Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Soul Centered Life of Deep Healing

a soul centred life of deep healing and emotional well being is a blessing bestowed upon us by our true self when we let go of those obstacles we have placed in our own way.

create more abundance by immersing yourself in the joy that lies within the heart and soul of humanity.

you inspire your life by sharing the infinite and rich tapestry of divine beauty within as this is an alchemical act of sacred intent that makes your world a beautiful garden of growth where happiness awakens.

my life is a journey of experimental spirituality in which I seek to live from the heart as I powerfully connect with my true sacred nature.

every moment is an opportunity to transcend. every step is an opportunity to awaken into wholeness. every choice is a chance to live your divine purpose. make the choice to step into each moment with the knowledge that it is a miracle which you can shape any way you like.

open your heart to the sacred and let the flow of energy guide your ever evolving soul to a blissful life of spirit.

esoteric exploration empowers us with encounters and experiences that stimulate our sacred energies and support spiritual growth.

make it your purest intention to share your compassionate heart and yours will be a life in which you live in joy as you vibrate at a higher level that brings harmony and balance to your entire being.

we are incredibly blessed and when we let go of those things that impede our progress we start to become the beautifully divine beings of light that we truly are.

something wonderful happens when we make it our purpose to climb the sacred mountain and reach beyond our reality into the ethereal beauty of our magickal universe.

by being spiritually minded we discover deep inner truths which reveal our divine life purpose and guide us toward personal freedom and liberation.

empower your life with positive feelings of love and yours will be a path embraced by higher healing energies that help yourself and humanity.

love is eternal and by living that love freely and unconditionally we open sacred portals that weave a web of spirit which makes our journey one of wonderful healing experiences that guide us home to the source of all that is sacred.

empowered by the light are we who commit to making significant choices that refresh and rejuvenate every aspect of our divine existence.

one of the souls truest purposes is to experience awakening for it is by awakening that we emerge into a graceful life of pure love and light.

explore the divine within and yours will be a mystical journey in which you are immersed in loving multidimensional energy created by light that aligns your souls path with gifts of spirit.

we connect more fully to the universe when we embrace the heart of life as this is a sacred act that ignites inspiration and manifests happiness.

a more positive perspective helps us and others to live a more extraordinary life of awakened aliveness and balanced wholeness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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