Thursday, June 25, 2015

Something Beautiful And Miraculous

change is not something one waits for its something one creates. let us stop hoping for change and start making choices that make this world a better place. let us transform anger, hatred, prejudice, violence... into love, light, joy and happiness. change is ours to use how we will. let us commit to changing our world into something beautiful and miraculous.

i have a smile looking for a home, i have a hug looking for a soul to embrace, i have a kiss looking for a light to guide it to its sacred resting place, i have a love looking for every blessed being. this is what i have and i give it to you.

the heart is never full for nature always leaves within it space for one more love.

lead me to your light that i may see the beauty of your sacred self and be inspired to share with you my essence that we may build a better tomorrow for each and every soul.

bless yourself by living each day with awakening to the light as your intention and being an emissary of love as your purpose.

in divine grace and unique purpose i open my heart and soul to you with love as my guide for it is my desire to serve others through spirit that they may know just how miraculous and beautiful they are.

more joy comes to those who look within the vessel of their own being and see their greatness flowing like a river and dive in that they may guided to their true essence and live the life of inspiration and imagination that is their destiny.

gently awaken to positive intent with your purpose being to gift your life and the lives of others with love that all may know the beauty and blessings of this wonderful life.

breathe in the beauty of your true and scared self with the knowledge that within you is a living universe of love that connects you to the angels and kisses each moment with blessings from the heavens.

awaken the voice within for it has an empowering message of hope that will help you unfold your destiny in a way that inspires you to celebrate life and love as you live with gratitude in the celestial light of sacred beauty.

the more you spread your love and light the more inner peace you will find. the more loving and compassionate you are the more joy you will find. positive thought and action creates positive moments that make ours a positive life.

encouraging and guiding others is a way to empower your life. it is when we have a positive impact on people that we realize our magnificence and rise to a place of light and love where we can see the true beauty of our glory and greatness.

life unfolds perfectly and we experience true bliss when we live our sacred self and love who we are.

we are growing and changing with every breath. what we grow and change into is our choice. live in a very positive way and you plant seeds of light that will transform your world. a meaningful agenda manifest momentous moments which help us blossom into something beautiful.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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