Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Heart Beats A Sacred Rhythm

the heart beats a sacred rhythm that if listened to closely will reveal sacred messages of love and light that will guide you to greatness and inspire you to live the life your soul intended.

help others and you help yourself. help yourself and you are better able to help others. it is by giving, living and loving that we heal ourself and the world around us.

life affirming choices, positive intent, sacred thought and loving actions are the tools needed for transformation. change is yours to manifest at any moment.

beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder it is in the soul of the believer and the heart of the sacred for they are the ones who see how breathtakingly lovely life truly is.

look deep inside and you will see treasures of empowerment and enrichment for you are a being of love whose gifts are many and whose greatness is waiting to be set free.

to be in love with your true self is to know the sacred in a way that inspires you to blossom into your beauty and live your light.

there is wisdom within you. there is kindness and compassion within you. there is greatness and gentleness within you. there is beauty within you. there is positive energy within you. there is light within you. there is change within you. there is love within you. look within.

when we heal ourself we help others heal and they in turn inspire more people to blossom into their beauty and we create a world of sacred sunlight and divine expressions of love.

it is when your true self and your highest good connect that your life becomes a sacred light of revelation that inspires miracles.

love connects us to the realm of spirit where truth and beauty await our arrival for it is there that we will discover our unique sacred destiny and walk joyously toward a heart centered life of love.

illuminate your purpose and you will transform your life and the lives of many for when we can see our path clearly we open our heart and soul that our spirit may soar and we may love our global community in a comforting way that cultivates a love divine.

you are a blessing of the universe whose soul purpose is to light the world with your love. honour your spirit by sharing the happiness within your heart and living your life from a place of inspiration.

walk with me through meadows of miracles along a path of sacred purpose where beauty blossoms and love flows.

love your life. love this very moment. love being you. life is love and the more you love the more you live. love your life. love this very moment. love being you.

the presence of angels, spirits, guides and teachers is a reality that when accepted and embraced will change your life for it will enable you to see with clarity not only the beauty of the world around you but the beauty of your true and sacred self.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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