Thursday, September 10, 2015

Spiritual Experiences That Embrace Our Souls

today may we share spiritual experiences that embrace our souls and make it our purpose to touch lives in a positive way.

our path is one of personal discovery and those of us who are the happiest are the ones who seek to discover the light for within the light is our true and sacred self.

be positive, be inspiring, be kind, be compassionate, be joyful, be honest, be loving... the choices we make are what makes us beautiful.

to love yourself is the greatest gift you will ever receive for the more we love who we are the better able we are to love others.

radiant and beautiful are the truths hidden within you. look deep inside and you will discover just how magickal you are. it is at that moment when we truly believe in ourself that our whole world changes.

when we serve others we serve the highest good and raise the vibration of all in a way that liberates and transforms. may yours be a life of service that nurtures both your soul and the soul of humanity.

our life needs our love. our life needs to be nurtured and nourished. our life needs to be shown kindness and compassion. our life needs to be appreciated and respected. what we give our life determines what our life gives to us. love yourself and love your life.

magickal are the miracles that resonate within us waiting to be released into the universe that all may benefit from their magnificence. let us open our heart and soul that together we may awaken the world to a new reality of bliss, beauty, light and love.

breathe in your blessings and breathe out their positive energy as you share your precious gifts and serve the highest good. we are messengers of love and with each smile and act of kindness we change the world.

seeds of the sacred are planted within the soul and there grows a garden of light which when harvested with love will lead us to the heaven that is our birthright.

appreciate the blessings you have and use them as inspiration to guide others along their path. it is when we are selfless that the world rewards us with kindness. it is when we are compassionate that the world rewards us with love.

the soul of my heart is layered with light and love to be shared freely with others that i may enrich and empower as i walk my path to grace and glory.

bring hope and joy with you wherever you may go for their divine healing energy will lead you to more beauty in life that you may make a positive difference. know that you are a profound blessing and that by sharing your light you contribute to our collective spiritual evolution and make the world a better place.

do something extraordinary. create your own miracles. embrace beliefs that are beneficial. within you are positive energy transmissions and the divine light of love which when released into the universe will guide you to your greatness by showing you that you are an amazing individual capable of doing magickal and mystical things. do something extraordinary.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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