Thursday, April 23, 2020

May we journey through the light to a brave new world of wholistic awareness where well being is a way of life.

we are spiritually gifted beings and when we open our eyes to this truth and embrace it fully we journey through the light to a brave new world of wholistic awareness where well being is a way of life.

if somebody says something positive don't respond with something negative. there are many who instead of making the best of this situation seem to be focused on the worst. its hard on us all but I for one feel much better when peoples words are kind, compassionate and supportive. be positive. please.

when I swim in rivers of light I am immersed in waves of transformation and divine inspiration which awaken the angel in me.

I went out for a walk yesterday through celestial landscapes where I had angelic experiences that embraced me with wholesome nurturing energy which I then used to plant sacred gardens that will one day bear fruit bursting with bliss which will nourish the world with love.

we all have within us the tools to transform and by embracing them fully we can make ours a path to inner peace, profound tranquility and pure transcendent joy.

let us create a compassionate environment bursting with bliss where we speak the language of light as we live a life of love.

words to avoid during these difficult times: illuminati, conspiracy, corporations, satan, genocide, 5g, biological weapon, military, gmo's, the deep state, big Pharma...

words to embrace during these difficult times: kindness, compassion, integrity, honesty, sympathy, empathy, joy, happiness, beauty, bliss, light and love...

engage positively with your emotions as this liberates the sacred energy within which embraces you with an expanded state of perception that profoundly transforms your world.

in my mind, heart and soul I walk through mystical lands and realms of spirit where the limitless divine guides me to an authentic place of joy.

the unfolding realizations before us are life lessons and those of us who truly learn from them are the ones who will lead this world into the light.

I like to cultivate inner compassion as this simple act of self empowerment awakens the spiritual senses making mine a life of growth, fulfillment and sacred unfolding.

I walk a path that is relevant and meaningful in which I am focused and grounded for by doing so I am able to simply be who I am as i experience the richness of life.

with genuine gratitude I say thank you to my wife and son for being so incredibly beautiful and for helping me see just how wonderful life can be.

you are valuable and essential. you are a source of power and positive energy. you are a being of light.

I went for a walk in the spirit world and while there I talked to the ancestors, communed with the ancients and listened to the angels.

here we start each day with clarified thoughts, focused awareness and consensual reality which helps us to vibrate at a higher frequency while experiencing personal empowerment.

prayers, blessings and divine guidance have inspired me to use my natural healing intelligence to orchestrate a state of peace and well being.

my home has become a relaxing environment of sacred serenity, compassionate strength and inexhaustible love. actually it probably always was that way and I am just noticing it more now.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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