Thursday, January 8, 2015

Take Creative Spiritual Action

take creative spiritual action by making yours a sacred environment where you live your radiance in a way that explores life's deeper meaning and embraces the soul of the world.

explore your inner workings for doing so will open your mind to new experiences and sacred realms that expand the heart and sing your soul awake. it is by immersing ourself in our true nature and beauty that we begin to live our life in unique and transforming ways that bring in light and love.

you are a flower unfolding in a garden of light whose life is a luminous adventure divinely inspired.

breathe in the nurturing air of spirit as doing so will envelope you in ecstatic aliveness and make yours an extraordinary story of angelic encounters and divine connections where you live your greatness as a garment of beauty that inspires mystical thought and positive action.

when we allow our spirit guides and angels to shower us with infinite blessings we discover new possibilities and a cleansing awareness which helps manifest what the heart dreams as we move forward in life.

yours is an extraordinary life of deepening spirituality that is richer and more meaningful than you imagine. open yourself to your true and sacred beauty for it is when we know our divine self that we are swept away on waves of bliss.

you are a warrior of spirit and with the assistance of angels you can conquer any challenge. ask your heart for guidance and venture forward with the knowledge that you can manifest miracles and inspire change.

learn from your experiences and with heartfelt gratitude apply those lessons to your life in a way that embraces the heart and inspires the soul.

awaken to a changing world. arise and step joyously into a brighter tomorrow. use your unique spiritual gifts to nourish your soul and make your transformation one of love and miracles. awaken, arise and smile for you are alive and life is beautiful.

bring more love into the world by making your every thought an expression of beauty and your every act an expression of kindness.

beautify your soul by allowing your light filled spirit to create a transformative environment of shamanic experiences which connect you to yourself and the universe in meaningful and magickal ways.

you are responsible for your own happiness. your divine purpose is to devote yourself to helping others and make choices from a place of love. your magnificent self is a gift to be shared and treasured. you are responsible for your own bliss. live and act responsibly.

you are the master of your own destiny. fill your life with thoughts of joy and compassion for all and yours will be a journey to the heart that touches the souls of many and guides you to a place of light and love that you may call home.

there is within you light from the angels, the wonders of heaven and a higher vibration of love. allow yourself to blossom that those gifts may be set free to transform your life and inspire the lives of others.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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