Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Beauty Of Who You Are

through concentrated thoughts of positive affirmations a universe of higher states can be reached that will lead you on a profound adventure of ascension and transformation where the beauty of life matches the beauty of who you are.

the unseen self walks a path of harmony and balance waiting to be seen that it may share the beauty of existence.

embrace positive thought and your reward will be an awareness of the self that provides deeper insight and an awakening of the soul which manifests as an inspired life immersed in the glory and glow of aliveness.

explore the heart with deep awareness and something magick happens. see the heart for its true beauty and yours will be a journey of enriching experiences and spiritual clarity. share the love within your heart and you assist in the souls transformation as you change peoples lives in ways positive and profound. free the heart and you free yourself to live and love in a happier and more productive manner. a life lived from the heart is a life blessed by the heavens.

when we look at life through eyes of kindness we move forward on our path in a way that inspires others.

i love you - pass it on, pay it forward, hold it close, set it free, share it, caress it, shine a light upon it, shout it to the heavens, write a poem about it, sing a song about it, open your heart to it, wrap your mind around it, rejoice in its beauty, know it, feel it, be it, play with it, acknowledge it, respect it and celebrate it - i love you

happier and more productive are those who connect with the cosmos by walking a magickal path of practical insight, ancient wisdom and esoteric thought. unlimited possibilities surround us and by reaching beyond our boundaries and exploring other realms, realities and dimensions we create a lifes purpose of positive experiences and profound perspectives.

compassion and caring create an energizing atmosphere of healing. kindness and loving create a spiritually inspiring environment of truth and beauty. to uplift your life you need only help others uplift theirs.

there is a candle aglow within that illuminates the breathtakingly beautiful gifts of spirit that we are all born with. these gifts are meant to be shared for every time you reach out to others in love you shine a light upon their soul. we are stardust and the universe is our home. embrace the light.

discover your own truth and you empower the heart. walk toward your destiny and you make miraculous connections which open the soul to love and grace. live with purpose and the light of spirit will illuminate a path to the divine. may the joyful energy of change and choice be the inspiration that makes yours a life of happiness where every moment is bliss.

this is a time of spiritual cleansing. a time of profoundly life changing moments which connect us more deeply with our highest aspirations. a time enlivened by love where all people gather as one to help create miracles. this is a time of spiritual ecstasy where whispers in the wind guide us to bliss. this is your time. this is our time. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love. we are one. we are love...

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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