is lost, nobody is left behind and Everybody is Blessed.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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