Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Miraculous Light of Cleansing Purification

a miraculous light of cleansing purification that heals and nurtures comes to those whose lives are filled with powerful beliefs that are warm and loving.

open yourself to guidance from the higher self and you will be rewarded with remarkable gifts of peace and contentment.

appreciate every day and the purifying light of your divine essence will guide you to a place of joyful living and all embracing love.

as a being of love you have healing abilities which when shared create a beautiful environment and a blessed life.

the spiritual realization that we are limitless beings of light creates for us a reality in which we experience loving harmony and bliss.

good things come when we focus our energies on opening doorways to higher connections, beautiful experiences and wonderful opportunities.

use your unique gifts and ultimate positivity to create strong spiritual connections that illuminate your natural wisdom in a way that allows the world to see the miracle and magnificence of who you are.

insight and intuition are spiritually alchemical blessings within the soul of who we are whose divine illumination and radiant glow when embraced will lead us to happiness, well being and loving harmony.

joyously celebrate the realization that you are love.

self love and compassion liberates our life force while generating a goodness that opens our path to wonderful new possibilities.

miraculous changes occur when we embrace the moment with compassionate actions that are meaningful and profound.

communicate your essence for you are sacred and you have something beautiful and blissful to offer the world.

the spirit in you is a blessing of glorious beauty that endows the heart and soul with a greatness which when embraced opens doors to sacred contentment.

we are high spirited beings who through mutual respect create a flow of healing energy that helps us be happy.

you discover the wisdom and beauty of your true self when you sustain a positive attitude for in the soul of the positive is a liberating happiness that will guide you to a sacred healing path that takes you home to who you are meant to be.

there is a place forged in the heart where sacred flowers bloom that nourish and nurture us when we seek to walk a good path and live a more loving life.

purify your life by creating a serene sacred atmosphere in which you can access the positive powerful energy within and use that energy to plant seeds of kindness and compassion.

when we touch each other on a soul level we develop spiritually as move towards the light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One 

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