Thursday, December 1, 2016

Live with Compassion and Love more Deeply

live with compassion and love more deeply as this will release your natural spiritual gifts thereby creating for you moments of sacred beauty that manifest miracles.

subtle shifts in perception help us feel more connected by illuminating a path to harmony which opens us to the precious gifts of life.

the beauty of the heavens is dancing around us and once we see this truth we feel loved and blessed in a way that encourages positive sacred change.

beautiful experiences of powerful deep transformation are the reward we are blessed with for dedicating our day s to making our way to a better life that enhances our spirituality.

we activate the soul when we share our sacred beauty with the earth and the cosmos for we are healers of spirit whose mission is to change lives and transform worlds.

look closely and you will see that the spirit of love is unfolding in front of you. awareness of the light is a blessing that opens us to the magick and miracles of life.

make yours a joyful path of discovery as this awakens the spirit by drawing the mystical to you and embracing all aspects of your being with universal life force energy.

be fully in the present as you live your miraculous journey in soul nourishing ways which create empowering relationships that open doorways to the divine and gateways to the sacred.

may we all passionately dedicate our lives to using our extraordinary gifts and countless blessings to generate positive energy as we help each other heal and transform.

sacred beauty chimes a melody of love within our heart whenever we share our light with others.

wisdom is gifted to us by sacred forces and when we accept this truth and share those gifts we open our life to pathways of choice and fields of spiritual emergence where we may create more joy as we discover our bliss.

the universe has plans for you and if you listen closely and open yourself its beauty you will be guided to a magickal place where you may express your sacred energy in ways that help you move forward as you live a life of spiritual self confidence and sacred transformation.

inside every soul are gifts of enlightenment which when shared deepen and enrich our lives in ways that move us to create inspirational communities of metaphysical healing and ethereal bliss.

dive deep into the truth within for its blessings will help you grow spiritually into the beautiful sacred person of divine light you are destined to be.

let us come together in the light as we walk spiritual landscapes where intuitive clarity leads us to esoteric treasures allowing us to live our lives more fully.

we are extraordinary people with mystical abilities and by living our truth we manifest positive caring environments which embrace all things pure and good.

the world becomes clearer once we realize and accept that we are spiritual messengers whose transformational energy is meant to bless our lives with love and inspiration.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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