Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Magickal Life of Evolving Perspective

when we accept with grace our sacred gifts we awaken the angel within and ours becomes a magickal life of evolving perspective in which we see our true beauty and share it with the world.

by being kind and compassionate you bring your soul to the surface and your life becomes a sacred gift of the highest good.

love and truth connect us to the light of our true self and allow us to see the angels on our path that we may dedicate our existence to helping others as we evolve spiritually. awaken your inner wisdom and let joy and contentment guide you to a place of profound wisdom and clarity where angelic messages connect us soul to soul and heart to heart.

every moment is an opportunity to enrich. you have within you the ability to inspire with every breath. let this be the day you love your life so fully that the heavens open and the angels rejoice for you are a blessing.

intention is the seed from which greatness and glory grow. let your intention be to empower, enrich, enlighten, inspire, elevate, motivate, transform, transcend and love.

seek to manifest the divine for in doing so you nourish the soul with spiritual awareness and yours becomes a harmonious and balanced life of joy that uplifts and empowers.

the light within you is a source of endless possibilities and by releasing its energy you connect to love in a way that satisfies and inspires. if you believe in anything believe that you are the light and that light is an expression of love.

by making positive changes you become aware of your natural gifts and yours becomes a road of discovery which leads to a better life.

the most profound changes come when we awaken to the enchanting beauty of our sacred self for it is at that moment we realize that we are love and ours is a mystical journey of kindness and compassion to be cherished and celebrated.

let your love flow seamlessly into the heart and soul of everyone you meet and your life will be a song of inspiration that fills the world with good deeds and actions for you are a miracle meant to be shared.

look with eyes of spirit into your highest good and you will discover windows of self perception which when opened reveal the joy of being and transform yours into a world of healing and happiness.

you are a manifestation of love whose soul speaks a language that connects you to the spirit world. listen to the voice of your soul and embrace fully your spirit that all may be blessed by the beauty of your love.

we are genetically predisposed to happiness. it is in our dna to be happy. the problem is most people spend their lives going against what is natural. we allow stress, anxiety, depression... to engulf us. it is the realization that we have the power and ability to remove those things from our lives and open ourself to the innate happiness within that transforms our very existence. set free those things which make life beautiful. we are genetically predisposed to love.

there is a light that glows within. it is a loving light. it is a light that replenishes the spirit and inspires the soul. it is an extraordinary treasure meant to be shared. it is a blessing meant to be used in service to humanity. it is who you are. you are the light. live the loving light of who you are.

awaken on this day to positive thoughts and actions. arise on this morn with a purpose that allows love to flow freely. let this be the moment you expand and evolve into an inspired angel of light. whole and complete are those who experience the joy of who they are. awaken and arise for this is your day and you are beautiful.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, March 19, 2015

It Is Through Love That We Truly Come Alive

it is through love that we truly come alive so be sure you approach every moment on your path with love in your heart and yours will be a richer more spiritual life of soul nourishing joy.

there is a place within each smile where friendship blooms. it is a place of knowing. a place that says i understand you. a place that says you are important and you matter. a place that says everything is going to be alright. if you could see me at this moment you would see me smiling.

my thoughts and my feelings had a conversation in which they decided that i needed to be more positive. they are now on their way to share this wisdom with my actions that i may spend my day smiling, hugging, laughing, singing, dancing...

touch the universe. just reach up and touch it. know that it is within your reach for you are a celestial body born to dance among the stars.

pray with me at the altar of the soul that we may inspire the heavens to open and shine a loving light on all those whose struggle is great for life is a gift of goodness which when shared can change lives and transform worlds.

awaken and celebrate the human spirit for we are beings of divine inspiration whose destinies are bound by love and light.

i am inspired by the beauty of people. a smile empowers me. a loving touch transforms me. a intelligent conversation motivates me. know that you have within you the power to change lives simply by sharing the truth and beauty of who you are.

a positive outlook allows us to experience our world in a way that soothes the soul and guides us to higher planes of existence.

good and profound are those who are open to love for they are the light of truth from which flows a life affirming beauty that heals, inspires and transforms.

let your visions be sacred, your thoughts divine, your feelings ethereal and your actions godly for you are a transcendent being of beauty and light born to change lives and make the world a better place.

miracles can happen if we create them. miracles do happen if we believe in them. miracles will happen if we live them. we are miracles and by immersing ourself in the true beauty of who we are we set them free to dance among the stars.

live your best life and embrace your greatest self by devoting yourself to opening minds and touching hearts for doing so will cultivate a loving soul and inspire you to be more spiritually alive.

shape your destiny in such a way that the light of joy within you touches the heavens that you may inhale the breath of god as you discover your higher self and become one with the universe.

a happy healthy life begins with thoughts of joy for positive thinking creates positive energy which heals and transforms the mind, body and soul.

we evolve spiritually when when share our gifts with others. we grow as sacred beings when we reach out to those in need. we ascend with every smile and transcend with every touch for we are angels on earth born to bless the world with our light.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, March 13, 2015

Believe In Yourself

believe in yourself and allow your light to shine brightly that all may experience your kind and generous spirit for you are an angel on earth connected to the heavens who is born of love and destined for greatness.

a positive life begins with positive intention. choose to be positive and yours will become a life of greater harmony and understanding where your world is transformed into a place of miracles where dreams come true.

you are worthy of love for you are special. you are deserving of all the joy life has to offer for you are sacred. believe in the divine truth of your existence for you are a being of light. you are a miracle and the moment you embrace your magnificence is the moment your dreams become a reality.

put a smile on your heart and then share that smile with the world for you were born to live and love in a way that touches souls and changes lives. you are a blessing and by living each moment in a special caring way you evolve spiritually as you change the world for the better.

share the joy of who you are for you are a sacred gift that when shared lights the world with a love that grows more powerful with every hug and more glorious with every smile.

you are a beautiful prayer of positive intention born to live an extraordinary life where miracles happen and dreams come true. greet this day with a smile and let your prayer be your purpose.

let us create a new world of angelic encounters where where we journey through portals of overwhelming love as we manifest a happy and fulfilling life where the seeds of our intentions blossom into fruits of beauty and bliss.

you are gifted and if let your spirit flow with gratitude and compassion you will bring your dreams alive with experiences that benefit the heart and soul.

to start your day happy you need simply fill each moment with positive thought and action as doing so creates a wave of sacred energy that will carry you through the day with a song in your heart and a smile on your soul.

before you leave the house today pack a lunch. fill it with good intentions, profound spiritual awakening, true happiness and divine love. it is by nourishing ourself with light and love that we blossom into the angel we were born to be.

within us is an eternal flame, a heavenly light that illuminates the heart of spirit. when we have respect for ourself and others that flame shines all the brighter and radiates a sacred warmth that envelopes the soul and brings us comfort.

listen to the beat of your heart and you will hear the positive healing sound of loves tribal rhythms. we are ancient beings of light and our dance of life is a tribal dance meant to celebrate mother earth and honor all humanity.

be of service in meaningful ways by intentionally shaping your existence with the pure light of love for it is love that is the greatest miracle in life.

where there is darkness shine a light. where there is suffering shine a light. where there is pain shine a light. where there is struggle shine a light. it is when we come to the divine realization that we are the light that our life becomes a series of miracles in which we shine.

guide me gently along a blossoming path of prayer and meditation that i may fully experience the universal life force in a way that embraces my heart and touches my soul.

i am a being of pure divine love. handle with prayer. i am a good hearted soul. handle with prayer. i am sacred and blessed. handle with prayer. i am awakened and aware. handle with prayer. i am enlightened and evolved. handle with prayer. i am a gateway to spirit. handle with prayer. i am many things to many people and if you look closely you will see tattooed on my heart the words handle with prayer. amen.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Heavenly Light Within

we connect to spirit when we help others on their journey, for selfless service is a heavenly light within each of us which when shared opens us mind, body and soul to the beauty of our sacred essence and divine presence.

to acknowledge and appreciate your true self is to embark down a path of greater purpose where with every step you grow spiritually as you are immersed in a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

a loving self is a self that serves the world. a loving heart is a heart that serves the greater good. a loving spirit is a spirit that serves the deepest desires of all. a loving soul is a soul that serves the sacred and diving. look within and you will discover that your loving self has a loving heart, spirit and soul.

live your compassion with a smile on your soul so bright that it illuminates a path of spiritual transformation that awakens your dreams and guides you to a place of beauty and goodness.

allow yourself to flower in a way that honors your beauty and inspires others to love themselves for it is by cherishing who we are that we best serve humanity.

we are love and by sharing who we are with others we embrace the world with a heartfelt existence that is authentic thereby blessing every moment with a sacred truth dedicated to kindness and compassion towards all.

raise your loving energy to a place spiritual magnificence that all may experience the miracle and beauty of your sacred self for you are a blessing born of light whose essence enriches and empowers.

enlightened is the spirit that shines the light of love on all without conditions or restrictions for it has been awakened to the truth that life is best lived for the benefit of the whole.

awaken to the truth that you are touched by goodness. be aware of the fact that you are blessed with greatness. awaken to the awareness that you are a beautiful flower born of light and love whose treasures are but miracles waiting to be shared.

change your reality. change your perspective. change your attitude. it is by embracing change that we open ourself up to possibilities and opportunities that will blossom within us a beauty that is breathtaking.

it is when we discover the beauty of being alive that we imagine into existence a life of affirming choices and transformative prayer. look through eyes of spirit and see with clarity the miracle of your magnificence that you may love yourself eternally as you create your own unique path.

live beautifully and let ours be a life of sacred blessings that give birth to new realities for that is a path in which we create a world of positive intent where the miraculous is a gift we share with others.

there is greatness within each of us and by opening ourselves to the beauty of who we truly are we create extraordinary experiences that give our lives a sense of purpose and lead us to a place of profound happiness where miracles happen and life becomes a prayer of gratitude and thankfulness for being alive.

a life of greater purpose is one in which we use our transformative gifts and powers to make positive choices that enrich and empower our life and the lives of others.

awaken to your divinity and you will discover a powerful source of energy within which will release your boundless spirit that you may realize your true passion and live the life of your dreams.

when we get in touch with our sacred self we bring heaven to earth and ours becomes a life of infinite possibilities where all paths have meaning and everyone is worthy of love.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )