Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Path of Self Compassion

a path of self compassion is one of higher awareness, awakened consciousness and infinite blessings.

your soul will flourish when you enhance your spiritual awareness with conscious participation in divine experiences and sacred encounters.

beautifully poetic is the light of wisdom within the soul that fills our lives with loving sacred messages which embrace well being and serve the greater good.

open yourself fully to the vibrations of the heart and you will be blessed with a kindness that strengthens your love for humanity.

a more adventurous life manifests magnificent opportunities that create benevolent change and connect us to the source.

treasure the truth of life which is that we are beautifully crafted vessels of light filled with the energy of love.

within you are exceptionally beautiful miracles waiting to bless your life with a blissful embrace that ignites the heart and stimulates the soul.

the world needs more light and by making yours a more meaningful existence in which you share with absolute freedom your profound gifts you manifest a sacred reality of compassion, harmony and love.

positive values and priorities that inspire acts of lovingkindness lead us to higher vibrations of healing energy that anchor our lives in love.

the universality of spirit shows us that there exists throughout our lives the presence of love.

this is a time of awakening where we of pure mind and heart may live our purpose by creating joyful loving communities of mystical beauty and radiant bliss.

the light of the divine unfolds when we embark on a beautiful sacred pilgrimage to joyous places of peace that welcome humanity home.

the heart grows and the spirit rises when we have compassion for all.

esoteric thought and sacred self discovery create within us a natural joyful loving state that opens us to a sacred world of awareness and awakening.

share your abilities and you raise your vibration which brings forth the beauty of the flower of life.

you evolve your consciousness when you infuse your life with with devotion to spirit and commitment to all that is sacred.

we are celestial beings and the more fully we experience our lives the closer we get to the spirit and light of the heaven that is our birthright.

all is love. you are love. I am love. the earth is love. the universe is love. all is love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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