Thursday, November 30, 2017

I am thankful on this Day for my Unwavering Belief in Love

I am thankful on this day for my unwavering belief in love for it is love that transformed my life and helped me become the sweet sacred soul I was born to be.

enjoy the beauty of your existence for you are at your core a sacred work of art whose heart and soul are breathtaking masterpieces of heavenly light.

I have multiple spiritualities and each one purifies and energizes every aspect of my sweet sacred existence.

you improve the quality of your life when the faith you have in yourself is strong and the love you have for yourself is unconditional.

thank you said the spirit, you're welcome said the soul and bless you both said the heart. these are the words I hear when I listen to the voices within.

immerse yourself in the curative powers of the soul and you will blossom in unique and amazing ways that fill each moment with love and light.

may yours be a miraculous journey of spiritual healing where with higher purpose and vision you connect with others in ways that enrich and enhance your experience of being alive.

we are shamans and mystics with the ability to uplift humanity and transform our world. to do so we must first believe that we are shamans and mystics with the ability to uplift humanity and transform our world.

we heal, grow, awaken and evolve into mystical beings of conscious intention when with love and gratitude we honor and embrace the true miracle of the self.

sail with me on seas of spirit where sacred winds guide us beyond our reality to worlds of greater joy and happiness where we truly experience the miracle of our existence.

the pure positive energy of the heart when shared gives us a more meaningful experience of life which leads us beyond our reality to sacred realms and divine dimensions.

in service to the light I share the sacredness within for I am a being of infinite love that is here to do good.

weave with me a unique and illuminating tapestry of sacred beauty that honours mother earth and embraces the powers of the universe.

I have awakened on this day with the intention of being love and the awareness that I am a force of light who has the ability to touch the heart and soul of humanity.

within you are sacred gifts and when you open those gifts you discover true peace and happiness.

miraculous things occur when we devote our life to serving others for kindness and compassion are seeds of spirit from which miracles grow.

listen to your angels for they will help you find the love within which will awaken your purpose and change your life in meaningful ways that guide you toward the light.

the journey of life is about becoming whole and the more you love yourself the sooner you blossom into wholeness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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