Monday, April 14, 2014

Believe in your Greatness

increase self love and you enhance health and well being. believe in your greatness and you inspire a more fulfilling life. heaven and earth are one when we are happy with who we are.

you are a divine soul and by being in harmony with your spirit you immerse yourself in the miracle of being and the light of love.

compassionate self awareness and a deeper connection with your inner child creates profound personal transformation, for the more you love yourself the happier your life will be.

you have many sacred blessings and by awakening your spiritual gifts you begin a journey of divine beauty along a blissful path of empowerment and healing.

this is the age of miracles. it is time to let your unique beauty shine. it is a time of healing energy and awakening experiences. listen to your heart. listen to your soul. open your eyes to the blessings that surround you. this is the age of miracles and you are the greatest miracle of all.

when we seek to make powerfully transforming choices we embody the divine in a way that infuses heart and soul with healing light for it is our intention that creates the greatest beauty in our life.

release the spirit within for by setting it free you enrich your essence and beam forth the light of your sacred self that all may see your magnificence. it is when we release all our stresses, burdens and negative energy that we experience a freedom so profound that it transforms us from mere mortal to divine being of love.

live in a sacred way. greet each day with heaven in your heart. dance in the light of truth and beauty. embrace the world with your smile. caress the soul of humanity. love in a sacred way.

we are born with a heart full of blessings and by sharing those blessings we learn to love fully as we connect to something greater.

use your spirit driven gifts for the highest good of all and you will experience the sacred in a way that brings out your true beauty and fills your life with joy and passion.

be kind to yourself. invite positive influences into your life. believe great changes are ahead and live your souls highest vision. you are a blessing of inspiration and a gift of light. be loving to yourself.

when we seek to know our divine self we embark on a spiritual adventure that will transform our life and serve the greater good of the whole for by embracing our sacredness we inspire, encourage and empower others to live their truth and beauty.

there is more to life. there is more to appreciate. there is more to embrace. there is more to learn. there is more to experience. there is more to love. there is more to life. blessed are those who want more.

fall in love with yourself and you create a soul nurturing environment in which you connect with spirit in ways that produce a blissful healing state of inner peace and outer joy.

if we embrace the gifts within us we will find more meaning in life. if we truly love ourself ours will be a soul fulfilling journey of healing and deeper spiritual growth. how we treat ourself dictates how life will treat us.

open yourself to guidance from higher dimensions and yours will be a path of spiritual liberation where the choices you make create miracles.

profound life changes come to those who live in loving light and see a life of joy. extraordinary transformation comes to those who experience spiritual growth in all they do and live their life as a prayer for the earth. beauty and healing comes to those who replenish the spirit with love and rejuvenate the soul with kindness. change and transformation comes to those who create it.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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