Wednesday, December 13, 2017

We are Ancient Beings woven by Spirit

we are ancient beings woven by spirit with a deep capacity for love whose path and purpose are uniquely transformative blessings that impact our world in profoundly positive ways.

engage the deepest parts of yourself and you will discover universal powers which spiritually improve and inspire every aspect of your existence.

you are a powerful life force whose beautiful loving spirit is a blessing that nourishes, nurtures, inspires and enlightens.

love is your true nature and by sharing its beauty with others you radiate light as you lift the atmosphere in ways which embrace the infinite with life changing realizations that inspire joyous well being.

nourish yourself with inspirational experiences that embrace the heart and yours will be a loving journey of greater happiness that opens gateways to higher realms of love and light.

you are a truly miraculous being and when you accept this reality you connect to your light and life becomes a treasure trove of sacred experiences.

in the spirit of love awaken this day with the intention of celebrating life and activating your higher consciousness as you live your dreams and visions.

transcendent is the truth that you are a celestial being of cosmic beauty whose unique essence blesses the universe with light and love.

be more sensitive to your needs by living each moment with pure love as your guide and positive intention as your sacred companion.

embark on a journey of truth where you uncover your hidden gifts and use them to embrace the world with the beautiful lightness of your being.

you have the power to transform and the more aware you are of this reality the more likely it is that you will hear the voice of spirit and walk a sacred path that unfolds into enlightenment.

within the heart of my reality is a place of light where the love powered energy of my sacred essence awakens me to a consciousness of divine truth which inspires me to help others thrive as I help myself create the life I deserve.

you are a precious resource who with every smile serves humanity a dinner of divine inspiration that nourishes the heart and soul.

the healing power of love is a magnificent gift which when shared embraces our path with a spiritual light that makes ours a miraculous journey of joy and bliss.

nourished and enlightened are they who with meaningful purpose see clearly the beauty of life and share that sacred blessing with every soul they meet.

dedicate each day to connecting with spirit minded souls in beautiful ways and you will find joy and serenity as you ascend to a place of pure love and light.

powerfully enlightening is the life force energy that resides within for it is a blessing which when truly embraced helps us to create a life rooted in love.

a pure life blessed with beauty is ours when we make it our intention to walk a path that serves the betterment of all in ways that cultivate spiritual enlightenment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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