Thursday, November 27, 2014

You are a Miracle of Beauty and Truth

the way you treat yourself is the way the world treats you. make an effort on this day to love, honor, respect, cherish and treasure yourself for you are a miracle of beauty and truth.

within you are profound spiritual teachings waiting for you to awaken to your true self that they may be set free to educate, enrich and empower both you and the world around you.

in a clear and thoughtful way seek to connect with every uniquely beautiful soul that you come in contact with for each and every one of us is a gift to be treasured and by seeing the divine love and light in others you more fully experience the blessings of life.

activate the sacred within that you may be a source of light for others. it is when we devote ourself to making the world a better place that we truly experience the joy and wonderment of the miracles that surround us.

a life well lived is a life lived from a place of inspiration where the heart of spirituality is infused with joy and satisfaction that you may become more aware of the beauty of those things bigger than yourself. a life well loved is one of growth and evolution blessed by a higher source where you live your highest purpose. live your life well.

you are a gift to the world. the key to life is to be a gift to yourself. cherish you. embrace you. believe in you. treasure you. respect you. honor you. celebrate you and love you.

come with me and we will climb mountains of magick where we will reach new heights of joy. let us gather in the heavens of our minds where in prayer and meditation we will transcend our limits and ascend to our rightful place in the cosmos. come with me where dolphins sing and unicorns dance. come with me.

sweet and inspiring is a life of true soul nourishment filled with light and love. with each kindness we feed our soul. with every show of compassion we nurture our spirit. live the life you were meant to live. live the love you were meant to live. embrace the miracle you are.

embrace self acceptance for the more you love and believe in yourself the better your life will be.

be as good as you can be. elevate and illuminate your life as you cultivate happiness. with clear vision and purpose awaken to the beauty of your true self. gently and simply follow your destiny.

you honor your spirit when you allow the soul to flower for it is the blossoming within which leads us to healing and wholeness that we may be the gift and treasure to humanity that we were born to be.

share from the heart the source of your sacred wisdom and live for the benefit of others by giving back to humanity the profound revelations you have received in every smile and warm embrace that has blessed your existence.

we are blessed with many gifts and every time we share our gifts we transform lives and make the world a better place.

when we explore the limitless possibilities of the passion and purity within we begin to make spiritually grounded choices which inspire us to share our light with others as we create magick and manifest miracles.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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