Thursday, January 21, 2016

Where Dreams Come True And Miracles Happen

to increase our awareness is to walk a clear path that is deeply enlightening where dreams come true and miracles happen.

when we live from the heart and act from the soul we begin to live our life in ways never imagined which awakens the desire within and makes ours a more positive existence.

if you want serenity within seek higher meaning for it is through knowledge of the self and the universe that we discover our divine gifts and peace embraces us heart and soul.

you have the energy to heal others. you have the ability to nurture and inspire. you are on a spiritual learning path of light. use your sacred gifts to bring love and compassion to every soul you meet.

positive vibrational energy, divine intuition and a higher state of awareness are but three of the gifts that reside within. find them and share them freely.

may the transforming light of love create opportunities for growth where you can channel your higher self so that all the world will know the true beauty of who you are.

you are blessed with spiritual power and by living your life with confidence and clarity you will build a peaceful existence of incredible joy where all will benefit from your greatness.

to live your highest good is to positively shape your future with healing experiences and divine consciousness.

beautiful is the power within and when we use that power for good we manifest a wonderful life of energy, spirit and sacred love.

cradled in the light of the universe of spirit is a love waiting for you to realize its existence and make your way home.

listen to your heart for it will elevate your mind, body and soul to a sacred paradise where you may live the miracle of your existence in a manner befitting the beautiful being of light which is who you truly are.

we all have nurturing, compassionate and natural intuitive abilities and by sharing that beauty and using that truth to its highest purpose we heal ourself and others.

a higher perspective creates a new reality of incredible possibilities and a peaceful healing energy that makes every choice we make a life changing experience.

create with me a community of light where every moment is a healing opportunity and every step refreshes the soul as it embraces the divine in the universe. create with me a heaven we can call home.

if we open ourself to spiritual awakening by sharing our unique energy imprint ours becomes a beautiful journey and a brighter world for all.

the heart and soul flourish as healing and transformation begins when we become warriors of spirit. something amazing happens whenever we use the love within to overcome life challenges.

i wish you peace, blessings and a vibrant life of sacred love where you live in joy and happiness as you share your gifts and spiritual abilities with the world.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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