Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Heavenly Light Within

we connect to spirit when we help others on their journey, for selfless service is a heavenly light within each of us which when shared opens us mind, body and soul to the beauty of our sacred essence and divine presence.

to acknowledge and appreciate your true self is to embark down a path of greater purpose where with every step you grow spiritually as you are immersed in a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

a loving self is a self that serves the world. a loving heart is a heart that serves the greater good. a loving spirit is a spirit that serves the deepest desires of all. a loving soul is a soul that serves the sacred and diving. look within and you will discover that your loving self has a loving heart, spirit and soul.

live your compassion with a smile on your soul so bright that it illuminates a path of spiritual transformation that awakens your dreams and guides you to a place of beauty and goodness.

allow yourself to flower in a way that honors your beauty and inspires others to love themselves for it is by cherishing who we are that we best serve humanity.

we are love and by sharing who we are with others we embrace the world with a heartfelt existence that is authentic thereby blessing every moment with a sacred truth dedicated to kindness and compassion towards all.

raise your loving energy to a place spiritual magnificence that all may experience the miracle and beauty of your sacred self for you are a blessing born of light whose essence enriches and empowers.

enlightened is the spirit that shines the light of love on all without conditions or restrictions for it has been awakened to the truth that life is best lived for the benefit of the whole.

awaken to the truth that you are touched by goodness. be aware of the fact that you are blessed with greatness. awaken to the awareness that you are a beautiful flower born of light and love whose treasures are but miracles waiting to be shared.

change your reality. change your perspective. change your attitude. it is by embracing change that we open ourself up to possibilities and opportunities that will blossom within us a beauty that is breathtaking.

it is when we discover the beauty of being alive that we imagine into existence a life of affirming choices and transformative prayer. look through eyes of spirit and see with clarity the miracle of your magnificence that you may love yourself eternally as you create your own unique path.

live beautifully and let ours be a life of sacred blessings that give birth to new realities for that is a path in which we create a world of positive intent where the miraculous is a gift we share with others.

there is greatness within each of us and by opening ourselves to the beauty of who we truly are we create extraordinary experiences that give our lives a sense of purpose and lead us to a place of profound happiness where miracles happen and life becomes a prayer of gratitude and thankfulness for being alive.

a life of greater purpose is one in which we use our transformative gifts and powers to make positive choices that enrich and empower our life and the lives of others.

awaken to your divinity and you will discover a powerful source of energy within which will release your boundless spirit that you may realize your true passion and live the life of your dreams.

when we get in touch with our sacred self we bring heaven to earth and ours becomes a life of infinite possibilities where all paths have meaning and everyone is worthy of love.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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