Friday, January 31, 2014

Spread Your Wings And Fly

every moment is an opportunity for growth. with every breath the spirit is reborn. we are encompassed by possibility. belief is a choice. seize the opportunities and embrace the possibilities for greatness is the reward for believing in yourself enough to spread your wings and fly.

speak your truth for within truth is a spiritual bounty which creates meaning and healing for the courageous few who embrace honesty and integrity with all their heart.

there is a wellspring of spirit within and by exploring the spiritual dimensions of the soul you bring greater meaning to life. to look inside your sacred self is to inspire and educate. you are a breath of loving and compassionate guidance and your mission is simply to breathe that others may share in the beauty and glory of your ethereal essence.

when we live with greater consciousness we bring magick into our lives and we discover the beauty of our true being. awareness awakens within us the healing light of love and the ancient wisdom of our eternal self.

when we actively seek to improve the quality of our life we align with our destiny and live with greater consciousness for positive intention is the first step on the road to happiness.

sacred is the smile of those blessed souls who have come to the realization that a simple act of kindness can change a life for the better and make the world a place of love and light.

inwardly conscious seekers of truth create positive thought patterns which manifest as sacred actions that open mind, body and spirit to a more enlightened existence.

mindful self compassion is a blessing that creates greater love and wisdom while manifesting opportunities to unite souls. the more we love ourselves the more beautiful our world will be.

live your spirituality for you are touched by goodness. cultivate your intuition that wisdom may flow freely into your life. acknowledge your authentic self and create a world of love. live your spirituality for you are touched by greatness.

make clearer choices and you will awaken to wisdom. clarity carries with it positive and inspiring truths which lead to the glowing light of wholeness and completeness.

open your mind, body and soul to the beauty of your existence and you will be embraced by messages from the spiritual realm which will in turn aid you in making healing choices that will transform your life and inspire you to live your greatness.

to achieve emotional and spiritual balance listen to the voice of the angel within and allow the glowing light of your sacred self to guide you to a place of deeper meaning.

become more compassionate and yours will be a direct path to heaven for it is through service to others that we open the gateway to paradise and the doorway to immortality.

deeper perceptions of reality afford us the opportunity to see how richly blessed we truly are. i am joyous for each breath. i revel in the touch of those i love. i embrace the beauty of sacred mother earth. i dance in the sunlight of friendship and meditate in the moonlight of the miraculous. blessed am i.

there is a beautiful garden where the very best of you grows. explore the extraordinary within and it will guide you to that sacred place where you may live your truth. by showing yourself kindness, compassion and unconditional love you plant seeds of joy that will fill your garden with an all encompassing and healing light which will nourish your spirit and soul for eternity.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, January 24, 2014

Where People Dance In Freedom

imagine into existence a life of light where people dance in freedom and peace. imagine into existence a life of love where people join hand in hand to celebrate their differences. imagine into reality all your hopes and dreams. a new reality is ours to imagine. let us imagine into existence something beautiful that we all can share in love and light.

to be a better man one must simply be a better man. to live a better life one must simply live a better life. by simplifying our lives we can see with more clarity that we are the masters of our own fate and that change is but a choice away.

acts of love are liberating and empowering. when we love each other infinitely we touch the light of heaven. when we love ourselves eternally we touch the face of god.

at our core we are beings of pure intent and it is when we open ourselves to that reality that we connect with our angels and delight in our lives.

live happily in the moment with the knowledge that you are a gift from spirit and your life is a message of inspiration meant to lovingly assist yourself and others along a path of healing and spiritual growth to a place of joy and peace.

the spirit is unbreakable. when you feel like your spirit is broken that is but an illusion. the spirit is unbreakable. when you feel that life has let you down look within for there is always light. the spirit is unbreakable. when you think you can go no further reach beyond your limits. the spirit is unbreakable. when you can no longer believe because belief has left you lost and alone immerse yourself in the impossible. the spirit is unbreakable. my mind is broken, my body is bruised, my heart aches but my spirit is strong. the spirit is unbreakable.

through labyrinths of consciousness i walk happily as profound spiritual wisdom embraces my soul and guides me through a full and rewarding life.

deep are the teachings within each of us and if we take the time to love ourselves and explore the beauty and truth of who we are, we create an atmosphere of light that will open us to the reality of our own greatness.

when we live beautifully we hear the angels sing and life becomes a sacred blessing. when we love beautifully we feel our spirits soar and every moment becomes a profound gift. when we live and love with harmony and happiness as our passion and purpose life becomes more beautiful.

raise your vibrational energy by looking at yourself as a delightfully inspiring being of light whose life is a wonderful adventure and whose very essence is a profound treasure to be cherished and celebrated.

a revolution of spirit is upon us and if we embrace its beauty as rebel souls intent on changing the world we can create a global transformation that will inspire an abundance of blessings and create a future of universal love.

let yours be a positive message. a message of meaning and purpose. a message of high aspirations and global alchemy. a message of contentment and kindness. let yours be a profound message that smiles at the heart, kisses the spirit and embraces the soul. let love be your message.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Saturday, January 18, 2014

An Adventure In Soul Discovery

Cherish Yourself

cherish your blessings. cherish your many gifts. cherish those you love. cherish those who love you. cherish every breath. life is to be cherished. cherish yourself.

the power of our intention when positive is amazingly beneficial to ourselves and others for it creates well being and inspires a constant stream of sacred thought and action.

arise in awareness. wake the soul and venture along a path of universal compassion. Live in gratitude with a caring heart and your life will be an extraordinary blessing of personal growth and spiritual evolution.

dance with me among the stars and let the light of our souls be the inspiration that guides us and others to passionately engage life in a way that affords us the opportunity to experience greater happiness and joy.

moment by moment our ever growing spirit evolves into greater love and our purpose is simply to accept, acknowledge and embrace it in gratitude.

when you are fully alive everything is illuminated. the air is fresher, the sun shines brighter and people are more loving. awaken to awareness and greater blessings will be your reward.

a new era of spirituality is upon us and by seeking to make a difference we move forward towards a shared phenomenon of truthful light and sacred love.

compassion and gentleness are two of the key ingredients to becoming divine. it is through caring and kindness that we elevate the spirit and inspire the soul. embrace your sacred self for yours is a life of transformation and ascension. bless you on your journey. you are loved.

to establish greater balance one should engage in heart centered living for by walking your path wisely you create a sacred interconnectedness which makes life a journey of illuminating and enriching experiences.

connect with the source. connect with people who nourish your soul. believe that you are a visionary spiritual teacher and embark on a sacred adventure of inspiration and empowerment. make yours a prayerful journey into a miraculous world of light where a profound treasury of joyous experiences lead to a love most divine. connect with your true self.

give and receive love with a heart filled with kindness and compassion as you journey into the beyond for within other realms and dimensions you enter into harmony with sacredness and prayer as you become who you really are.

live beautifully. live with joyous intent. live with a smile on your heart. live the life your soul intended. live with a blissful spirit. live your destiny. love beautifully...

the world soul smiles when we recognize the sacredness of all life for it knows that from awareness comes awakening.

when we are more loving of other beings we open an inspirational treasure trove of ethereal wisdom and spiritual purpose that will lead us along a path of glory and greatness to the gateway of bliss.

within the open sky of my soul is a living prayer of enlightened compassion that fosters in me a love for all humanity and a profound realization that miracles happen to those who believe they can create miracles.

living life with gratitude creates a positive momentum that inspires us to live life fully and love every moment for there is greatness in gratitude.

we need to be more loving and compassionate. we need more caring and kindness. we need to stop being so angry. we need to take leaps of perception into realms of new realities. we need to be more honest and respectful. there is much we need. to fulfill our needs we must change and the greatest change has always and will always begin with the words i love you.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Moon Goddess Workshop

The Beauty Of Who You Are

through concentrated thoughts of positive affirmations a universe of higher states can be reached that will lead you on a profound adventure of ascension and transformation where the beauty of life matches the beauty of who you are.

the unseen self walks a path of harmony and balance waiting to be seen that it may share the beauty of existence.

embrace positive thought and your reward will be an awareness of the self that provides deeper insight and an awakening of the soul which manifests as an inspired life immersed in the glory and glow of aliveness.

explore the heart with deep awareness and something magick happens. see the heart for its true beauty and yours will be a journey of enriching experiences and spiritual clarity. share the love within your heart and you assist in the souls transformation as you change peoples lives in ways positive and profound. free the heart and you free yourself to live and love in a happier and more productive manner. a life lived from the heart is a life blessed by the heavens.

when we look at life through eyes of kindness we move forward on our path in a way that inspires others.

i love you - pass it on, pay it forward, hold it close, set it free, share it, caress it, shine a light upon it, shout it to the heavens, write a poem about it, sing a song about it, open your heart to it, wrap your mind around it, rejoice in its beauty, know it, feel it, be it, play with it, acknowledge it, respect it and celebrate it - i love you

happier and more productive are those who connect with the cosmos by walking a magickal path of practical insight, ancient wisdom and esoteric thought. unlimited possibilities surround us and by reaching beyond our boundaries and exploring other realms, realities and dimensions we create a lifes purpose of positive experiences and profound perspectives.

compassion and caring create an energizing atmosphere of healing. kindness and loving create a spiritually inspiring environment of truth and beauty. to uplift your life you need only help others uplift theirs.

there is a candle aglow within that illuminates the breathtakingly beautiful gifts of spirit that we are all born with. these gifts are meant to be shared for every time you reach out to others in love you shine a light upon their soul. we are stardust and the universe is our home. embrace the light.

discover your own truth and you empower the heart. walk toward your destiny and you make miraculous connections which open the soul to love and grace. live with purpose and the light of spirit will illuminate a path to the divine. may the joyful energy of change and choice be the inspiration that makes yours a life of happiness where every moment is bliss.

this is a time of spiritual cleansing. a time of profoundly life changing moments which connect us more deeply with our highest aspirations. a time enlivened by love where all people gather as one to help create miracles. this is a time of spiritual ecstasy where whispers in the wind guide us to bliss. this is your time. this is our time. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love...

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )