Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Intention To Live Well And Be Happy Determines Your Destiny.

mays yours be a thriving community of profound significance where the intention to live well and be happy determines your destiny.

when the example we set is one of love we bring our life into balance which serves as a catalyst for pure positive transformation.

sacred blessings unfold along the road of life when ours is a journey of spiritual wellness guided by love.

I am divinely guided every day to connect with my true self at a deeper level that I may see the possibilities that exist along my way and make them realities that serve and inspire.

sacred experiences that serve the highest good manifest uniquely meaningful moments where miracles blossom.

I pray at the sacred temple within for it is where my true authentic self resides and when I am there I collect tiny miracles which I sprinkle along my path each and every day.

I had been living on the street and a friend let me sleep in his car in a parking lot downtown. one night I went back to the parking lot and the car was gone. he had left town without telling me. I was standing on the street at one in the morning lost and alone. then a car drove up and a young woman I know asked me if I was okay. I said yes and knowing of my situation she asked where the car was and I told her. she told me to get into her car. she drove to an all night cafe and bought me some food. she stayed with me til morning. we talked of poetry and spirit. it was for me a simple gesture of kindness that restored my faith in humanity. her name is Amy and to this day I am thankful for the blessing she bestowed upon me.

internal happiness inspires external happiness which sows seeds of transformation from which a fruitful life of divine beauty blossoms.

every day I look at my wife and son and experience the miracle that is life. I am blessed.

I was living on the street. I was lost and suicidal. I had given up on life. Then one day I was in a tattoo parlour looking out the window when I saw these two young women posting flyers on lamp posts. One was a small long haired beauty and the other a statuesque goddess. I called the owner of the parlour over and said go get them and tell them they can hang their flyer in your window. He said I don't know what the flyer is for. I said I don't care - look at them. He ran across the street and brought them back. The poster was for a spoken word event. I said I am a poet and the tall one said we are meeting at a cafe tonight to talk about the event would you like to join us. I did and thus began my road to recovery. The poetry of my path has led me to the light of happiness and bliss.

I love those who live poetically for the art of who they are has been the inspiration that gave me the courage to live my life like the divine masterpiece I am.

bathe in the bliss of existence and let its sacred waters cleanse your heart and soul that you may see that your are an ethereal force of pure loving beauty whose life is a blessing.

I had a breakfast of self love and acceptance, I had a lunch of compassionate understanding and I had a dinner of soul nurturing energy. life is a journey of beauty, bliss and blessings when we are well nourished.

celebrate with me the celestial beauty and lightness of our being for dreams take flight when we dance together in the glory of our greatness.

a journey rooted in love is a blessing of light that serves, nourishes and cultivates the highest good.

I wish you a path of cosmic light where you foster great joy as you cultivate inner peace and bask in the light of a love most sacred.

I have used the darkness in my life to motivate me to move into the light. I have used my depression to connect me to my divinity. I have used my sadness to embrace moments of enlightenment. I have used my suffering as a catalyst for positive change. I have used peoples hatred as a reason to cultivate the highest good. my suffering does not define me. my struggles do not own me. my hurt does not dictate my future. all the pain along my path has ignited my spirit with clarity and wisdom. everything that happens to us in life contributes to who we are and I am happy with who I am.

it is when we are being our true authentic sacred self that we bring more light to the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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