Thursday, June 25, 2015

Something Beautiful And Miraculous

change is not something one waits for its something one creates. let us stop hoping for change and start making choices that make this world a better place. let us transform anger, hatred, prejudice, violence... into love, light, joy and happiness. change is ours to use how we will. let us commit to changing our world into something beautiful and miraculous.

i have a smile looking for a home, i have a hug looking for a soul to embrace, i have a kiss looking for a light to guide it to its sacred resting place, i have a love looking for every blessed being. this is what i have and i give it to you.

the heart is never full for nature always leaves within it space for one more love.

lead me to your light that i may see the beauty of your sacred self and be inspired to share with you my essence that we may build a better tomorrow for each and every soul.

bless yourself by living each day with awakening to the light as your intention and being an emissary of love as your purpose.

in divine grace and unique purpose i open my heart and soul to you with love as my guide for it is my desire to serve others through spirit that they may know just how miraculous and beautiful they are.

more joy comes to those who look within the vessel of their own being and see their greatness flowing like a river and dive in that they may guided to their true essence and live the life of inspiration and imagination that is their destiny.

gently awaken to positive intent with your purpose being to gift your life and the lives of others with love that all may know the beauty and blessings of this wonderful life.

breathe in the beauty of your true and scared self with the knowledge that within you is a living universe of love that connects you to the angels and kisses each moment with blessings from the heavens.

awaken the voice within for it has an empowering message of hope that will help you unfold your destiny in a way that inspires you to celebrate life and love as you live with gratitude in the celestial light of sacred beauty.

the more you spread your love and light the more inner peace you will find. the more loving and compassionate you are the more joy you will find. positive thought and action creates positive moments that make ours a positive life.

encouraging and guiding others is a way to empower your life. it is when we have a positive impact on people that we realize our magnificence and rise to a place of light and love where we can see the true beauty of our glory and greatness.

life unfolds perfectly and we experience true bliss when we live our sacred self and love who we are.

we are growing and changing with every breath. what we grow and change into is our choice. live in a very positive way and you plant seeds of light that will transform your world. a meaningful agenda manifest momentous moments which help us blossom into something beautiful.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, June 18, 2015

We Have The Opportunity To Create Miracles

every moment we have the opportunity to choose and change. we have the opportunity to embark on a new chapter of our life. we can make ours an inspirational story of profound spiritual understanding in which we use the tools of transformation within to guide us to wholeness and healing. every moment we have the opportunity to create miracles.

this is a glorious day. a perfect day to experience greater joy. this is your day. make it something beautiful.

move forward on your path with positive intent and you inspire alchemical flowering which will breathe new life into your journey as it awakens your soul and enriches your every experience.

when you connect to a higher purpose you help light your path with esoteric wisdom and yours becomes a focused life of compassion that gives you greater joy.

you are gifted in many ways and have the ability to heal yourself and others. you can if you believe in your greatness transform your challenges into blessings. live a spiritual life where you embrace joy on your journey and with every step you take you will create something special. you are magnificent. i love you.

the inner you is radiant with universal life force energy waiting to be released that you may grow in self awareness as you cultivate a passion for life which will lead you to wholeness and enlightenment.

let us start our day with a breakfast of honor, integrity, honesty, kindness, compassion, common sense, truth, light and love. let us do this and then we will meet for lunch and discuss how beautiful our morning has been.

dream the life life you desire then awaken to the reality that you can create the life of your dreams.

when we empower and encourage others we channel higher wisdom which awakens our spirit and creates a path of compassion that leads to an extraordinary life.

illuminate the path ahead that you may see with clarity the evolutionary journey of spirit you are on and open the gateway to enlightenment as you live and love fully.

love is a blessing of spirit that is good for the heart. build your life with love and you light up the world.

embrace your life purpose and touch the infinite as your fire the imagination with metaphysical thought and light up the world with the glory of your true and sacred self.

dance among the stars that the heavens may know your beauty and that you may embrace your evolutionary spirituality with love, self compassion and heartfelt gratitude as you manifest outrageous joy.

open the heart and you release spiritual guidance and sacred inspiration which will enchant your life and empower your existence in a manner befitting the beautiful being of light that you are.

we are messengers of spirit and by sharing our miracles and blessings with others we inspire the angel within to spread its wings that we may bring forth our highest self and make our dreams come true as we live our unique spiritual destiny.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Something Miraculous Happens

nourish the whole person and something miraculous happens for when we love ourself fully we move forward with confidence into the light and ours becomes a world full of hope where we manifest what we desire.

celebrate ever moment. uplift and encourage as you live your true essence. by embracing the light and seeking to serve ourself and others we greatly improve our life. a more joyful existence is ours to create.

live for the good of all by loving yourself and believing in who you are for the most beautiful lives are the ones that elevate others while nurturing the self.

my heart expands with pure love and inspiration whenever i see a child at play for theirs is an enthusiasm for life that touches the heavens as it empowers the soul.

blessed are we who realize that to be alive is a gift and that we have in every moment the opportunity to create something beautiful. today i created a smile which inspired a outpouring of wit which made someone laugh. may you create your own beauty and change a life today.

let us bathe in the energy of spirit that we may wash away our struggles and begin the day cleansed of anger, guilt, regret, anxiety and stress.

i have a pocket full of epiphanies that i sprinkle over lost souls that they may see the light and experience life in a more sacred and beautiful way.

miraculous changes await those who care for and nurture themselves with a belief that they are beautiful beings alive in the light with a sacred destiny and divine purpose.

it is my divine responsibility to create something beautiful. it is my sacred purpose to soar on wings of love. it is my destiny to express my true self in a manner befitting the angel that i am. it is my reality and with it i can manifest miracles.

in fields of discovery i find my true self and i am changed from caterpillar to butterfly that i may spread my wings and share my love with the world in a way that is sacred and beautiful.

smile and you positively impact others. show kindness to all and you transform lives. love yourself with all your heart and you manifest a reality where heaven and earth come together in celebration of who you are.

my house is a house of love. a house of joy where waves of illumination shine brightly on the beauty of our family. a house of devotion and divinity where the positive flow of energy embraces the divine within us all. a house of bliss that awakens the soul. my house is a house of love.

when we are born seeds are planted in the garden of our soul which bloom when we discover the beauty of our true self and share its magnificence with all of humanity.

i was dancing with the fairies when i heard my unicorn laughing with an elf who was playing with a mermaid when i realized that i wasnt dreaming and that life truly is beautiful.

look around and you will discover that countless joys are within your reach. there is an abundance of bliss just waiting for you to realize that it is yours for the taking. release stress, let go of anger, toss away fear and open yourself to a new and more beautiful reality. embrace the happiness that has and always will be there waiting for you to come home.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, June 4, 2015

See The World From A Spiritual Perspective

when we truly see the world from a spiritual perspective our life becomes a journey of beautiful experiences and purposeful living which aligns with a higher consciousness and makes the world a better place.

be an advocate for change. be a facilitator of joy. be a builder of dreams. be a messenger of light. be who you were born to be.

speak and be heard for you have something to say that can change hearts and souls. you have the ability to awaken others to awareness for you have a power and presence that radiates light. fully embrace and accept your magnificence and yours will be a path of optimal well being where you drink from the well of love.

may we gather as one and build a beautiful new world of soul centered exploration where we create spiritual truths that inspire us all to lead a richer and fuller life.

empowering thought and deliberate intent are the greatest inspirations as they help us grow stronger each day that we may align with the divine in a powerful and productive way that opens the heart and soul to change thereby creating an enlightened society and a more positive future.

you are a beautiful gem on a healing heart opening journey of love whose goodness of spirit is directly connected to the source.

compassionate self care creates a positive loving environment in which our soul blossoms as we make great discoveries that open us to the reality that life is a celebration.

you are here to enjoy life. open yourself to spirit and feel the sunshine within. it is when we dedicate ourself to living the life we deserve that we create a world of purpose and meaning in which every day is one filled with amazing inspirational experiences.

radical self love captures the heart and illuminates its beauty in a way that elevates the spirit and makes great things happen. love who you are.

the more beautiful and loving your purpose the more powerful and productive you will be. the more you let your light shine the more you will change your life. everything you want and desire is yours to create.

be honest and forthright and let yours be a journey where you live your best life in the most beautiful and loving way.

when we set our highest intentions to living an extraordinary life we open ourself to opportunities and possibilities of beauty and bliss for positive purpose creates thoughts and actions that manifest as sacred realities that elevate the soul and inspire greatness.

awaken to the beauty of your true self and open yourself to living the life you were born to live. a life of wisdom and self love. a life of well being where your inner beauty shines for all to see. a life mystical moments and positive change. a life of transformative experiences. awaken to the glory of who you are.

contemplate how far you have come and you will see that yours is an extraordinary journey of spirit and that you are a unique being of light.

you are unique in your beauty. love, cherish and treasure who you are. the soul flies freely when we embrace our glory and share our greatness. you are radiant beyond words. honor, respect and celebrate who you are.

a brighter tomorrow begins with a smile for simple gestures of kindness can touch lives in a way that illuminates happiness and inspires healing.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )