Friday, September 5, 2014

Believe in the Beauty of who you Truly Are

we are a generation of visionaries. we are divine spirit guides. we are angels on earth. believe in the beauty of who you truly are and open your world to the infinite opportunities and possibilities that await.

it is when we allow greater understanding into our life that we create a sacred environment which lovingly gives thanks to the life sustaining benefits stored in the soul and the special caring ways in which our angels and guides share their all encompassing light.

stored in our soul is a shamanic light that when released illuminates a path to a world of sacred beauty that benefits all humanity.

we are true spiritual beings and if we live our truth we create deeper connections, experience the transcendent and immerse ourselves mind, body and soul in an all embracing love.

there are treasures deep within that are relevant and beneficial to all. experience fully the inner self and take your life in a new direction. see yourself as pure spirit and you will find greater meaning and complete divine freedom. there are mystical worlds deep within waiting for us to be enlightened and inspired by their glorious truth and sacred reality. see with soulful eyes and be transformed by the boundless love of who you really are.

let your spiritual exploration be one of love for it is when we explore love that we discover the miracles of life and the beauty of our true and sacred self.

be real. its about honesty. its about integrity. its about kindness. be authentic. its about dignity. its about purity. its about respect. we spend far too much time putting on airs for others. we spend far too much time being what society wants us to be. we spend far too much time trying to please a world that just doest understand us. be real. its about life. its about love. its about you. be who you truly are.

love and compassion for all beings will open your life to many paths which in turn will present a cascade of opportunities that will guide you to a greater awareness of the joy and splendor within your reach.

it is by sharing the lightness of our being for the benefit of all that we climb the mountain within and reach that place within ourself where revelations from spirit whisper sweetly inspiring messages of love.

when we genuinely love and respect ourself and others a miraculous transformation takes place in which we blossom like a beautiful flower in a garden of kindness and compassion.

make everything you do a heartfelt offering of love and you will enhance the quality of your life for to share our love is to shape the world with spiritual solutions that enrich and enlighten.

there is a light that grows within you and when you embrace that light you become more loving. there is a light that glows within you and when you immerse yourself in that light you discover a deeper sense of meaning and begin to believe in miracles. there is a love that grows and glows within you and when you open the doorway to feelings of gratitude and thankfulness yours becomes a faith you can fly into the soul of heaven.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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