Thursday, August 27, 2015

Those Moments That Benefit Us The Most

those moments that benefit us the most are the ones in which we we light the world with the beauty of our true self. it is those moments when we stop thinking and start living our divine essence. let us vow today to live each moment in a way that benefits ourself and others.

i made a new friend today. he is wonderful. we met unexpectedly and i was immediately impressed by his kindness. he is a caring sensitive man of honour. i think i am falling in love with him. his name is micheal. he is me and we are beautiful.

a miracle is something we all have the ability to create for we are angels of light and our every breath is divine.

bless me with your smile. light my life with the radiance of your soul. inspire me with the glory of your spirit. transform me with the love within your heart. you are powerful and beautiful.

it is when we inspire ourself that we begin to live our passions and love our life. it is when we believe, respect and love ourself that we truly discover who we are. we are miracles and to know this is to ascend.

positive energy and divine love are gifts that reside deep within and when nurtured they are set free to awaken souls and embrace hearts that all may know the miracle and magnificence of who we are.

believe in the light of love that radiates from within and when you speak the heavens will hear you and answer in kindness for enlightenment, inspiration and transformation all begin with the words i believe.

today i will take control of my life. i will change my reality from one of stress to one of peace. i will alter my existence from one that waits to one that creates. today i will take control of my destiny.

yours is an inspiring story. yours is tale meant to be shared. yours is a poem that lights the way for others. know and believe that you are special and that the book of your life when read by others can and will inspire and transform.

a true expression of love is a transformative force that can change lives in rich and rewarding ways. love is a pure and sacred gift that when shared with kindess and compassion makes ours a world of spirit and divine beauty.

breathe in transformation and allow the reality of its deep levels of truth to inspire you to do that which gives you joy.

when ours is a spiritual purpose we see higher levels of joy. when ours is a sacred purpose we create lasting happiness. where ours is a joyful purpose we take positive steps forward. when ours is a loving purpose we empower our life with infinite possibilities. when ours is a divine purpose we are liberated and transformed. live a life of purpose.

the more aware you are of lifes beauty the more aware you will be of how phenomenally beautiful you are. it is when we see the truth, beauty, love and light around us that we see it in ourself. look at life closely and see the miracle of your existence.

with joyful purpose, gentleness and compassion walk through this world touching every soul you meet with the light and love that radiate from the core of your being for you are a blessing to be shared.

a heart at peace is a heart with deeper purpose. it is a heart that purifies and rejuvenates. it is a heart created from love that guides you down your true life path. i wish you peace.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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