Friday, December 20, 2013

The Divine Energy Within

discover new paths and connect to the divine energy within. explore new possibilities with passion and joy. embrace new opportunities and effect positive change. it is when we reach beyond our boundaries that we rise above our limitations and find true happiness and inner peace.

awaken and enliven to the reality that there is joy in each moment. empowering and inspiring are those who see the beauty in each breath for they are the messengers of light who nourish the spirit within.

habits that make you happy and inspire others are blessings to be shared. compassion that uplifts is a gift to be given freely. actions on behalf of other people that liberate and transform are treasures to be cherished. share your light. share your heart. share your beauty. share your love. share those things that make you happy.

genuine intent and the practice of gratitude manifests a harmonious lifestyle full of hope and inspiration where the healing light and sublime beauty of the inner universe transform our hearts and bathe our souls with love.

the good hearted are alive and thriving. stories are everywhere about acts of kindness and compassion. those who concern themselves with the welfare of others let us know that there is something greater and that something is love!

these are extraordinary times and those who rise the highest will be the ones who do what they love and feel good about life. we transform not only our world but the world of many when we live an authentic life. change begins with belief.

playfulness and laughter are healing modalities that uplift humanity and inspire a divine state of being. tickle me holy and i will love you eternally.

you are a gift from heaven. handle with prayer. yours is a warm and tender life of heart based living that serves and empowers others. yours is a life of meaning and purpose. yours is a life of honesty and integrity. yours is a life of beautiful relationships and sacred intent. you are a miracle and i love you. i am a gift from heaven. handle with prayer.

be grateful every day. when we are sincere in our appreciation for the many blessings in our life we are guided gently to a place of profound truths and inner peace where we may live out our days in a joyful and harmonious way.

consultation with the soul will gift you with insights you can share. within your true self is a light that when set free can fulfill wishes and make dreams come true. listen, learn and love.

when the heart speaks it opens doors to wisdom. a kind heart gives us the freedom to express ourself in a way that empowers. listen to your heart and let the love within overflow that all may experience the depth of your beauty.

we are intuitively guided vibrant people on a healing journey to the self. with love and kindness we can heal ourselves. with passion, purpose and belief we can heal others. it is our true spiritual nature to serve each other in a way that heals.

with the intention of love you can help change the world. reach higher and allow the pure divine love within to inspire you to become more compassionate. know that with the power of your soul you can accomplish wonderful things. with the intention of kindness you can help change your world.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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